In this section:

  1. 14 Self-love
  2. 15 Setting boundaries
  3. 16 Friendships
  4. 17 Relationships


I once read a quote that said, ‘People enter our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime’. I didn't think about the quote too much at the time, but it had a nice memorable ring to it, so it stuck with me. As I've gotten older, I've realised that no-one comes into your life by accident. Every single person who crosses your path serves a purpose and can have a meaningful impact on you. Maybe they're there to teach you a lesson, build your confidence, recognise your potential or help you.

To my ex-boyfriend, who never made me feel good enough, I now know the importance of self-love and prioritising my relationship with myself first.

To my childhood best friend who moved halfway across the world to pursue her dreams, I am so proud of you even though we don't talk much anymore. You gave me the courage to pursue my own.

To my old coworkers who laughed behind my back about my ‘little side hustle’, thank you for giving me the motivation to grow my business and help hundreds of thousands of women all around the world.

I am so grateful for all these people. They taught me so much about myself and helped me grow exponentially as a person. Without them, I would not know what I stand for, to stop playing small and to stop caring so much about what others think.

Learn from the people who enter your life for a reason. These people may be in your life for a few minutes, days, months or sometimes even years. It's not about how much time someone spends with you, but how they affected your life in that time. Appreciate the people who enter your life for a season. These people are with you for a period in your life, be it at school, university, a certain job, a shared living situation or through another connection. Once your lives start diverging from that common place, person or interest, the relationship tends to fizzle. And lastly, nurture the people who enter your life for a lifetime. These people are simultaneously the rarest but most special people in your life. You may have weird distant phases, busy periods and ups and downs, but they will always be there for you no matter what.

You can never really predict what category someone will fall into. Sometimes the people you think will be in your life for a lifetime may end up being there only for a reason or a season. The only thing that's for certain is that the longest and most important relationship that you will ever have is with yourself. Don't wait for someone to give you the love you want and deserve. Learn to love every part of yourself, including your flaws, your imperfections and what makes you unique. Be your own biggest fan. Compliment yourself. Cheer yourself on. Focus on your growth. Work on healing your past trauma. Forgive yourself.

When you start prioritising yourself, magic happens. Not only will you look and feel better, but you will attract better. You won't settle for less. You won't lower your standards. You'll only accept people into your life who truly value your greatness and bring you nothing but happiness. Self-love is the best love.

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