Chapter 5


1.   Government of India, Statement on National Health Policy (New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 1982).

2.   Sixth Five-Year Plan, p. 224.

3.   Government of India, Draft Mid Term Appraisal of the 8th Five-Year Plan, 1992 (New Delhi: Planning Commission, 1996).

4.   Ibid. p. 104.

5.   D. Banerji, Health and Family Planning Services in India: An Epidemiological Socio-Cultural and Political Analysis and a Perspective (New Delhi: Lok Prakash, 1978), p. 96.

6.   Government of India. Swasth Hind, XXV (6) (1981): pp. 137-147.

7.   B. S. Nagi, Child Survival and Safe Motherhood: Experiences from India (New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, 2000), pp. 36, 41.

8.   Eighth Plan, p. 400.

9.   K. Seetha Prabhu, ‘Structural Adjustment and the Health Sector in India’. In Mohan Rao, ed. Disinvestment in Health (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999), p. 121.

10. Mohan Rao. The structural adjustment programme and the World Development Report 1993: Implications for family planning in India. In Mohan Rao, ed. Disinvestment in Health (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999), p. 100.

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