
3.1 Allotment to social services in the Five-Year Plans, 1980–1985 to 2002–2007

4.1 Population growth, birth rates and death rates, India, 1901–2001

4.2 Decadal growth rates, states of India, 1991–2001

4.3 Number of Lok Sabha seats if the current freeze is lifted

4.4 Total fertility rate, India and states, 1975–2005

4.5 Elderly population (in per cent) (population of 60+ persons as a percentage of the total population), India and states, 2001

4.6 Dependent elderly by sources of care (in per cent), India, 2004–2005

5.1 Per capita expenditure on health, India, 1980–1981 to 2000–2001

5.2 Pregnant mothers (in per cent) by type of medical attention at birth, India, 1979–2003

5.3 Distribution of deaths (in per cent) during pregnancy by type of medical attention at death, India, 1979–1999

6.1 Literacy rate and indices of rural-urban disparity, India, 1951–2001

6.2 Literacy rates and gender disparity in literacy, India, 1951–2001

6.3 Girls per 100 boys enrolled in schools and colleges, India, from 1950–1951 to 2003–2004

6.4 Literacy rates of groups as a percentage of the total literacy rate, India, rural areas, 1961–2001

6.5 Literacy rates, states of India, 2007

6.6 Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP, India, 1951–1952 to 2003–2004

6.7 Public expenditure on education and annual growth rates (at constant prices 1980–1981 = 100)

7.1 Population below the poverty line, India, 1951–2000

7.2 Head count ratio, states of India, 1973–1974 to 1993–1994

7.3 Head count ratio, states of India, 1999–2000

7.4 Difference in ranking of states by head count ratio (HCR) and by human poverty index (HPI), 1991/1993–1994

8.1 Health profile of men and women in the new millennium, India and states

8.2 Female-male ratio, India, 1901–2001

8.3 Literacy rates, India, 1901–2001

8.4 Literacy rates for states ranked by gender disparity index of literacy (GDIL), India, 2001

8.5 Dropouts at different stages of school education (in per cent), India, 1960–61 to 2003–2004

8.6 Women's representation in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha

8.7 Women in state legislatures 1952–1997 (percentage of the total number of seats)

8.8 Women representatives in panchayati raj institutions

8.9 Women's representation among the High Court judges in India (in per cent), 1996–2005

9.1 Sectoral classification of Hindus and Muslims on the basis of per capita expenditure, 1987–1988

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