
  • acquisition
  • acquisition strategy
  • agreement
  • attribute
  • audit
    • according to CMMI
    • according to IEEE 1028
    • according to ISO 9001
    • case study
    • characteristics
    • CobiT
    • costs
    • definition
    • guidance on
    • internal
    • process
    • project
    • quality
    • requirements in SQA plans
    • security
    • steps
    • types of
  • base measure
  • baseline
  • benchmarking
  • Boehm, Barry
  • BPMN
    • artifact
    • modeling levels
    • notation
    • process example
  • brainstorming
  • branching
    • according to Microsoft
    • commit
    • conflict
    • with Git and GitHub
    • simple strategy
    • strategy
    • synchronize
    • tag
    • trunk
    • typical strategy
  • business models
    • for commercial software
    • for custom systems written on contract
    • for in-house development
    • for mass market software
  • certification
  • change management
    • books recommended
    • case study
    • definition
    • office
    • policy
    • process
  • change request
  • Charrette, Robert
  • checklist
    • developing a
    • improvement
    • use
  • CMM® for Systems Engineering
  • CMMI®
    • history
    • maturity levels
    • for Services
    • validation methods
    • agile
    • case study
    • configuration management
    • cost benefit
    • difference with ISO 9001
    • history
    • measurement and analysis
    • process improvement
    • risk management
    • supplier agreement management
    • traceability
    • verification
    • V&V
  • CobiT
  • configuration audit
  • configuration control
  • configuration control board
  • configuration item
    • identification
    • marking and labeling
    • selection
  • configuration management
  • conformity
    • assessment
    • audit
    • certificates
    • certification
    • definition
    • form for suppliers
    • to ISO 9001
    • to ISO 29110
    • mentoring process example
    • project
  • contract risks
  • corrective action
  • cost of quality
    • appraisal cost
    • balance with quality
    • calculation
    • case study
    • external failure cost
    • internal failure cost
    • loss of reputation cost
    • prevention cost
    • and process maturity
    • rework cost, see rework
  • defect
  • derived measure
  • DO-178
  • document acceptance process
  • DoD-STD 1679A
  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • effort
  • EN 50128
  • error
  • error containment
  • estimation
    • assumption and basis
    • of effort
    • procedure
    • quality
    • software
    • supplier contract
    • tool
  • ETVX
    • diagram examples
    • process notation
    • textual definition
  • failure
  • FDA
  • five dimensions of a software project
  • function
  • functional configuration audit
  • functional requirement
  • human dimension
    • adoption of change
    • Hawthorne effect
    • improvement
    • measurement
    • processes
    • risk management
  • Humphrey, Watts
  • Iberle, Kathy
  • IDEF
    • notation
    • process example
  • IEEE 828
  • IEEE 1012
  • IEEE 1028
  • IEEE 16085
  • IEEE 730
  • independent verification and validation (IV&V)
  • indicator
  • integrity levels
  • ISO 9000 and 9001
  • ISO 12207
  • ISO 13485
  • ISO 15289
  • ISO 15939
  • ISO 16085
  • ISO 20000
  • ISO 24765
  • ISO 27000
  • ISO 29110
  • ISO 29110 deployment packages
  • ISO 29110 profiles
  • ISO 90003
  • ITIL
  • Jones, Capers
  • Kasunic, Mark
  • key project documents
  • laws of nature
  • lessons learned
  • Leveson, Nancy
  • life cycle
  • management commitment
  • management risks
  • mandatory deliverables
  • maturity levels
  • measure
    • costs
    • example
    • process area
    • productivity
    • survey
  • measurement
    • activities and tasks
    • experience base
    • key roles
    • plan
    • program
    • program implementation steps
    • and risk management
  • methodology
  • NASA
  • non-conformance
  • non-functional requirement
  • Northrop Grumman
  • organizational policy
  • organizational standards
  • performance requirement
  • Personal Software Process (PSP)
  • personnel risks
  • physical configuration audit
  • pitfalls of measurement
  • pitfalls in process documentation
  • PMBOK®
  • Practical Software and Systems Measurement (PSM)
  • problem report and resolution proposal form
  • procedures
  • process
    • asset
    • asset library
    • audits
    • description
    • implementation of ISO 29110
    • improvement group
    • management for basic profile of ISO 29110
    • mapping
    • notations
    • organizational standards
    • owner
    • performance
    • Personnel Software Process (PSP)
    • problem resolution
    • representation
    • validation
    • verification
  • product
  • product quality
  • project management
  • Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • PSM
  • qualification
  • quality assurance
  • quality culture
  • quality model
  • quality perspectives
  • quality policy
  • quality system documentation model
  • RACI charts
  • requirements functional
  • requirements non-functional
  • reviews
    • advantages
    • agile
    • contract
    • desk-check
    • formal
    • informal
    • inspection
    • matrix for selecting a
    • peer
    • personal
    • project launch
    • project retrospective
    • roles
    • selecting a type of
    • walk-through
  • rework
  • risk
    • action request
    • analysis
    • assessment example
    • aversion
    • classification grid
    • consequences
    • documentation template
    • evaluation
    • factors
    • identification
    • mitigation
    • monitoring
    • most common
    • prioritization
    • profile
    • questions during execution
    • questions during project planning
    • resolution
    • sources
    • state
    • statement
    • threshold
    • treatment
  • risk management
    • activities
    • advantages
    • control
    • cost/benefit
    • human factors
    • plan
    • process
    • roles
    • tasks list
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Sarbanes-Oxley
  • scale
  • SCE
  • severity
    • checklist
    • classification
    • defect
    • scheme
  • software
  • software acquisition
    • Capability Maturity Model
    • life cycle
    • process
    • strategy
  • software agreement
  • software configuration management
    • activities
    • audit during a project
    • baselines
    • benefits
    • functional audit
    • physical audit
    • plan
    • policies
    • reporting
    • repository
    • status accounting
    • task allocation
  • software contract
    • cost plus fixed fee
    • cost plus percentage of cost
    • exemplary practices
    • fixed price
    • risk sharing
  • software development life cycle
  • software development life cycle V shaped
  • software development project context
  • software engineering
  • software engineering code of ethics
    • eight principles
  • Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
  • software estimation
  • software maintenance maturity model (S3M)
  • software process measurement
  • software product measurement
  • software project acceptance process
  • software project organization
  • software quality
  • software quality assurance (SQA)
    • plan (SQAP)
    • plan outline
    • planning
    • planning questions
    • process
    • records
    • tools
  • software supplier types
  • software supply process
  • staff-hour
  • standards
  • standards and models evolution
  • statement of work
  • survey as a measurement tool
  • systems engineering
  • technical risks
  • template
  • tests
  • Therac-25
  • TickIT
  • tools
  • traceability
  • traceability matrix
  • trunk
  • unit of measurement
  • validation
    • plan
    • process
  • verification process
  • verification and validation (V&V)
    • activities
    • activities clarification
    • algorithms analysis technique
    • benefits and costs
    • differences
    • expected benefits
    • independent V&V
    • interface analysis technique
    • limitations
    • plan
    • prototyping technique
    • recommended activities
    • simulation technique
    • techniques
  • version control
  • Very Small Entities (VSEs)
  • vocabulary
  • waiver
  • walk-through
  • whistle blower
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