
This book addresses the global challenge of the improvement of software quality. It seeks to provide an overview of software quality assurance (SQA) practices for customers, managers, auditors, suppliers, and personnel responsible for software projects, development, maintenance, and software services.

In a globally competitive environment, clients and competitors exert a great deal of pressure on organizations. Clients are increasingly demanding and require, among other things, software that is of high quality, low cost, delivered quickly, and with impeccable after-sales support. To meet the demand, quality, and deadlines, the organization must use efficient quality assurance practices for their software activities.

Ensuring software quality is not an easy task. Standards define ways to maximize performance but managers and employees are largely left to themselves to decide how to practically improve the situation. They face several problems:

  • increasing pressure to deliver quality products quickly;
  • increasing size and complexity of software and of systems;
  • increasing requirements to meet national, international, and professional standards;
  • subcontracting and outsourcing;
  • distributed work teams; and
  • ever changing platforms and technologies.

We will focus on the issue of SQA in industry and in public organizations. Industry and public organizations do not have access to a complete and integrated reference (i.e., one book) that can help them with assessing and improving activities specific to SQA. The SQA department must meet service standards for its customers, the technical criteria of the field, and maximize strategic and economic impacts.

The purpose of this book is to enable managers, clients, suppliers, developers, auditors, software maintainers, and SQA personnel to use this information to assess the effectiveness and completeness of their approach to SQA. Some of the issues raised here include:

  • What are the processes, practices, and activities of SQA and software improvement?
  • Can the current standards and models serve as a reference?
  • How do we ensure that managers and their staff understand the value of SQA activities and their implementation?

To answer these questions, we drew upon over 30 years of practical experience in software engineering and SQA in different organizations such as telecom, banking, defense, and transportation. This industry experience has convinced us of the importance of supporting the presentation of concepts and theory with references and practical examples. We have illustrated the correct and effective implementation of numerous quality assurance practices with real case studies throughout the book.

In many organizations, SQA is a synonym for testing. SQA, as presented in this book, covers a large spectrum of proven practices to provide a level of confidence that quality in software development and maintenance activities is independent of the life cycle selected by an organization or a project.

In this book, we will extensively use the term “software quality assurance” and the acronym SQA. As defined in the IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes, IEEE 730-2014, a function is a set of resources and activities that achieve a particular purpose [IEE 14]. The SQA function can be executed by a software project team member. It could also be executed by an independent party (e.g., within a quality assurance (QA) department responsible for hardware, software, and supplier quality).

Structure and Organization of this Book

The book is divided into 13 chapters that cover the basic knowledge of SQA as identified, among others, by the IEEE 730 Standard for SQA Processes of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 software life cycle processes standard, the Capability Maturity Model® Integration for Development (CMMI®-DEV) developed by the Software Engineering Institute as well as the ISO Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK®). Numerous practical examples are used to illustrate the application of SQA practices.

Chapter 1: Software Quality Fundamentals

This chapter presents an overview of the knowledge required by SQA practitioners. From this overview, the book develops every aspect of the field and cites the important references that deepen each specific topic. We use the concept of business models to explain the significant differences in the selection of SQA practices. In this chapter, we also establish terms and their definitions as well as useful concepts that are used throughout the book.

Chapter 2: Quality Culture

This chapter introduces the concept of cost of quality, followed by practical examples. It also introduces the concept of quality culture and its influence on the SQA practices used. We also present five dimensions of a software project and how these dimensions can be used to identify the degrees of freedom a project manager has to ensure its success. In this chapter, we present an overview of software engineering ethics and the techniques to manage the expectations of managers and customers with respect to software quality.

Chapter 3: Software Quality Requirements

This chapter adds to the concepts and terminology already presented. It deals with software quality models as well as ISO standards on software quality models. These models propose classifications of software quality requirements and steps to define them. Practical examples describe how to use these models to define the quality requirements of a software project. Finally, we introduce the concept of requirements traceability and the importance of quality requirements for the SQA plan.

Chapter 4: Software Engineering Standards and Models

This chapter presents the most important international standards of ISO and models about software quality, such as the CMMI® developed by the Software Engineering Institute. A new ISO standard for very small organizations is also presented. The SQA practitioner and specialist will find proven practices from standards and models. This chapter provides the framework that can be useful for the following major software activities: (1) development, (2) maintenance, and (3) IT services. Finally, a short discussion on the standards specific to certain domains of application is presented, followed by recommendations for a SQA plan.

Chapter 5: Reviews

This chapter presents different types of software reviews: personal review, the “desk check,” the walk-through, and the inspection. We describe the theory about reviews and then provide practical examples. It introduces reviews in an agile context. Subsequently, we describe other reviews specific to a project: the project launch review and lessons learned review. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the selection of one type of review depending on your business domain and how these techniques fit into the SQA plan.

Chapter 6: Software Audits

This chapter describes the audit process and the software problem resolution process. Sooner or later in the career of a software practitioner, audits will be conducted in a software project. Standards and models describing audits are presented followed by a practical case. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the role of audits in the SQA plan.

Chapter 7: Verification and Validation

This chapter describes the concept of software verification and validation (V&V). It describes its benefits as well as the costs of using V&V practices. Then, the standards and models that impose or describe V&V practices for a project are described. Finally, the description of the contents of a V&V plan is presented.

Chapter 8: Software Configuration Management

This chapter describes an important component of software quality: software configuration management (SCM). The chapter begins by presenting the usefulness of SCM and typical SCM activities. It presents repositories and branching techniques involved in source code management, as well as the concepts of software control, software status, and software audits. Finally, this chapter concludes with a proposal for the implementation of SCM in a small organization and ends with a discussion of the role of SCM in the SQA plan.

Chapter 9: Policies, Processes, and Procedures

This chapter explains how to develop, document, and improve policies, processes, and procedures to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the software organization. It explains the importance of documentation presenting a few notations, as examples, to document processes and procedures. The chapter ends by presenting the Personal Software Process (PSP) developed by the Software Engineering Institute to ensure individuals have a disciplined and structured approach to software development that enables them to significantly increase the quality of their software products.

Chapter 10: Measurement

This chapter explains the importance of measurement, standards, and models, and presents a methodology to describe the requirements for a measurement process. It presents how measurement can be used by small organizations and small projects. Then, an approach to implement a measurement program, to detect the potential pitfalls, and the potential impact of human factors, when measuring, is discussed. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the role of measurement in a SQA plan.

Chapter 11: Risk Management

This chapter presents the main models and standards that include requirements for the management of risks. It discusses the risks that may affect the quality of software and techniques to identify, prioritize, document, and mitigate them. It also presents the roles of stakeholders in the risk management process and discusses the human factors to consider in the management of software risks. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the critical role of risk in the development of a SQA plan.

Chapter 12: Supplier Management and Agreements

This chapter deals with the important topic of supplier management and agreements. It discusses the major reviews and recommendations of the CMMI®. Subsequently, it lists the different types of software agreements and the benefits of the risk sharing agreement are illustrated using a practical example. This chapter concludes with recommendations for the content of the SQA plan when suppliers are involved.

Chapter 13: Software Quality Assurance Plan

This chapter summarizes the topics presented in the whole book by using the concepts presented in each chapter to assemble a comprehensive SQA plan that conforms to the IEEE 730 recommendation. It ends by presenting additional recommendations and practical examples.


  • Appendix 1 – Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Version 5.2)
  • Appendix 2 – Incidents and Horror Stories involving Software

Icons Used in the Book

Different icons are used throughout this book to illustrate a concept with a practical example; to focus on a definition; to present an anecdote, a tool, or checklist; or simply to provide a quote or a website. Consult the table below for the meaning of each icon.

Icon Meaning
Practical example: An example of the practical application of a theoretical concept
Quote: A quote from an expert
Definition: A definition of an important term
Reference on the Web: An internet site to learn more about a specific topic
Tools: Examples of tools that support the techniques presented
Anecdote: A short story of a little known fact, or a curious point on the subject discussed
Checklist: A list of items to check, or not to be forgotten, during the execution of a presented technique
Tip: A tip from the authors or from another professional


Supplementary material for teaching as well as for use in organizations (e.g., presentation material, solutions, project descriptions, templates, tools, articles, and links) is available on the website:

Given that international standards are updated on a regular basis, the website will also highlight the latest developments that contribute to SQA practices.


Each chapter contains exercises.


Many software engineering standards from ISO and IEEE have been cited in this book. These standards are updated on a regular basis, typically every five years, to reflect evolving software engineering practices. The accompanying website,, contains complementary information as well as the latest developments that impact or contribute to SQA practices described in each chapter and will evolve over time.

Since software engineering standards can be cited in an agreement between a customer and a supplier and add additional legal requirements to the agreement, we have not paraphrased the text of standards in our book, we have directly quoted the text from the standards.

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