Practice Exam

This exam consists of 60 questions reflecting the material covered in this book. The questions are representative of the types of questions you should expect to see on the CX-310-202 Solaris exam; however, they are not intended to match exactly what is on the exam.

Some of the questions require that you choose the best possible answer. Often, you are asked to identify the best course of action to take in a given situation. The questions require that you read them carefully and thoroughly before you attempt to answer them. It is strongly recommended that you treat this practice exam as if you were taking the actual exam. Time yourself, read carefully, and answer all the questions to the best of your ability.

The answers appear in the “Answers to Practice Exam Questions.” Check your answers against those in the “Answers at a Glance” section, and then read the explanations provided. You may also want to return to the appropriate chapters to review the material associated with your incorrect answers.

Practice Exam Questions

1. Which of the following is a direct form of network boot, available only on the x86 platform, that can be used to install the Solaris Operating Environment over the network using DHCP?

A. OpenBoot




2. You want to use JumpStart to install Solaris on an x86-based system. Which of the following are requirements for performing a network boot on an x86-based system? (Choose three.)

A. An x86 Solaris system configured as an install server containing the Solaris x86 boot image and images of the Solaris CDs. This server cannot be a SPARC server.

B. A configured DHCP server from which to boot successfully

C. An x86 client that supports a PXE network boot

D. A configured boot server, in addition to a DHCP server, to provide the boot image

E. An x86- or SPARC-based Solaris system configured as an install server containing the Solaris x86 boot image and images of the Solaris CDs.

3. On the Solaris x86 platform, which of the following is used to answer system identification questions during the initial part of the JumpStart installation?

A. rules.ok

B. profile

C. sysidcfg

D. DHCP server provides this function.

4. What are the minimum entries that the local host requires in its /etc/inet/hosts file? (Choose three.)

A. Its IP address

B. Its hostname

C. Its MAC address

D. Its network interface

E. Its loopback address

5. Which file contains the default gateway information?

A. /etc/defaultdomain

B. /etc/defaultrouter

C. /etc/inet/netmasks

D. /etc/inet/ipnodes

6. How many IP addresses are available to be assigned within a Class C network?

A. 254

B. 24

C. 65,534

D. None

7. Which pseudo file system resides on a physical disk?

A. procfs

B. swapfs

C. tmpfs

D. fdfs

8. Which command is used to create an install server for use with a custom JumpStart installation?

A. check

B. setup_install_server

C. add_install_client

D. setup_install_server -b

9. Network file systems that are mounted read-write or that contain executable files should always be mounted with which of the following options? (Choose all that apply.)

A. hard

B. intr

C. soft

D. nointr

10. When you share a file system across the network for the first time, the NFS server must be started. Which command achieves this?

A. share

B. svcadm enable nfs/server

C. mountall

D. svcs -l nfs/server

11. Which of the following provide a means for selective access to administrative capabilities? (Choose two.)

A. Giving a user the root password

B. Use of the sudo command


D. usermod

12. You have created a metadevice, d30, that is a mirror of the root file system. Which command carries out the necessary setup to complete the operation by editing /etc/vfstab and /etc/system?

A. metadb

B. metainit

C. metaroot

D. metaclear

13. How would you determine the NIS server used by a given machine?

A. Use ypwhich.

B. Use ypcat.

C. Look in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

D. Use nisls.

14. What file would you edit to make the local /etc/hosts file take precedence over DNS or NIS host lookups?

A. /etc/inetd.conf

B. /etc/resolv.conf

C. /etc/defaultrouter

D. /etc/nsswitch.conf

15. hich of the following are ways to automatically install groups of identical systems without any manual intervention? (Choose two.)

A. JumpStart

B. Custom JumpStart

C. Interactive installation

D. WAN boot install

16. Which command would you use to do a dry-run installation to test a JumpStart profile?

A. check

B. patchadd -C

C. fsck

D. pfinstall

17. Which of the following files would not be used to manually change the hostname of a Solaris 10 system? (Choose two.)

A. /etc/inet/hosts

B. /etc/defaultrouter

C. /etc/nodename

D. /etc/net/ticlts/hosts

18. Which command would you use to configure the behavior of core files?

A. savecore

B. svcadm restart svc:/system/coreadm:default

C. coreadm

D. admcore

19. Which command would you use to modify the default crash dump device?

A. crashadm

B. dumpadm

C. /var/crash

D. gcore

20. Which of the following assigns the role adminusr to the user bill?

A. rolemod adminusr -u bill

B. moduser bill -R adminusr

C. usermod -R adminusr bill

D. modrole -u bill -r adminusr

21. You have created a new zone called apps, and you need to check on its current state. Which command displays the state of this zone?

A. zoneadm -z apps list -v

B. zlogin apps

C. zlogin -C apps

D. zoneadm -z apps install

22. Which of the following is not an RBAC database?

A. /etc/security/prof_attr

B. /etc/security/exec_attr

C. /etc/security/user_attr

D. /etc/security/auth_attr

23. Where does the configuration file reside that handles NFS logging?

A. /etc/nfslog

B. /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf

C. /etc/inetd.conf

D. /etc/default/nfs

24. Which RAID configuration maintains duplicate sets of all data on separate disk drives?




D. RAID 53

25. Which RAID configuration stripes data and parity across a set of disks?




D. RAID 10

26. Which command is used to add a client to the LDAP naming service?

A. add_ldap

B. ldapclient

C. add_client ldap

D. ldapinstall

27. You have modified your syslog configuration to allow extra messages to be logged. Which command forces the syslogd daemon to reread the configuration file and make the change active?

A. svcs -l system/system-log

B. svcadm disable system/system-log

C. svcadm refresh system/system-log

D. syslogd -HUP

28. You have inherited a system, and you are examining the custom JumpStart file to provide a hands-off installation. One of the parameters specifies archive_location and lists an NFS mount as its parameter. What does this tell you about the custom JumpStart process?

A. The system being installed is being used as a file server and will share the specified file system.

B. The installation will use a Solaris Flash Archive, and the location of the Flash Archive is contained in the parameter.

C. The system being installed will use this location to back up its existing file system before the installation commences.

D. This points to the install server where the Solaris CD images can be found.

29. Your system currently has four state database replicas installed, two on each disk. What happens to a running system if one of the disk drives fails and you lose two of the state database replicas? (Choose two.)

A. The system keeps running.

B. The system panics.

C. The system will not start SVM the next time it boots and must be booted into single-user mode.

D. The system hangs.

30. Which of the following describe the main differences between WAN boot and JumpStart? (Choose four.)

A. WAN boot is supported only on the SPARC platform.

B. With WAN boot, boot services are not required to be on the same subnet as the installation client.

C. WAN boot provides a scalable process for the automated installation of systems anywhere over the Internet.

D. A WAN boot installation is more secure than a Custom JumpStart installation.

E. A WAN boot mini-root can be served only from a SPARC-based server.

31. Which WAN boot component is a file in which you specify the configuration information and security settings that are required to perform a WAN boot installation?

A. wanboot-cgi

B. wanboot program

C. wanboot.conf

D. /etc/netboot

32. Which of the following are required in a single-server WAN boot server configuration? (Choose two.)

A. Web server

B. DHCP server

C. JumpStart server

D. Flash Archive file

33. In terms of a Solaris Live Upgrade, which of the following represent a critical file system? (Choose three.)

A. /usr

B. /export

C. /var

D. /opt

E. swap

34. When you perform a Solaris Live Upgrade, which command is used to install software on a boot environment?

A. luactivate

B. luinstall

C. luupgrade

D. lucreate

35. Which of the following requirements must be met before activating a boot environment during a Solaris Live Upgrade? (Choose two.)

A. The boot environment must have a status of “complete.”

B. The boot environment you want to activate cannot be involved in a comparison operation.

C. The boot environment must have a status of “Active on Reboot.”

D. The boot environment must have a status of “Active Now.”

36. Which of the following are functions of the luupgrade command? (Choose four.)

A. Upgrading an operating system image on a boot environment

B. Merging file systems in the new boot environment

C. Running an installer program to install software from an installation medium

D. Checking or obtaining information about software packages

E. Adding a package to or removing a package from a boot environment

37. Which of the following NFS daemons run on both the NFS server and the NFS clients? (Choose two.)

A. nfsd

B. statd

C. mountd

D. lockd

38. Which configuration option is used to create a whole root zone?

A. inherit-pkg-dir dir=/usr

B. remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/usr

C. inherit-pkg-dir dir=/

D. add fs

set dir=/

39. Which of the following describes the configuration steps necessary to add the /data file system, as a read-write file system, to a nonglobal zone?

A. add fs

set dir=/data

set special=/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0

set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0

add options [rw, logging,nosuid]


B. add fs

set dir=/data

set options=rw

set special=/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0

set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0


C. add fs

set dir=/data

set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0

set type=ufs add options=[rw,logging, nosuid]


D. add fs

set dir=/data

set special=/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0

set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0

set type=ufs add options [logging, nosuid]


40. Which of the following describes the configuration steps required to share the /data file system between the global zone and a nonglobal zone?

A. add fs

set dir=/export

set special=/export

set type=lofs

add options shared

B. inherit-pkg-dir=/data

C. add fs

set dir=/export

set special=/export

set type=lofs

add options rw end

D. add inherit-pkg-dir=/data

41. Which of the following statements are true of a nonglobal zone? (Choose two.)

A. A nonglobal zone cannot be patched differently from the global zone.

B. A nonglobal zone shares the kernel with the global zone.

C. A nonglobal zone has its own kernel, separate from the global zone.

D. A nonglobal zone can have its own set of software packages installed—different packages than what are installed in the global zone.

42. After a zone is configured and installed, which modifications can be made to it without requiring the zone to be reinstalled? (Choose two.)

A. fs

B. zonepath

C. zone name

D. inherit-pkg-dir

E. device

43. The following information is reported on your system:


Which of the following statements about the zones on this system are true? (Choose two.)

A. One zone is in use.

B. testzone2 is ready to be configured.

C. testzone1 is not configured.

D. testzone2 is ready to be booted.

44. When cloning a zone, you create a configuration file from the current zone. Which of the following describes how this configuration file is created?

A. zoneadm -z testzone export -f <filename>

B. zonecfg -z testzone migrate -f <filename>

C. zonecfg -z testzone create -f <filename>

D. zonecfg -z testzone export -f <filename>

45. Which of the following statements about the snoop command are true? (Choose two.)

A. You can stop snoop by pressing Ctrl+C.

B. Pressing Ctrl+Q stops the snoop command.

C. snoop does not display packets sent using the secure shell.

D. snoop produces one line of output for each packet sent on the network.

46. Changes or modifications to the configuration of network services are done using which commands? (Choose two.)

A. inetadm

B. svfcfg

C. svcconf

D. inetcfg

47. You are using Solaris Volume Manager to mirror your boot drives. Your server has two internal disks that will be mirrored for this purpose. In addition, your system has two external disk drives. How should your metadbs be configured on this server?

A. Create three replicas on one slice.

B. Create two replicas on each drive.

C. Create one replica on each drive.

D. Create two replicas on each of the internal drives that will be mirrored.

48. In Solaris Volume Manager, which RAID level is called a striped mirror, in which the slices, or entire disks, are mirrored first, and then the slices are combined into a stripe?

A. 0+1

B. 5

C. 1+0

D. 1

49. Before using ZFS, you need to make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements for supporting ZFS. Which of the following statements describe the hardware and software requirements that your system must meet? (Choose two.)

A. The system must be a SPARC-based machine.

B. 1GB of RAM is recommended.

C. The minimum amount of disk space for a storage pool is 64MB.

D. The minimum amount of disk space for a storage pool is 128MB.

E. A storage pool requires a minimum of 12GB.

50. Your system has a spare disk drive, c1t0d0. Your task is to create a ZFS dataset on that entire drive. The storage pool is to be named pool1, and the ZFS file system is to be named /data. Which command would you issue to create the dataset?

A. zpool create pool1; zfs create /data pool1

B. zfs create -f pool1/data

C. zpool create -f pool1/data

D. zpool create -f pool1;zfs create pool1/data

51. Your system has the following ZFS file systems:


Which command can you use to remove the pool1 storage pool and all the ZFS file systems in that pool?

A. zfs destroy -R pool1/data

B. zfs destroy pool1

C. zpool destroy pool1

D. zpool destroy pool1/data

52. Your system has two disk drives available for a ZFS storage pool—c2t2d0 and c3t2d0 You want to create a RAID1 ZFS storage pool named data and a ZFS file system in that storage pool named /data that uses these drives. Which command would you use?

A. zpool create data c2t2d0 c3t2d0

B. zpool mirror data c2t2d0 c3t2d0

C. zpool create data; zfs create /data c2t2d0 c3t2d0

D. zpool create data mirror c2t2d0 c3t2d0

53. Your system already has a storage pool named pool1. You need to create a new ZFS file system in that pool named /data.Which command would you use?

A. zpool create pool1/data

B. zfs create /pool1/data

C. zfs create pool1/data

D. zpool create -f /pool1/data

54. For training purposes, you want to create a mirrored ZFS storage pool, but you don’t have any spare disks to practice with. In fact, there are no spare slices either. Which of the following describes how you could create a storage pool and ZFS file system on this machine?

A. mkfile -n 200m /export/home/zfs1; mkfile -n 200m /export/home/zfs2

zpool create data mirror /export/home/zfs1 /export/home/zfs2

B. You cannot create a ZFS storage pool.

C. zpool create data mirror /export/home/zfs1; zpool create data mirror /export/home/zfs1

D. mkfile -n 200m /export/home/zfs1; mkfile -n 200m /export/home/zfs2

zfs create data mirror /export/home/zfs1 /export/home/zfs2

55. Your system has a RAID0 ZFS file system named /pool1/data created on c1t1d0. You want to mirror this file system onto c2t1d0. Which command would you use?

A. zpool create pool1 mirror c1t1d0 c2t1d0

B. zpool destroy -f pool1; zpool create pool1 mirror c1t1d0 c2t1d0

C. zpool attach pool1 c2t1d0

D. zpool attach pool1 c1t1d0 c2t1d0

56. You create a ZFS file system on a 36GB disk using the following command:

zpool create pool1 c1t1d0

Now you want to make sure that the /pool1 file system can only use 1GB of the storage pool. Which command would you use to limit this file system to 1GB?

A. quota pool1 1G

B. zpool set quota=1g pool1

C. zfs set quota=1g pool1

D. zfs set quota=1g /pool1

57. You have a storage pool named pool1. In that storage pool, you have a ZFS file system named data (pool1/data). When you list the file systems with df -h, you see the following output:


You want to make pool1 invisible to users so that they see only the pool1/data file system when issuing the df -h command. Which command would you use?

A. zfs set mountpoint=none pool1

B. zpool set mountpoint=none pool1

C. umount /pool1

D. zfs set mountpoint=legacy pool1

58. Which of the following syslogd severity levels is the highest?

A. emerg

B. crit

C. warning

D. alert

59. Which of the following are valid entries for the /etc/hostname.eri0 file? (Choose two.)

A. systemA


C. eri0 dhcp

D. ifconfig dhcp

60. You cannot access the server named sysA using Telnet. The following information is displayed on sysA when you issue the ifconfig command:


Which command should you issue?

A. ifconfig eri0 plumb

B. dladm eri0

C. ifconfig eri0 up

D. route add

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