Using the Crystal Management Console

Holding true to the zero-client model of Crystal Enterprise for end-user applications, the Crystal Management Console (CMC) is a DHTML-based tool for managing and configuring the Crystal Enterprise system. The CMC provides Crystal Enterprise administrators with an intuitive way to manage any type of system object, including users, groups, reports, servers, and folders.

You can start the CMC by clicking the Crystal Management Console link in the Crystal Enterprise Launchpad. Initialize the Crystal Enterprise Launchpad by clicking Start, Programs, Crystal Enterprise 10, Crystal Enterprise Admin Launchpad. The Launchpad provides a link to the CMC. Visiting the URL directly can also start the CMC. The URL for the Crystal Management Console looks similar to http://yourservername/crystal/enterprise10/admin/en/admin.cwr, shown in Figure 27.1.

Figure 27.1. Only those with some administration rights can log on to the CMC.


If this is the first login to Crystal Enterprise, the Administrator password is set to blank. You should change this as soon as possible.

After logging into the CMC, the Crystal Enterprise administrator is presented with a desktop-style screen from which all CMC functions can be accessed. Icons linking to frequently accessed CMC functions are prominently displayed. They include

  • Organize Folders

  • Organize Objects

  • Organize Groups

  • Organize Users

  • Organize Server Groups

  • Organize Servers

  • Define Calendars

  • Define Events

  • Manage Settings

  • Manage Crystal Applications

  • Manage License Keys

  • Manage Authentication

These common procedures, in addition to several others, can also be accessed by clicking the CMC drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the screen. The Crystal Enterprise administrator can return to the main CMC screen at any time by clicking the Home link at the top of every page (see Figure 27.2).

Figure 27.2. All CMC functions can be accessed from the main screen.

This chapter groups the previously listed common system functions into broader groups because tasks such as managing groups and users are intertwined. This first group of sections focuses squarely on the CMC because a bulk of administration time takes place there.

The first section, “Managing Accounts,” includes sections on managing users and groups. The second section, “Managing Content,” covers objects and folders. The third section, “Introducing Servers,” reviews individual server configuration for all the Crystal Enterprise servers and server groups. The last section on the CMC, “Managing Crystal Enterprise System Settings,” covers management of system settings and authorization.

A subsequent section to these shifts gears to focus on the CMC.

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