Appendix G. Glossary

In this appendix

This glossary is designed to provide short, quick definitions of some of the more common terms used in this book. If you require more in-depth information, refer to a computing dictionary such as Que's Computer and Internet Dictionary, Sixth Edition.


Absolute path

The path named from the root directory, including all intervening subdirectories.


A directory-based indicator of a file's status. Attributes include read-only, archive, system, hidden, and volume label.


A special batch file that DOS automatically executes during the booting process. This file, usually placed in the root directory, is an ideal place to include commands that initialize the operation of a PC.

Batch file

A text file containing commands that DOS executes as though the commands were entered at the DOS prompt. Batch files always have the .BAT extension.

Binary file

A file containing instructions or data that has meaning to the PC but cannot be displayed or printed as ASCII characters.

Boot sector

A special area in track 0 of each DOS disk. DOS uses this area to record important information about a disk's format to reference later when working with the disk.


A portion of memory reserved for storing data.

Character string

A series of ASCII characters.


An area of memory where text can be stored temporarily.


A unit of one, four, or eight sectors. This is the smallest amount of disk space that DOS allocates to a file.

Cold boot

To start a PC from a power-off condition.


A directive you type at the DOS prompt or include in a batch file to instruct DOS to perform an action.


To make a byte-by-byte comparison of the contents of a file or an entire disk to ensure that they are accurate copies of each other.


A special text file that DOS reads during booting to find and execute configuration commands.


A unit of storage consisting of the set of tracks that occupy the same position on opposite sides of the same disk platter.


A condition or value that is used when you do not supply one.


A character that separates the “words” in a command. Common delimiters are the space and the slash (/).

Device driver

A special program file, usually with a .SYS extension, that DOS can load through a configuration command. Device drivers control how DOS and applications programs interact with specific items of hardware.

Dialog box

A window that pops open when a program needs more information before executing a command.


A disk-based table of filenames and other file-related information that DOS uses with the file allocation table (FAT) to access a file's data content.


A magnetic storage medium and the predominant means of file storage for DOS.

Disk drive

The electromechanical components that record and play back data from the magnetic surfaces of a disk.

Disk partition

A division of a hard disk that DOS views as a separate disk.


Another term for a 5 1/4-inch or 3 1/2-inch disk.

DOS prompt

The characters that COMMAND.COM displays to inform you that you can enter a DOS command.

End-of-file (EOF) marker

In a text file, a Ctrl+Z (^Z) ASCII character, which tells DOS that the end of the usable portion of a file has been reached.

Expanded memory

Also referred to as EMS, or Expanded Memory Specification. Special RAM that DOS accesses as a device. Expanded memory conforms to the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) EMS 3.2 or 4.0 standards.

Extended memory

Memory at addresses above 1MB on 80286, 80386, and 80486 PCs. DOS can load most of the operating system into the first 64KB of extended memory.

External command

A DOS command whose instructions are stored in a file other than COMMAND.COM.


A variable-length collection of related information referenced by a name.

File system

The predefined organizational method that a disk operating system uses to read and write to data files on disks.


A program that modifies information coming from a program before the information reaches the screen or is piped to another program.

Floppy disk

Any disk with a lower capacity than the hard drive that you can remove from your PC's drive.

Flow control

The capability to control the order in which DOS processes lines of a batch file.


The initial preparation of a disk for data storage.

Full backup

A special series of disks containing all the data stored on a hard disk, along with information about the previous location of the data files.

Graphics mode

A screen mode available to users of PCs equipped with graphics adapters. In graphics mode, the screen presentation uses bitmapped graphics.


An electrical path directly to the earth. Grounds can dissipate static discharges safely. A PC chassis normally is grounded, but this grounding is not always adequate to stop a static discharge.

Hard disk

A high-capacity, typically nonremovable disk drive.

High memory area (HMA)

The first 64KB of extended memory. DOS can load part of the operating system files into this area of memory.

Highlighted option

A command or option that appears in reverse video. The highlighted option executes when you press Enter.

Insert mode

The editing mode in which a typed character is inserted into the existing text at the current cursor position.

Intermediate backup

A series of disks containing copies of all files modified since the most recent full backup.

Internal command

A DOS command built into COMMAND.COM.


A word that specifically identifies the action you want DOS to perform.


A liquid-crystal display. This type of screen is found on most laptop and notebook computers.

Location counter

The two numbers at the right end of the status bar that indicate the cursor's current row and column.

Logical drive

A partitioned section of a hard disk that DOS views as an additional hard disk.


A series of DOS commands stored in memory under a single name. You execute a macro by typing its name.


A series of characters for which DOS applies a meaning different from the string's literal meaning. DOS displays substitute text when the program finds meta-strings in the PROMPT command.

Mouse pointer

The block- or arrow-shaped screen icon that indicates where the mouse action occurs.


The first portion of a filename, consisting of up to eight characters. It usually describes the contents of a file.

Overtype mode

The editing mode in which a typed character replaces the character at the current cursor position.


Additional information given with a command to more precisely control its actions.


A portion of a computer program that translates a command line into specific commands that the program can act on.


To send information that normally goes to the screen to another program by using the pipe symbol (|).


Synonymous with disk.

Pull-down menu

A menu interface used in many programs that is characterized by a vertical list of main menu choices. When you use a mouse to select one of the choices, additional choices appear below the main menu choices.


A list of files to be printed.


The act of sending the output from a command or program to a device other than the one expected (usually the screen); sending input to a command or program from a point other than the one expected (usually the keyboard).

Relative path

A path specified with the current directory—as opposed to the root directory—as the starting point.

Root directory

A master directory created on each disk by FORMAT.


An area of the screen containing arrows and icons that move (or scroll) text or graphics through the window.


A section of a track that is the disk's smallest possible storage unit.

Selected text

A block of text you highlight with various Shift+key combinations. Selected text can be deleted, moved, or edited as a single block.

Selection cursor

An area of highlighted text that shows where the selected action occurs.


A program that provides the user interface to the features and capabilities of an operating system.

Shortcut key

A keystroke combination that immediately activates an editing command, bypassing the menu system.


Ordering a list of items.


A filename expression that identifies the file(s) to be copied or the device that will serve as the source for a copy operation.

Static electricity

A high-voltage charge that builds on objects (including people) and can be discharged when another object is touched. Static electricity discharges can damage electronic circuits.


A directory within another directory.

Surge protector

A protective device inserted between a power outlet and a computer's power plug. By acting as a circuit breaker, a surge protector helps block power surges that can damage the computer's circuits.


A slash followed by one or more characters that are used to enable a command's optional functions. (Similar to a parameter.)


A specific set of rules you follow when issuing commands.


A filename expression that identifies the disk location of the files(s) to be created as a result of a copy operation. A target also can be a DOS device other than a file.


A program that DOS has loaded into memory.

Text file

A file that contains only ASCII text characters (without special formatting characters). The DOS Editor works only with text files.

Text mode

The screen mode available to all PC users. In text mode, all screen presentation is composed of ASCII characters.


A circular section of a disk's surface that holds data.


To restore the FAT and directory entries of a file to undo a deletion.

Upper memory area

A 386KB area of memory between 640KB and 1MB, usually reserved for use by certain system devices, such as a monitor. DOS can use a portion of this upper memory area, referred to as upper memory blocks, for memory-resident programs and device drivers.

Voltage regulator

An electrical device that keeps voltage fluctuations from reaching an electrical device. Regulators usually don't stop all power surges.

Volume label

A name that identifies a particular disk.

Warm boot

To restart a PC while the power is on.


A character in a command that represents one or more characters. In DOS, the ? wildcard presents any single character. The * wildcard represents any remaining characters in the command.


The Lotus/Intel/Microsoft/AST Extended Memory Specification. This standard specifies a set of rules by which several programs can use extended memory cooperatively by means of a device driver.

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