Chapter 3. Creating Your First Web Application

In this chapter

Getting Started with Web Applications

Creating the Sample Web Application

Enhancing Your Web Application

Troubleshooting Web Applications

It is rare these days to find someone interested in computers who is not also familiar with using the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web, the most popular application on the global Internet, has leaped into the public consciousness so thoroughly that “dot-com” ads for Web sites now appear in virtually all forms of visual media. As a result, the ability to develop Web sites is a valuable skill for any computer programmer to learn. In this chapter, we will get you started with Web development by creating a simple Web Application project in Visual Studio .NET. A Web Application project allows you to apply your existing knowledge of Windows application development in Visual Basic. As an interesting parallel, we will show you how to create the same application from the previous chapter, but on a Web page. After you have mastered the basics in this chapter, the second part of the book provides additional detail on how you can use your VB knowledge on the Web.


Web page design (making pages pretty) and Web application development (making pages functional) are two distinct areas of Web development. In this book, we cover both, but primarily are concerned with the latter activity.

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