Chapter 12. Advanced Controls

In this chapter

Automatically Controlling a Control’s Size and Position

Specialized Date Input Controls

Other Specialized Controls

From Here…

In Chapter 11, “Fundamental Controls,” you learned how to work with some of the controls that are used most commonly in Visual Basic .NET applications. This chapter introduces you to some of the controls that you may not use as often, but which provide some very handy specialized functionality.

As in Chapter 11, the controls presented in this chapter are loosely grouped according to function. We will discuss the fundamental usage of each control; feel free to experiment with them in test applications as you read through each control’s description.

You may want to refer to the section “Introduction to Controls” in Chapter 11 for an overview of basic control functionality, as well as a summary of properties that are common to most controls.

You can download a sample project demonstrating the use of all the controls discussed in this chapter from The sample project includes comments in its code to explain how it works. Look for the file named ControlDemo.ZIP.

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