
Writing a book always ends up being more difficult than you initially imagined. Although the absurdly late nights and lost weekends prove difficult to the authors, it is often the people around them that end up suffering the most. To that end, I'd like to thank Melanie Colton for her endless patience and perseverance. She deserves more than a medal for putting up with the many 4am nights and my noisy typing. This book would not have been possible without her support, understanding, and muse.

I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues at Lime Company, for their continued trust and support. It is a rare experience to work with such a talented and committed group of people, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an important adventure.

I'd also like to thank Solomon Duskis for starting this journey, and for his unwavering enthusiasm for technology—especially Java and Spring.

I would be remiss if I didn't offer my appreciation and gratitude to my parents, who have inspired me through their relentless trust, support, and faith in everything I set out to do.

Finally, my sincere appreciation goes to Brian Murphy for joining the project and keeping things rolling along. If it hadn't been for Brian's tenacity and motivation, this book would never have seen the light of day. It's been an honor and privilege working with you again.

—Paul Tepper Fisher

We'd like to thank Apress for the opportunity to write this book. Special thanks to Steve Anglin for believing in us and letting us stretch the schedule to cover advanced topics in depth. We owe Mary Tobin a special debt of gratitude for shepherding us through this process and ultimately dragging us across the finish line. Thanks to Tom Welsh, Marilyn Smith, and Sia Cyrus, who provided invaluable feedback, suggestions and encouragement along the way. This is a much better book as a result of their wisdom and patience. Any issues or errors in this text are ours alone.

I would like to thank my wife, Dania, without whom this book wouldn't be possible. She graciously took on the role of super mom while I devoted nights and weekends to writing for far longer than bargained for. I'd like to thank my son Liam for being the most terrific little kid. You provide me with more joy and a new appreciation for the world than you'll ever know. I'd also like to acknowledge our second son, who is due shortly after this book will be published. I can't wait to meet you!

Lastly, I'd like to thank Paul Fisher for sharing this experience with me. This book was Paul's brainchild and I'm glad he invited me along for the ride. Writing this book has been both rewarding and challenging. I learned a ton and it's been great to work with you again.

—Brian D. Murphy

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