

2D nets, using for 3D forms, 103

3D cube, lighting, 114

3D forms, 12

2D nets, 103

building first project, 106108

clay sculptures, 107108

cube model, 104

cylinder model, 104

demoing, 104105

digital sculpting, 109110

documenting and displaying, 113114

drawing creatures, 102

generating ideas, 111

getting ready for, 100102

Journal Prompts, 113

materials, 101

Open Make session, 111112

opening activity, 102104

paper sculptures, 106107

paper toy, 101

pyramid model, 104

resources, 115

sharing and reflecting, 113

space and tools setup, 102

taking further, 109111

taping together pyramid, 103

3D model, basing on 2D sketch, 105

3D printing services, 115

3D sculptures, cutting out designs for, 112



choosing, 3233

experimenting with, 25

introducing, 22

Adams, Kelly Ann, 132

alien autopsy game, 162163

alligator clips, using with circuits, 62

aperture, defined, 85

arrow key interface, making with copper tape, 71

art-making bots, 12

adding legs, 126

adding motor and battery, 125

adding on/off switch, 127

adding wobble, 126

building first project, 123127

creating persona for, 127

demoing, 123

documenting and displaying, 131132

fashion show, 132

gathering materials, 125

generating ideas, 129

getting ready for, 118121

hand fan, 120, 124

Journal Prompts, 130

LEGO Doodle, 121122

materials, 119

Open Make session, 129130

opening activity, 121122

resources, 132

sharing and reflecting, 130

space and tools setup, 120121

taking further, 128129

troubleshooting, 128

AWA City Clubhouse

idea wall, 157

photo of lights, 94

project display area, 32


backstitches, sewing, 139, 153

badges and buttons, lighting up, 5354

bananas, using in Scratch piano project, 68

battery, attaching for paper circuit, 43

bookmarks, sewing, 141

bots. See art-making bots

Boys & Girls Clubs, 23

arrows for MaKey MaKey, 58

avatar for Minecraft, 111

community showcase, 171174

developing Open Make project, 158

imagination and prototypes, 159

Learn How to Play Piano project, 72

light-up project, 171

Make It Sing projects, 7475

sewing circuits, 140

sewing electrical circuits, 147

bracelets, sewing, 141, 146

Build in Progress documentation, 165

buttons and badges, lighting up, 5354

buzz, finding, 33


camera, using for light paintings, 85

camera lens, looking through, 86

Casa de la Juventud Clubhouse, 21

MaKey MaKey, 58

Open Make sessions, 26, 164

poster for community showcase, 174

Start Making! video, 174

Castellon, Rodrigo, 147148

cat face, 3D form of, 107

CEDES Clubhouse

dance game, 72

sewing demonstration, 139

Change the Move session. See art-making bots

circuits. See also electrical circuits; paper circuits; Sew the Circuits session; soft circuits

describing, 53

elements of, 38

flow of current in, 53

making, 6

open and closed, 64

sewing, 140, 145

structure, 42

testing, 5

using alligator clips with, 62

The City That Speaks, 7475

clay sculptures, 107108

closed and open circuits, 64

CLT Clubhouse, introducing activities, 22

Clubhouse Annual Conference, 93

Clubhouse community, 185187. See also community showcase

The Clubhouse Network, 4

art bot fashion show, 132

The City That Speaks, 7475

community showcase, 172174

e-textiles, 147149

example of first session, 5052

glowing jump ropes, 9697

high-tech + low-tech, 147

light painting field trip, 94

light-up badges and buttons, 5354

Open Make experiences, 162164

sculpting jack-o’-lanterns, 112

website, 185

collaboration skills, learning, 910

community showcase, 13. See also Clubhouse community

developing, 9

getting ready for, 168169

poster, 169

resources, 174

running, 171174

computer program, making, 70

conductive materials

experimenting with, 71

finding, 69

conductivity, explained, 67

conductor, explained, 53, 67

confidence, developing, 910

connecting dots, 165

copper tape

adding for paper circuits, 41

arrow key interface, 71

Corbet, Mary, 153

create in learning spiral, 8

creative competencies, 10

creative learning spiral, 8

creativity, importance of, 165

creator, identifying as, 910

creature, drawing for 3D form, 102

cutting fabric, 141


dance game, playing, 72

dance project interface, building, 173

demo videos for facilitators, 33

Derilus, Andy, 128

design journals, 3

digital sculpting, 109110

documenting and displaying, 32, 165

drawing creature for 3D form, 102

drawings, made by bots, 123

drum project, 70


electrical circuits, sewing, 147. See also circuits

electricity, explained, 53

electronic materials, 28, 33

electronics, 3

encouraging making, 178180

environment, setting up, 21

e-textiles. See also Sew the Circuits session

battery holder and Lily Tiny, 143

building first project, 141148

choosing light pattern, 142

demoing, 140

documenting and displaying, 151153

drawing circuit connections, 143144

embellishing, 146

generating ideas, 148

getting ready for, 136138

Journal Prompts, 151

Lily Tiny board, 138

materials, 137

Open Make session, 149150

opening activity, 139

resources, 153

sewing circuits, 145

sharing and reflecting, 150

sketching project design, 142

soft circuits, 140

space and tools setup, 138

taking further, 148

testing circuits, 146

troubleshooting, 146

evaluation report, 11

experimentation, encouraging, 39, 164

exposure, defined, 85


fabric, cutting, 141

Facilitation Tips

Be a Maker First, 23

copper tape, 41

Create Opportunities for Peer Mentoring, 44

Creating a Respectful Environment, 156

Encourage Experimentation, 39

Encourage Material Exploration, 141

Encourage Problem Solving, 129

Find Conductive Materials, 69

Gathering Tools and Materials, 28

Hack This Guide, 33

ideas, 170

Keep It Simple, 143

learning, 170

Looking Back, Looking Ahead, 170

Make Observations, Then Tinker, 126, 145

Make Your Own Journal, 31

processes, 170

Start with Imagination, Then Build Prototypes, 159

Take a Break and Have a Snack! 24

Work with Locally Available Materials, 120


demo videos for, 33

demoing paper circuits, 38

Fleming, Anna, 164

Maestas, Audrey, 165

role of, 1314

Trapp, Jaleesa, 165

“failure,” allowing for, 39

families, engaging, 179

fan, handheld, 120, 124

FARO de Oriente Clubhouse, exploring electronics, 3

feedback, getting, 160, 175

Final Open Make session, 13

first project, building, 2324, 3944

first session, example of, 5052

Flagship Clubhouse, 6, 181

3D forms, 104

3D prints from Sculptris, 110

alien autopsy game, 163

character sketches for 3D form, 102

clay sculpture, 108

community showcase, 172

completing a project, 169

conductive and nonconductive materials, 67

conductive materials, 69

creature made from clay, 105

group critique, 160

handmade journals, 51

ideas for sewing, 148

introducing paper circuits, 22

journals, 31

LED lights in jar, 92

light paintings, 89, 92

light wands, 86

light-up creations, 50

making design journals, 3

making light-up circuit, 5

Play-Doh and MaKey MaKey, 70

poster for community showcase, 169

Sculptris 3D modeling software, 109110

sharing ideas, 30

wand with ping-pong ball, 91

waving LED lights, 81

flapping origami crane, 54

Fleming, Anna, 164

Flowers, Adriana, 128

flowers, using in Scratch piano project, 68

forms. See 3D forms


Garcia, Yarelis, 23, 172173

Give It Form session. See 3D forms

glowing jump ropes, 9697

goals, 9

group critique, 160

guitar project, building, 173

Gum Springs Community Center Clubhouse, light box paper circuit, 160


hacking, musical instrument program, 7072

Hennepin County Library Best Buy Teen Tech Center

documenting projects, 162

LEGO Doodle activity, 122


ice-cube keyboard, 72

idea potluck, hosting, 178

idea wall, creating, 32, 157


sharing, 30

writing on sticky notes, 158

imagination and prototypes, 159

imagine in learning spiral, 8


seeking at events, 180

sources of, 183

Instructables DIY projects, 165

insulator, explained, 53, 67

interests, building, 8

Internet. See resources; websites

introducing activities, 22


jack-o’-lantern, sculpting, 112

Johnson, Shanice, 128, 159

Journal Prompts

3D forms, 113

art-making bots, 130

e-textiles, 151

LED wands, 95

musical creations, 73

paper circuits, 49

personalized projects, 161


creating and using, 30

illuminating, 49

making by hand, 51

jump ropes, glowing, 9697


Kenworthy, Masina, 94, 120

keyboard, making from ice cubes, 72


learning, supporting, 8, 170

LED (light-emitting diode)

attaching for paper circuit, 42

explained, 53

lighting up for paper circuit, 3940

LED lights

experimenting with, 80

in jar, 92

waving, 81

LED wands

adjusting camera settings, 83

building first project, 8689

demoing, 8486

documenting and displaying, 9697

exploring light effects, 8990

getting ready for, 8083

Journal Prompts, 95

materials, 82

Open Make session, 9193

opening activity, 8384

resources, 97

sharing and reflecting, 95

space and tools setup, 8283

troubleshooting, 83

LEGO Doodle, 121122

Lifelong Kindergarten Group, 8

light box paper circuit, 160

light effects, exploring, 8990

Light It Up session, 12

light paintings

capturing images, 86

drawing words, 93

examples, 9193

generating ideas, 90

low-exposure photography, 85

resources, 97

showing examples of, 85

tracing around people, 92

trying, 88

light wands. See LED wands

lights, photographing, 94

light-up badges and buttons, 5354

light-up circuit, 6

light-up origami, 48

LiliPad parts, ordering, 137

Lily Tiny board

marking position of, 143

project prototype, 149

website, 153

low-exposure photography, 85


Maestas, Audrey, 165

Make It Sing, projects. See musical creations

maker adventures, going outside for, 180

maker projects, resources, 183

Maker Shed online store, 33


being, 23

defining, 67

identifying as, 910

knowing, 33

supporting and coaching, 29

thinking like, 182183

MaKey MaKey board

attaching musical drawing to, 63

dance game, 72

drum project, 70

features, 58

kits, 60

open and closed circuits, 64

resources, 76

Scratch piano project, 59

sketch of ideas, 73

using Play-Doh with, 70


encouraging, 178180

explained, 45

principles, 89

Martin, Danielle, 189190

material exploration, encouraging, 141


3D forms, 101

art-making bots, 119

e-textiles, 137

LED wands, 82

musical creations, 60

paper circuits, 37

materials and tools, gathering, 28

maze for a pet, 163164

MeshMixer plug-in, using with Sculptris, 110

Minecraft, sketching avatar for, 111

MIT Media Lab, 8, 190191


experimenting with, 159

making project with, 11

Museo de los Niños, 3D paper toy, 101

musical creations, 12

adding to, 64

arranging materials, 61

asking questions, 62

building first project, 6366

completing circuits, 62

conductors and conductivity, 67

connecting, 63

demoing, 62

documenting and displaying, 7475

drawing, 63

ice-cube keyboard, 72

insulators, 67

Journal Prompts, 73

materials, 60

Open Make session, 6872

opening activity, 61

resources, 76

setting up computer stations, 61

sharing and reflecting, 73

space and tools setup, 61

taking further, 6768

testing, 63

video of activity, 63

musical drawings

playing, 66

showing, 62

troubleshooting, 66

musical instrument program, hacking, 7072


Nelson, Janette, 96, 152153

networking skills, learning, 910

Neve Yosef Clubhouse

camera lens, 86

light painting activity, 86

light-up origami, 48

notes pages

3D creations, 116

art-making bots, 133

e-textiles, 154

feedback, 175

final project ideas, 166

light paintings, 98

musical creations, 77

Open Make box, 33

session wishlist, 15

Start Making! makes me curious about, 55


online stores, 33. See also resources; websites

on/off switch, adding to bot, 127

open and closed circuits, 64

Open Make box, 33

building, 2627

enhancing, 2728

Open Make projects, building, 158159

Open Make session, 11, 13, 25

musical creations, 6872

paper circuits, 4749

open mind, keeping, 33

opening activity, 21

organizing space, 21

origami, 48, 54


Paint with Light session. See LED wands

Panjwani, Alisha

Being a Facilitator, 14

bio, 190

light-up project, 46

Start Making! Creative Competencies, 10

paper circuits, 12, 22, 160. See also circuits

adding copper tape, 41

adding switches to, 45

attaching battery, 43

attaching LED, 42

completing, 43

demoing, 38

documenting and displaying, 5051

examples, 37, 45

generating ideas, 47

getting ready for, 36

layout for, 4041

light-up origami, 48

making drawings, 4748

making LED light up, 3940

materials, 37

Open Make session, 4749

opening session, 38

parallel circuit, 45

resources, 54

Safety Tip, 41

series circuit, 46

sharing and reflecting, 49

space and tools setup, 38

structure, 42

troubleshooting, 44

paper lantern tutorial, 54

paper sculptures, 106107

paper toys, designing, 115

parallel circuit

flow of current in, 53

making, 45

Parroquia de Fátima Clubhouse, 178180

peer mentoring, creating opportunities for, 44

personalized projects, 13

alien autopsy game, 162163

building Open Make projects, 158159

documenting and displaying, 162164

generating ideas, 157158

getting ready for, 156

idea wall, 157

Journal Prompts, 161

maze for a pet, 163164

resources, 165

sharing and reflecting, 160

pet maze, 163164

photography, 12, 85

piano project, 72

play in learning spiral, 8

Play-Doh, using with MaKey MaKey, 70

Priester, Cindy, 5354

principles, 89

program, designing, 1113

projects. See also first project

adding elements, 24

building for first time, 2324

prototypes and imagination, 159

Puerta 18 Clubhouse

designs for 3D sculptures, 112

light painting, 91

light paintings, 93

self-portrait for 3D sculpture, 111

pyramid, taping together, 103


Qi, Jie, 4041


reflect in learning spiral, 8

reflecting and sharing, 2932

remixing, 123, 149

Remold, Julie, 11

Resnick, Mitchel, 8, 181

resources. See also online stores; websites

3D forms, 101

art-making bots, 132

community showcase, 174

e-textiles, 153

LED wands, 97

maker projects, 183

Maker Shed online store, 33

musical creations, 76

online stores for electronic materials, 33

paper circuits, 54

personalized projects, 165

Start Making! demo videos for facilitators, 33

respect and trust, 9

robots. See art-making bots

Rosenbaum, Eric, 68

Rusk, Natalie, 8, 191


Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services Clubhouse, 169

safety, 29

safety goggles, wearing, 29

Safety Tips, paper circuits, 41

San Rafael Clubhouse, project for Maker Faire, 168

Sci-Bono Clubhouse

collaborating on project, 182

community showcase, 168

conductive materials, 71

lighting up LED with battery, 39

Science Buddies—Art Bot, 132

Scratch piano project, 5960, 68

Scratch programming environment, 58, 60

downloading, 60

MaKey MaKey drum project, 70

opening and running, 61

resources and support, 76, 115

sample program, 70

Scribbling Machines, 132

sculpting. See 3D forms; digital sculpting

Sculptris 3D modeling software, 101102, 109110

self-portrait, designing for 3D sculpture, 111

series circuit, 46

session flow diagram, 19

session goals, 20


adapting, 3233

adding elements, 24

building first project, 23

choosing activities, 3233

demoing, 22

descriptions, 1213

documenting and displaying, 32

Open Make, 2528

opening activity, 21

preparing for, 20

resources, 33

sharing and reflecting, 2930

wishlist, 15

Sew Electric, 141, 153

Sew the Circuits session, 13. See also circuits; e-textiles


backstitches, 139, 153

circuits, 140, 145

electrical circuits, 147

electronic materials, 141

Shapeways 3D printing services, 115

share in learning spiral, 8

sharing and reflecting, 2932

Show and Share session, 13

Silver, Jay, 63

soft circuits, 140. See also circuits

Sorenson Unity Center Clubhouse

bookmarks and bracelets, 152

ice-cube keyboard, 72

light painting of jumping rope, 97

sounds. See musical creations

space, organizing, 21

spin turntable to photograph creations, 165

spoons, interface made with, 72

SRI International, 11

Start Making!

demo videos for facilitators, 33

program, design, 1113

STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), 5, 910

sticky notes, writing ideas on, 158

stores, finding online, 33

SWICN Clubhouse, sewing electronic materials, 141

Switch Basics—Sparkfun, 132


adding to circuits, 45

explained, 53


technical tool literacy, acquiring, 910

Tecnocentro Somos Pacífico Clubhouse

art-making bots, 121

experimenting with motors, 159

project with motor, 11

testing a circuit, 5

terms to know, 67


circuits, 5

musical creations, 63

Tinkering Studio project ideas, 165

tools and materials, gathering, 28

Trapp, Jaleesa, 165


art-making bots, 128

e-textiles, 146

LED wands, 83

musical drawings, 66

paper circuits, 44

trust and respect, 9

trying something new, 33


videos, 174


wands. See LED wands

websites. See also online stores; resources

The Clubhouse Network, 185

evaluation report, 11

LiliPad parts, 137138

maker communities, 183

MaKey MaKey kits, 60

MeshMixer plug-in, 110

musical creations, 66

Scratch programming environment, 60

Scribbling Machines, 132

Sew Electric, 141

wobble, adding to bot, 126

words, drawing with lights, 93


Youth Connections Clubhouse

arrow key interface, 71

bots making drawings, 123

experimenting with activities, 25

ideas for projects, 179

initial project, 24

interface made with spoons, 72

LED lights, 80

light painting collage, 96

lighting 3D cube, 114

light-up origami, 48

MaKey MaKey, 68

maze for a pet, 163164

Open Make projects, 157

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