
Absorption costing, calculation of, 32–36


    records, 2

    types of, 1–5

Accruals, in cost accounting, 4

Activity-based budgeting, development of, 74–75

Activity-based costing

    calculation of, 36–42

    full costing vs., 39–40

Activity-based management (ABM), basic principles of, 146–147

Activity cost pools, definition and examples of, 31–32, 38

Activity levels, break-even analysis and, 121

Actual fixed overhead (AFO), 93–94

Actual hours (AH)

    direct labor variances and, 89–90

    variable overhead variances and, 91–92

Actual price (AP), direct material variances and, 87

Actual quantity (AQ), direct material variances and, 87

Actual rate (AR), direct labor variances and, 89–90

Actual sales margin (ASM), 95–96

Actual sales price (ASP), 95–96

Actual sales volume (ASV), 95–96

Actual variable overhead (AVO), 91–92

Adelmann, R. L., 129

Administration overhead, classification of, 29–30

Adoption/communication, in total quality management, 152

Agreement, creation of, balanced scoredcard technique, 141

Al-Hazmi, M. H., 137

Allocation costing

    overhead analysis, 33–36

    service centers, 36

Alternative strategies, cost of, 7

Anderson, S. R., 41–42

Anomalies in budget variances, 102–103

Audit procedures, in strategic cost analysis, 14


Balanced scorecard, strategic cost management and, 139–141

Bank of Norway case study, strategic cost accounting and, 10

Behavior problems, performance measurement of cost systems and, 20–21

Benchmarking, in total quality management, 152

Big data

    characteristics of, 156–157

    defined, 155–156

    uses of, 157

Bottom–up budgets, budgetary control of, 69–70

Break-even analysis, managerial decision making and, 113–121

Brierly, J., 141

Budget centers, development of, 76–77

Budget padding, performance measurement of cost systems and, 21

Budget variances, 96–103

    contradictions and anomalies in, 102–103

    control charts, 102

    dollars and percentages in, 100

Budgetary control

    advantages of, 66

    approaches to, 67–71

    budget development process and, 71–75

    flexible budgets, 103–106

    functional/operational budget integration and, 77–82

    implementation procedures, 75–77

    monitoring and, 85–108

    overview of, 64–66

    scenario planning, 70–71

    strategic cost planning and, 57–58, 64–83

    strengths and weaknesses of, 106–107

    top down budgets, 68

Budgeted fixed overheads (BFO), 93–94

Buy-in, creation of consensus and, 140


Capacity costs, activity-based costing and, 39

Capital expenses, financial and management accounting and, 4

Commercial organizations, strategic cost analysis for, 10

Company size, top down budgets and, 69

Construction costs, life-cycle costing and, 145

Contingency theory, strategic cost analysis and, 8

Continuous improvement paradigm, in total quality management, 153–154

Continuous output, strategic cost accounting and, 12

Contradictions in budget variances, 102–103

Contribution margin

    break-even analysis and, 116–121

    limiting factors and, 126–128

    multiple product analysis, 119–121

    profit analysis and, 125–126

Control charts, budget variances and, 102

Control loop, strategic cost analysis plan comparisons, 17–18

Control systems, strategic cost analysis and, 85–108

Core competencies, strategic cost management, 136–137

Corporate strategy, strategic cost analysis and, 8


    accounting, types of, 1–5

    ascertaining total, 32–42

    concepts and methods, 25–26

    conclusions, 21–22, 54–56

    cost pools and cost allocation, 31–32

    factors shaping costing system, 8–13

    four key questions, 6–8

    job costing for manufacturing and service organizations, 43–48

    nature of, 26–31

    performance measurement, 18–21

    predetermined overheads, 42

    process costing in manufacturing, 50–54

    in services sector, 48–50

    strategic cost analysis, 5–6

        process of, 13–18

Cost accounting

    accruals in, 4

    data collection for, 5–6

    dominant characteristics of, 3–4

    full or absorption costing, 32–36

    improvements in, 7–8

    an internal information system, 8

    managerial decision making and, 112

    as with financial accounting, 4–5

Cost allocation

    definition and examples of, 31–32

    performance evaluation and, 150–151

Cost behavior, managerial decision making and, 110–112

Cost centers (CCs), managerial information needs and, 13

Cost data

    comparisons of, 7

    defined, 6

    performance measurement of cost centers and, 20–21

Cost drivers, definition and examples of, 38–40

Cost identification, in strategic cost analysis, 16–17

Cost leadership, 15–16

    five forces model of strategic cost analysis, 15

    total quality management and, 152

Cost management program, extension of, in strategic cost analysis, 14

Cost object

    for alternative courses of action, 7

    definition of, 6, 11

    of external organizations, 7

    improving methods, 7–8

    standards and conducting comparisons, 7

    strategy for, 8

Cost object/cost unit

    allocation costing and, 35

    organizational outputs and, 11

    service operations costing, 49–50

Cost of sales, budget variances and, 98–103

Cost-plus model, target costing and, 142–143

Cost plus policy, job costing calculations and, 47

Cost reduction, strategic cost management and, 141–147

Cost strategy and performance, 154–155

Cost unit, definition of, 11

Cost volume profit (CVP)

    break-even analysis and, 115–121

    incremental analysis and, 131–132

    variable and relevant costs and, 133

Cost/management accounting, dominant characteristics of, 3–4

Cowton, C., 141

Critical success factors (CSFS), balanced scorecard technique and, 139–141

Customer perspective, strategic cost management and, 139

Customer relationships, total quality management and, 152


Data, rules of analyzing, 157

Decision making, managerial decision making, 109–134

Detectable material costs, 28

Differential costs, incremental analysis and, 128–132

Direct costs

    basic properties of, 28–29

    definition and examples of, 27

    in production budgets, 81–82

    variances in, 86–90

Direct labor efficiency, variances in, 89–90

Direct labor rate, variances in, 89–90

Direct labor variances, 89–90

Direct materials variances, 86–88

Discrete output, strategic cost accounting and, 12

Discretionary costs, break-even analysis and, 121

Dollar costs, budget variances and, 100

Drury, C., 141

Du Mee, L., 141


Elkington, J., 32

Employee empowerment, in total quality management, 152

Equivalent units, manufacturing process costing and, 52–54

Expectations of performance, organizational constituents and, 10

External organizations, costs of, 7


Failure of internal markets, performance measurement of cost centers and, 19

Financial accounting

    defined, 2

    dominant characteristics of, 3

Financial perspective, strategic cost management and, 139

Finished goods, manufacturing costs and, 147

Five forces model of strategic cost analysis, 14–16

Fixed costs

    break-even analysis and, 113–121

    definition and examples of, 27

    managerial decision making concerning, 110–112

Fixed overhead variances, 93–94

    product line closing decisions and, 123–124

    special order pricing and, 124–125

Fixed overheads allocation rate (FOAR), 93–94

Fixed per unit costs, break-even analysis and, 115–121

Flexible budgets

    control and monitoring of, 103–106

    development of, 74

Flexible manufacturing, in total quality management, 152

Fluctuating activity

    break-even analysis and, 121

    flexible budgets and, 103

    managerial decision making and, 110–113

Foss, N. J., 14–15

Full costing

    activity-based costing vs, 39–40

    calculation of, 32–36

Functional budgets, operational budget integration with, 77–82

Funding sources, top down budgets and, 68–69


Hamel, G., 136–137

Harvard Business Review, 142

High-low cost analysis, managerial decision making and, 114


Idle time/down time, manufacturing costs and, 147

Implementation plan, balanced scorecard technique, 140

Improvements in strategic cost analysis, procedures for, 18

Income generation, standard costing and, 58–62

Income statement, in sales budget, 79–81

Incremental budgeting

    development of, 71–72

    managerial decision making and, 128–132

Indirect costs

    basic properties of, 29–31

    cost allocation and, 150–151

    definition and examples of, 27

Interim financial statements, financial and management accounting and, 4–5

Internal business process perspective, strategic cost management and, 139–140

Internal cost, scope of, in strategic cost analysis, 14

Inventory costs

    break-even analysis and, 121

    variable costing and, 122–128

Investigating variances, budget variances and, 100

Investment centers (ICs), managerial information needs and, 13

Investment strategic business units, 149


Job characteristics, job costing and identification of, 43–44

Job costing, manufacturing and service organizations, 43–48


Kaplan, R. S., 41–42

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 10

    performance measurement of cost systems and, 20–21


Labor costs

    classification of, 29

    direct labor variances, 89–90

    standard costing analysis, 59–60

Labor hour rate, allocation costing, 35

Learning and growth perspective, strategic cost management and, 140

Lewy, C., 141

Life-cycle costing, cost reduction and, 144–146

Limiting factors, contribution margins and, 126–128


Machine hour rate, allocation costing, 35–36

Maintenance support costs, life-cycle costing and, 145

Management accounting

    bottom–up budgets, 69–70

    budget implementation and, 75–76

    defined, 2

    dominant characteristics of, 3–4

    managerial decision making and, 112

    managerial style, 68

    top–down budgets and, 68

Managerial decision making

    break-even analysis, 113–121

    fluctuating activity and costs, 110–113

    guidelines for, 109–134

    incremental analysis, 128–132

    top management support and, 141

    variable costing, 121–128

Managerial information needs, strategic cost accounting and, 12–13

Managerial style, top–down budgets and, 68


    job costing for, 43–48

    non-value-added activities and, 147

    process costing in, 50–54

Marginal costing, break-even analysis and, 115–121

Market forces, top-down budgets and, 69

Material costs

    classification of, 28–29

    direct materials variances, 86–88

    standard costing analysis, 59–60

    storage and transport costs, 147

Measurable material costs, 28

Measurement techniques

    balanced scorecard technique and, 141

    in total quality management, 152

Mixed cost

    definition and examples of, 27

    managerial decision making concerning, 112–113

Monitoring procedures, strategic cost analysis and, 85–108

Monthly budget, variance calculations and, 97–100

Multiple product analysis, break-even analysis and, 119–121


Non-profit organizations, 9

Non-value-added activities, manufacturing costs and, 147


Objectives development, balanced scorecard technique, 140

Open organization structure, in total quality management, 152

Operation costs, life-cycle costing and, 145

Opportunity costs, incremental analysis and, 128–132

Organization, type of, 9–10

Organizational constituents, strategic cost accounting and, 10–11

Organizational overheads, full or absorption costing, 33–36

Organizational structure

    budget implementation and, 75

    strategic cost analysis and, 9–10

    in total quality management, 153–154

Output from organizational activities, strategic cost accounting and, 11–12


    allocation costing of, 33–36

    basic properties, 29–31

    direct cost variances in, 90–94

    fixed variances in, 93–94

    variable variances in, 91–92


Per unit data, multiple product analysis, 119–121

Percentage calculations, budget variances and, 100

Performance measurement, 18–21

    affect behavior in workplace, 20–21

    autonomy for, 18–20

    standard costing, 59–62

    strategic cost analysis, 18–21, 147–151

Period costs, definition and examples of, 27

Plan comparisons, strategic cost analysis, 17–18

Planned costs, defined, 7

Porter, M. E., 14–15

Prahalad, C. K., 136–137

Predetermined overheads, cost analysis of, 42

Preliminary evaluation, balanced scorecard technique, 140

Previous costs, for same activity, 7

Pricing decisions, special order pricing, 124–125

Procedural structures, budget implementation and, 76

Process costing, 4

    financial and management accounting and, 4–5

    in manufacturing, 50–54

Process improvement, in total quality management, 152

Procurement, standard costing analysis, 61

Product costs, definition and examples of, 27

Product differentiation, five forces model of strategic cost analysis, 15–16

Product line closings, variable costing and, 123–128

Product rankings, profit analysis and, 125–126

Production budget

    creation of, 81–82

    life-cycle costing and, 145

Production costs, for products, 31

Production overhead, classification of, 29–30

Profit analysis

    inventory costs and, 122–124

    variable costing decisions and, 125–128

Profit centers, managerial information needs and, 13

Profit strategic business units, 149

Pyhrr, P. A., 72


Recurring variances, budget variances as, 100–101

Regression analysis, managerial decision making and, 112

Relative value of costs, 28

Relevant costing, managerial decision making and, 128–132

Research and development, life-cycle costing and, 145

Resource scarcity, variable costing and, 126–128

Retirement and disposal costs, lifecycle costing and, 145

Revenue centers (RCs), managerial information needs and, 13

Revenue expenses, 4

    budget variances and, 98–103

    financial and management accounting and, 4

    flexible budgets and, 104–105

Revenue strategic business units, 149

Rolling budgets, development of, 73


Sales budget, development of, 78–81

Sales margin variance, 95–96

Sales variances, 94–96

    contribution margins and, 126

Scattergraphs, managerial decision making and, 112

Scenario planning, budgetary control and, 70–71

Selling overhead, classification of, 29–30

Service centers, allocation costing of, 36

Service costing, defined, 48–49

Services sector

    cost object in, 49–50

    costing calculations in, 48–50

    defined, 48–49

Sheehan, N. T., 14–15

SMART criteria, performance measurement of cost systems and, 20

Special order pricing, variable costing and, 124–125

Standard cost variances, 86–96

    direct cost variances, 86–90

    direct labor variance, 89–90

    overhead variances, 90–94

    sales variances, 94–96

Standard costing

    key definition, 58–62

    monitoring and control and, 85–108

    reasons for success of, 58

    setting standards, 59–62

    strategic cost planning and, 57

    variance calculations, 62–64

Standard hours (SH)

    for actual of number of units produced (SHAP), variable overhead variances and, 91–92

    direct labor variances and, 89–90

Standard price (SP), direct material variances and, 87

Standard quantity (SQ), direct material variances and, 87

Standard rate (SR), direct labor variances and, 89–90

Standard sales margin (SSM), 95–96

Standard sales price (SSP), 95–96

Standard sales volume (SSV), 95–96

Static budgets, flexible budgets and, 103–106

Stepped costs, managerial decision making concerning, 112–113

Storage/raw materials transport, manufacturing costs and, 147

Strategic architecture, core competencies and, 137

Strategic business units (SBUs), 148–150

    cost allocation and, 150–151

    performance measurement and, 148–150

    types of, 149

Strategic cost analysis (SCA), 5–6

    big data and analytics, 155–157

    connected to human behavior, 10–11

    core competencies, 136–137

    cost identification in, 16–17

    cost reduction, 141–147

    defined, 5–6, 136

    five forces model of, 14–16

    improvements in, 7, 18

    performance evaluation and improvement, 147–151, 154–155

    performance measurement, 18–21

    plan comparisons in, 17–18

    process of, 13–14

        comparing with plans, 17–18

        costs identification, 16–17

        Five Forces model, 14–16

        seeking improvements, 18

    strategic positioning, 137–141

    total quality management and, 151–154

Strategic cost planning, basic concepts and applications, 57–83

Strategic positioning, cost analysis and, 137–141

Supplier relationships, total quality management and, 152


Target analysis, balanced scoredcard technique, 141

Target costing, cost reduction and, 142–143

Time-driven activity-based costing, 41–42

Time value of money, life-cycle costing and, 145

Top–down budgets, budgetary control and, 68

Total cost

    calculation of, 32–42

    incremental analysis and, 131–132

    job costing and calculation of, 44–48

    managerial decision making concerning, 110–112

    standard costing and, 59–62

Total quality management (TQM), basic principles, 151–154

Traceable costs, 28

Training, in total quality management, 152

Trend analysis, budget variances and, 101–102


Value chain analysis, strategic positioning and, 137–139

Variable cost variances

    break-even analysis and, 113–121

    flexible budgets and, 103–106

    managerial decision making and, 110–112, 121–128

    resource scarcity and, 126–128

Variable costs, definition and examples of, 27

Variable overhead absorption rate (VOAR), 91–92

Variable overhead variances, 91–92

Variance calculations

    budget variances, 96–103

    standard costing, 62–64, 85–96


Work in process (WIP), manufacturing process costing and, 52–54, 147


Zero-base budgeting, development of, 72–73

Zero-defects mentality, in total quality management, 152

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