

access, 16

ACCESS customer service center, 20–21

accountability, 90–91

accountability plans, 77

accrediting expertise, 150

advocacy, 85

ambiguous wicked problems, 7–8

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

common risks, 53–55

gap analysis, 52–53

goals, 49

managing internal controls, 51–52

measuring risk and performance, 50–51

overview, 47–48

risk management plan, 55–56

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), 81

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), 109


basic skills, 110

behavior economics, 127

best practices, 76, 86–87

best value performance indicator (BVPI), 177

blogs, 143

BPR. See business process review

budget analysis, 85

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 25, 111

business plans, 75

business process review (BPR), 20

BVPI. See best value performance indicator


CAA. See Comprehensive Area Assessment

CalWin, 20

CalWORKS, 20

certified public manager (CPM) programs

American Society for Public Administration, 81–83

background, 81–82

best practices, 86–87

ethics and integrity, 83–84

National Certified Public Manager Consortium, 81–82

technical competencies, 84–85

champions, 78

change management, 78

character formation, 95–96

Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), 71

chief technology officer (CTO), 125


Compstat, 167–168

historical origins, 168–169

overview, 167

structural composition, 169–172

theoretical orientation, 172–173

citizen engagement, 133

City of Southside Place, 7–8

closed model organizations, 27–28

cloud computing, 125

collaborative management, 10–11

collective intelligence, 127

commercial best practices, 76

Committee on Cybersecurity, 125–126

communication infrastructure, 128

communication strategy, 78

Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA), 177

Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), 177

Compstat, 167–168

computational power, 128

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), 128


definition, 3–5

failure to conceptualize externally, 8–9

implementing solutions, 10–11

local government managers, 4–5

small problems, 9–10

steps in addressing a problem, 5

wicked problems, 5–8

councils, 177

CPA. See Comprehensive Performance Assessment

CPM. See certified public manager programs

crime rates, 26

cross-threaded meetings, 17

CSC. See Computer Sciences Corporation

CTO. See chief technology officer


deception, 43

decision forensics, 145

decision-making authority, 149

Department of Defense (DoD), 26


e-connectivity, 137–139

economic downturns, managing during

background, 99–101

change, 104–105

communication, 102–103

control, 103–104

management, 101

efficiency paradox, 30

emotional intelligence, 110

employee feedback, 104

employee opinion, 105

employee workforce committee, 103

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 7

ethics, 91

expertise locators, 145–146


Family Resource Center (FRC), 20

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 6

federal government decision-making

closed model organizations, 27–28

management behavior, 29–30

maximizing performance, 31–33

measuring productivity, 25–27

open model organizations, 27–28

organizational development, 30–31

overview, 25

Federal Human Capital Survey (FHCS), 118–119

federal managers, behavior of, 29–30

FEMA. See Federal Emergency Management Agency

FHCS. See Federal Human Capital Survey

financial analysis, 85

focus groups, 104

food stamps initiative, 18–22

FRC. See Family Resource Center (FRC)

full-time equivalency (FTE), 32

functional and operational expertise and planning, 84–85

future scan, 75


GAO. See Government Accountability Office

GASB. See Government Accounting Standards Board

General Management System (GMS), 14

GFOA. See Government Finance Officers Association

globalized microbusiness, 127

GMS. See General Management System

GMS 2.0, 23–24

golden thread, 179

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 38, 48

Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 180

government contracting, state and local

contract administration, 160

contract document, 157–158

contract performance evaluation, 160–161

make or buy decision, 156–157

overview, 155–156

performance information, 161–162

solicitation, 158

Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), 84

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), 27

government social networking sites, 135–136

GPRA. See Government Performance and Results Act

green IT, 127


HC. See human capital

HCAAF. See Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework

HD. See high-definition video

Health and Human Service Agency (HHSA), 13, 15–18

health plan management

appeals process, 67

background, 59

balance, 63–64

communication, 65

contracting process, 65–66

cost drivers, 62–63

Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees, 59

global coverage, 64–65

group benefits program, 60–61

guiding policies, 61–62

keys to success, 63

transparency, 66–67

HHSA. See Health and Human Service Agency

high-definition (HD) video, 137

HR. See human resources

human augmentation, 127

human capital (HC), 71

Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF), 71, 75

human resources (HR), 73, 76


ICMA. See International City/County Management Association

idea fixation, 42

inappropriate analogies, 42

information transparency, 128

innovation, 105

integrity, 90, 93

International City/County Management Association (ICMA), 83, 180

interpersonal communication, 85


jams, 143


leadership skills, 110

local area agreement (LAA), 182


management skills, 110

managing matrix organizations, 18

mandated wicked problems, 7

Medi-Cal, 20

microblogging, 134

mirror imaging, 42

mobile robots, 127

moral authority, 96–97

moral decisions, 94

multi-jurisdictional problems, 6

municipal utility district (MUD), 8–9


National Infrastructure Advisory Council, 39

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 135

National Performance Review (NPR), 27

network, 5

new media, 128

NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

non-moral decisions, 94

NPR. See National Performance Review

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 118


objective standards, 91–93

objectives, defining, 77

obvious wicked problems, 6

OD. See organizational development

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 27, 39, 47

Office of Management and Budget Program Assessment Rating Tool (OMB-PART), 75

Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 71, 110

OMB. See Office of Management and Budget

OMB-PART. See Office of Management and Budget Program Assessment Rating Tool

open model organizations, 27–28

OPM. See Office of Personnel Management

organizational development (OD), 30–31

organizational integrity, 83


Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART), 124

performance management (PM)

benchmarking, 180–181

holistic performance management framework, 178–179

importance of, 177–178

partnerships, 181–182

performance culture, 178

reporting, 181

resources and activities, 179–180

software tools, 182–183

personal integrity, 83

plan champion, 77

plan metrics, 76–77

pocket computer/phone, 131–133

President’s Management Agenda (PMA), 27

professional integrity, 83

progress reporting, 78

project management, 78

proportionality bias, 43

public sector productivity, measuring, 25–27

public trust, 90


rational-actor hypothesis, 43

Recovery Act. See American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

required disciplines, 14

RFID, 127

risk management

accurate intelligence, 44

common errors, 42–43

identification, 38

importance of, 37–38

management, 39

measurement, 38–39

national security arena, 39–41

private sector, 41–42

rumor control hotline, 103


SACH. See structured analysis of competing hypotheses

San Diego County case study

ACCESS customer service center, 20–21

background, 13–14

CalWin, 20

CalWORKS, 20

engaging citizens and stakeholders, 22–23

Family Resource Center, 20

food stamps initiative, 18–22

General Management System, 14

GMS 2.0, 23–24

Health and Human Service Agency, 13, 15–18

managing matrix organizations, 18

Medi-Cal, 20

mission-critical goal, 17

surge capacity, 22

sensor mesh networks, 127

Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA), 180

SHCP. See strategic human capital planning

single city organization approach, 8

social media and networks, 128

social software, 127

social viral media, 136

staff effectiveness, 84

stakeholders, 149–150

stovepiping, 42

strategic goals, 76

strategic human capital planning (SHCP)

accountable leaders, 73–74

commitments to action, 76–77

definition, 72

future-oriented, 73

implementation, 72

implementation enablers, 77–78

inputs to planning, 75–76

overview, 71

planning model, 74

scope, 72–73

straw polls, 104

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, 76

structured analysis of competing hypotheses (SACH), 43

subjective standards, 91–93

surge capacity, 22

SWOT. See strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis


tacit knowledge, 142, 144–145

talent management

economic crisis, 113–114

Federal Human Capital Survey, 118–119

integrated, 112–113

key skill areas, 110–111

leadership, 114–115

opportunities, 117–118

skills gap, 109–110

Web 2.0, 115–117

workforce composition, 111

TCEQ. See Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

TCMA. See Texas City Management Association

technical skills, 110

technological literacy, 85


bandwidth, 128

challenges, 123–124

computing, 128

information, 128

long-term trends, 126–128

near-term trends, 127

short-term trends, 124–126

storage, 127

tera-architectures, 127

Texas City Management Association (TCMA), 83

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), 86

third-party analysis, 75

town hall meetings, 102

transparency, 133

Twitter, 134–135


U.K Audit Commission, 177

U.S. Postal Service (USPS), 86

Uvalde Recreational Council (URC), 9


video, 136–137

virtual reality, 128

virtual worlds, 127

vision setting, 76


Web 2.0

accrediting expertise, 150

blogs, 143

common cause, 151

decision forensics, 145

decision-making authority, 149

expectations, 147–148

expertise locators, 145–146

implementing, 146–147

importance of, 125, 134, 141–142

jams, 143

learning curve, 148–149

stakeholders, 149–150

tacit knowledge, 142, 144–145

wikis, 143

Web 3.0, 134


citizen engagement, 133

e-connectivity, 137–139

government social networking sites, 135–136

overview, 131

pocket computer/phone, 131–133

social viral media, 136

transparency, 133

Twitter, 134–135

video, 136–137

Web 2.0, 134

Web 3.0, 134

YouTube, 135

wikis, 143

workforce analysis, 75


YouTube, 135

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