


PART 1 Strategic Program Operations.

CHAPTER 1 Planning and Managing Core Mission Functions at the Municipal Level

What Is Conceptualization?

Solving Wicked Problems

   Distinguishing Among Wicked Problems

Failure to Conceptualize Externally

Small Problems and Conceptualization

Managers’ Capacity to Implement Solutions

CHAPTER 2 Planning and Managing Core Mission Functions in San Diego County, California

The Discipline of a General Management System

A Complex Health and Human Services Agency Grapples with Strategic Alignment

Theory in Practice

   All Hands Engaged in Priority Food Stamps Initiative

   Reengineering the Eligibility System

The Third Dimension: Engaging Citizens and Stakeholders

GMS 2.0

CHAPTER 3 Planning and Resource Decision-Making at the Federal Level

The Conundrum of Measuring Public Sector Productivity

Open and Closed Organizations

Understanding Management Behavior in Federal Environments

Today’s Federal Reality

Where Do We Go from Here?

PART 2 Strategic Budget and Financial Management

CHAPTER 4 Managing Risk in the Federal Fiscal Environment

Risk Management




Risk Management in the National Security Arena

Private-Sector Perspectives

Common Errors in Risk Management

Obtaining Accurate Intelligence


CHAPTER 5 Minimizing Risk to Recovery: Avoiding Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Federal Recovery Project Spending

Recovery Act Goals

Measuring Risk and Performance

Managing Internal Controls

   Conducting a Gap Analysis

   Identifying Common Risks

Final Thoughts

CHAPTER 6 Managing a Governmental Health Plan

The Group Benefits Program

   Four Guiding Policies

   Understanding Cost Drivers

Keys to Success


   Providing Global Coverage


   A Good Contracting Process


   Managing the Appeals Process


PART 3 Strategic Human Capital Management

CHAPTER 7 A Road Map for Federal Strategic Human Capital Planning

Successful Strategic HC Planning

   Focus on Implementation

   Tightly Target the Scope

   Be Future Oriented

   Make Leaders Accountable for Results

   Create a Clear Set of Planning Steps


CHAPTER 8 Fostering Professional Development through Certified Public Manager Programs

The CPM Program

   National Certified Public Manager Consortium

ASPA’s Section on Certified Public Management

Emphasis on Public-Sector Ethics and Integrity


Technical Competencies

Best Practices



   District of Columbia

More Information

CHAPTER 9 Fostering Ethics and Accountability in the Public-Sector Workplace

Public Trust

Accountability and the Subcomponents of Morals: Ethics, Values, and Principles

Subjective Standards vs. Objective Standards


Decision-Making on Ethical and Moral Issues

   Moral Decisions

Character Formation

Moral Authority


CHAPTER 10 Creating a Healthy Workplace Culture in Hard Times: Managing Workers through Deficits and Downturns in Austin, Texas


It Starts at the Top

The Three Cs




The End Result


CHAPTER 11 Maximizing Public Organization Talent Strategically and Systemically

Skills Gap

   Four Key Skill Areas

Workforce Composition

Integrated Talent Management

   Eight Recommended Strategies and Tactics

Lessons from the Economic Crisis


The Impact of Web 2.0

   Six Web 2.0 Best Practices

Unprecedented Opportunities

   Seven Key Human Capital Steps

   Results of the 2008 Federal Human Capital Survey

   The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ranks First in the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

PART 4 Strategic Knowledge and Technology Management

CHAPTER 12 Technology Challenges for 21st-century Government

Technology Trends: Short Term

Technology Trends: Longer Term

Other Changing Horizons

CHAPTER 13 Webcentricity and Five Challenges for Public Management

The Pocket Computer/Phone

Transparency and Citizen Engagement

Web 2.0 to 3.0: The Social Networking Phenomenon



   Governmental Social Networking Sites

   The Dangers of Social Viral Media

The Immediacy of Video

Managing E-Connectivity

CHAPTER 14 Web 2.0’s Knowledge Management Potential in the Public Sector

Capturing Tacit Knowledge through Web 2.0

   Tacit Knowledge

   Decision Forensics

   Expertise Locators

Considerations for Implementing a Web 2.0 Strategy

   Resetting Expectations about Knowledge Management

   Allowing for a Learning Curve

   Clarifying Decision-Making Authority

   Ensuring Adequate Stakeholder Representation

   Determining How to Accredit Expertise

   Unifying under a Common Cause


PART 5 Strategic Acquisition Management

CHAPTER 15 Contracting for Services in State and Local Government

Elements of Government Contracting

The Make or Buy Decision

   The Contract Document

   Solicitation and Selection of Contractors

   Contract Administration and the Government’s Relationship with the Contractor

   Evaluation of Contractor Performance

   Using Contractor Performance Information to Make Decisions


PART 6 Strategic Performance Management

CHAPTER 16 Citistat: Evaluating City Management in Baltimore, Maryland



   Historical Origins

   Structural Composition

   Theoretical Orientation


CHAPTER 17 Comparing Local Performance Management in the United Kingdom and United States

Nurturing a Performance Culture

   Creating a Holistic Performance Management Framework

   Aligning Resources and Activities with Corporate Goals

   Benchmarking against Similar Profile Organizations

   Performance Reporting to Citizens

   Tracking Performance in Partnerships

   Using Software to Support the Performance Management Process


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