Abernathy, William, 205

accountability, 15

leadership in, 197198

mutual, 130133

adaptation school of strategy, 206207

Adidas, 89, 114116, 159

adjacencies, 207208

adjacency trap, 51

Adolph, Gerald, 5658

advantage, transience of, 54

aggregators, 214

agility, 12, 51, 54, 55

Agnefjäll, Peter, 25, 95, 119, 121

alignment, 45. See also coherence

Alves, Denise, 128

Amazon, 8

capabilities at, 5455

capabilities system at, 102

cost allocation at, 146

culture at, 123

expansion at, 43

future shaped by, 184185

growth at, 57

identity profile of, 56

industry realignment by, 184185, 187

mergers and acquisitions, 104

Prime, 57

supply chain at, 49

Anheuser-Busch, 151

anthropological methods, 179180

Apple, 4, 8

capabilities system at, 45, 47, 78, 79, 102, 175176

cost allocation at, 146

crises at, 173

culture at, 123, 125, 131, 137

expansion at, 4243

future shaped by, 19, 175176

Genius Bar, 79

identity at, 13, 3234

identity profile of, 35

industry realignment by, 187

apps, 94, 102, 104


aspirations, 15, 6264

Bagaria, Amit, 96

banking apps, 102

Bell, Alexander Graham, 109

Benadryl, 88, 89

benchmarking, 7879, 164165

Bennis, Warren, 193

best practices, 10, 11, 7073, 7879

Bezos, Jeff, 5455

boldness, 193201

BP, 189

Brodin, Jesper, 26

budget processes, 169172. See also costs, cutting to grow stronger

Calloway, Wayne, 75

Campbell Soup Company, 140


alignment with, 45

at Apple, 33

best practices and, 10, 11

blueprinting, 1315, 7686

budgeting and, 170172

building distinctive, 86107

chaining, 5758

codification of, 112117

conventional wisdom on, 1011

cost cutting and, 152158

cross-functional, 12, 8688

culture alignment with, 121

defining, 82

definition of, 7778

describing, 4850, 83

determining value of, 8283

differentiating, 4, 152154

cost of developing, 7, 107

developing, 7073

slow rate of change in, 54

emotional power of, 124

focused interventions on, 8794

at Haier, 41

identity and, 1213, 37, 4550

identity triggered by, 6162

imitating others’, 50, 7879

innovation in, 87, 95102

logistics, 49

mergers and acquisitions for, 87, 103107

requirements of, 8384

research on building, 710, 209212

scaling, 24, 77, 107117

stability of, 5455

strategic and everyday, 1315

technology disruptions and, 9294

types of, 152158

unconventional leadership acts and, 1019

value propositions and, 44

capabilities systems

blueprinting, 7686

building, 77, 86107

business case for, 84

culture alignment with, 123

execution and, 6970

fit among capabilities in, 8485

at Frito-Lay, 7077

functional boundaries and, 108112

growth based on, 5658

identity and, 4550

at JCI-ASG, 7986

leadership in developing, 134

planning for, 8586

recharging, 174, 175178

scaling, 77, 107117

as strategy driver, 4950

of supercompetitors, 185

tacit and explicit knowledge in, 108, 112117

Carlucci, Alessandro, 59, 60

category leaders, 43, 214

Cementos Anáhuac, 103104

Cementos Tolteca, 103104


capabilities system at, 47, 176

crises at, 173

critical-few approach at, 140

demand creation by, 181184

expansion at, 43

future shaped by, 181184

identity profile of, 183

identity trigger at, 6465

innovation at, 44

mergers and acquisitions at, 103104

Patrimonio Hoy program, 181

resource management at, 17

value proposition at, 44

Chandler, Alfred D., 209


barriers to, 198, 200201

conventional wisdom on, 11

critical-few approach to, 138144

of culture, 16, 119120, 138144

culture and, 15, 16

identity coherence in, 5160

leadership in, 198

resistance to, 8586

Chicago Pneumatic, 61

Christensen, Clayton, 4748

code-division multiple access (CDMA), 99102, 156157

coherence, 410

definition of, 45

developing, 6061

five acts of unconventional leadership and, 1019

identity assessment and, 37

path to, 2829

premium from, 67

research on, 710, 209212

Colgate, 187

collective mastery, 116, 133138, 197198

Collins, Jim, 9

communities of practice, 111

Competing for the Future (Hamel & Prahalad), 207

competitive necessities, 154157

competitiveness, internal, 132133

Conant, Douglas, 140

concentration school of strategy, 207208

ConocoPhillips, 189190

consolidators, 215

Construrama, 181182

consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, 187189, 190

continuous improvement, 92

core competencies, 207

costs, cutting to grow stronger, 12, 1618, 145172

vs. across-the-board cuts, 148

budget processes and, 169172

differentiating capabilities and, 152154, 160, 165

effects of failure to, 21

finding areas for, 152165

at Frito-Lay, 149152

at IKEA, 25

leadership in, 198, 200

at Lego, 165169

lights-on expenses, 157, 165

not required expenses, 157158

spending alignment tool for, 160162

table stakes and, 154157, 165

creativity, 87, 113114, 117. See also innovation

critical-few approach, 138144

crowdsourcing, 72

culture, 5, 119144

advantages/disadvantages of traits of, 138

as asset, 119

capabilities and, 50

celebrating/leveraging, 12, 1516

changing, 16, 119120

collective mastery and, 116, 133138

conventional wisdom on, 10

critical-few approach to changing, 138144

critical-few intervention in, 16

cutting costs to grow stronger in, 148

definition of, 120

emotional power of, 122, 124130

employee fit with, 137

as enemy of change, 15, 138139

fostering distinctive, 121125

at IKEA, 2526

as impediment to change, 119120

lack of commitment to, 21

leadership in, 194, 197198, 200

mutual accountability and, 130133

power of, 120

storytelling in, 120


relationships with key, 18

support of at Haier, 4041

understanding of at IKEA, 24

customizers, 215

Danaher Corporation, 4, 8

capabilities system at, 79, 178

cost cutting at, 145146

culture at, 1516, 122123, 125

executive teaching/learning at, 134136

identity profile of, 147

identity trigger at, 6162

knowledge codification at, 114

leadership at, 2728

mergers and acquisitions at, 103, 105106

Dassler, Adolf, 114115

demand creation, 174, 178184

Deming, W. Edwards, 205


capabilities systems in, 45, 47

coherent vs. incoherent, 5

cost cutting and, 159

table stakes and, 156

value propositions and, 45

digital technologies

capabilities innovation and, 102103

capabilities interventions and, 9394

disruption from, 5860

disintermediators, 215

disruption, from digital technologies, 5860, 94

Doolin, Charles Elmer, 73

Dow Chemical, 41

Duijnhoven, Henk van, 135

Durkee, 53

Eagle Snacks, 149151

ecosystems, 173174, 184192

Edison, Thomas, 109

elite groups, 20, 107108

emotional commitment, 124130

critical-few approach and, 139140

leadership in, 197198

from parking-lot exercise, 162163


awareness of capabilities and value among, 14

collective mastery and, 133138

culture as attraction for, 122, 124130

developing/retaining, 4849

emotional engagement of, 1516, 124130

identity understood by, 3132

recruiting for capabilities system development, 85

recruiting for culture fit, 135

of supercompetitors, 187

training and development of, 134136, 163, 198

Endomondo, 104

engagement, 117

Enrico, Roger, 75, 149151

enthusiasm, 1516

Essential Advantage: How to Win with a Capabilities-Driven Strategy (Leinwand & Mainardi), 6, 79


coherence and, 410

combining with strategy, 24

gap between strategy and, 129

leadership in, 193201

school of management, 205206

strategic intent and, 6970

experience providers, 43, 216

experimentation, 9394

ExxonMobil, 189

fast followers, 216

feasibility, 45

Feld, Charles, 73, 75

Ferreira, João Paulo, 129

Fischer, Bill, 38

fit for growth approach, 1718

Fit for Growth index, 161162

five forces framework, 204

Flextronics, 79

Fluke, 106

focus, 52, 87, 117

Frito-Lay, 4, 8

capabilities system at, 7077

cost allocation at, 146, 149152

culture at, 123

functional boundaries at, 110

future shaped by, 19

identity profile of, 74

knowledge codification at, 114

supply chain at, 49, 7073, 7476

functional boundaries, 108112, 158165

future, shaping, 12, 1819, 173192

creating demand and, 174, 178184

at Danaher, 28

at IKEA, 2526

with industry realignment, 173174, 184192

leadership in, 198, 200

by recharging your capabilities system, 174, 175178

results of failure to, 2122

Gap, 175

General Electric, 205

Geographic Enterprise Solution (GES), 76

Gill, Michael Gates, 64, 125, 131, 154

Glidden, 53

goals, 193201

golden butt, 80

Good to Great (Collins), 9

Green Berets, 20

Greenwood, Kim David, 5658


based on capabilities, 5658

capability development and, 5758

conventional wisdom on, 10

creating demand and, 174, 178184

cutting costs to fund, 145172

disruptive, 5859

identity coherence in, 4243, 5160

in-market, 57

near-market, 57

through adjacencies, 51, 207208

growth-share matrix, 204

Hach, 106

Haier, 4, 8

capabilities system at, 176178

critical-few approach at, 143144

digital technology at, 93

identity at, 13, 36, 3842

identity profile of, 42

industry realignment by, 187

value proposition at, 38

Hamel, Gary, 207, 209

Hansen, Søren, 132133

Hayes, Robert, 205

Heckmann, Peter, 166, 167169

Heineken, 89

Heinz, 189

Henderson, Bruce, 204

Hernández, Jesús Echevarría, 99

Hernández, Luis, 119, 182

Hillshire Brands, 189

Howitt, Beth, 180

How Starbucks Saved My Life (Gill), 64

Hubbard, Thomas, 185

identity, 5, 3167

at Apple, 3235

assessment tool for, 37

capabilities innovation and, 9699

capabilities system blueprinting and, 78

choosing, 32

company profiles on, 8

culture and, 16

culture in, 124

at Danaher, 2728

defining your, 4251

elements of, 43

emotional commitment and, 124130

employee understanding of, 3132

failure to commit to, 21

growth, change, and, 5160

at Haier, 36, 3842

at IKEA, 2224, 2627

leadership in, 194, 196197, 199

at Natura, 27

organizational design and, 108

personal, 196197

profiles, 23, 34, 42, 56, 66, 74, 86, 91, 98, 101, 130, 147, 154155, 183

resource management and, 17

at Starbucks, 3436

triggers of, 6067

value proposition in, 4345, 46

Iglesias, Oriol, 115

IKEA, 23, 8

capabilities at, 22

capabilities system at, 176, 178

capabilities teams at, 111112

coherent leadership at, 2228

culture at, 1516, 2526, 131133

demand creation at, 179180

functional boundaries at, 110

future shaped by, 179180, 185

identity at, 13, 2224, 2627

identity profile of, 23

identity trigger at, 62

industry realignment by, 185, 187

innovation at, 44, 9596

knowledge codification at, 116117

mutual accountability at, 131133

pricing at, 25

value proposition at, 44

imitation, 50, 7879

of cultures, 121

See also best practices

incoherence, 56

falling into, 173

functional boundaries and, 109110

See also coherence

Ind, Nicholas, 115

Inditex, 8

cost allocation at, 146

culture at, 123, 126

future shaped by, 19

identity profile of, 98

innovation at, 9699

supply chain at, 49

Inditex, 4

Industria de Diseño Textil (Inditex). See Inditex

industry realignment, 173174, 184192


in capabilities, 87, 95102

at CEMEX, 44

codification of knowledge and, 112114

identity and, 9699

at IKEA, 44, 95

at Inditex, 9699

at Qualcomm, 44, 96, 99102

innovators, 43, 217

The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christensen), 4748

In Search of Excellence (Peters), 9, 206

inspiration, 79

Isaacson, Walter, 3233

Jacobs Brake Company, 6162

Jacobs Douwe Egberts, 190

Jäggi, René, 115

JCI Automotive Systems Group, 8, 7986

identity profile of, 86

leadership at, 136

Jobs, Steve, 19, 3234, 176

Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI), 79, 189

Johnson & Johnson, 88, 89

Jordan, Michael, 7576

Joyce, Tom, 135136

just-in-time manufacturing, 80

Kamprad, Ingvar, 2224, 62, 95. See also IKEA

Katzenbach, Jon, 131, 139

Kay, Alan, 184

Kiechel, Walter, 203

Kiva Systems, 49, 104

knowledge, tacit and explicit, 108, 112117

The Knowledge-Creating Company (Nonaka & Takeuchi), 112

Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig, 6566, 165166

Kocak, 175

Koenigsaecker, George, 6162, 134

Kraft, 187188, 189

La Boulange, 104

Lago, Umberto, 38

Lashinsky, Adam, 78, 131


acts of unconventional, 1019

commit to an identity, 1011, 1213, 3167

conventional wisdom vs., 1011, 20

cut costs to grow stronger, 12, 1618, 145172

at IKEA, 2228

interconnection of, 1928

at Natura, 27

personal analogs to, 196201

put your culture to work, 12, 1516, 117, 119144

shaping your future, 12, 1819, 173192

translate strategic into everyday, 12, 1315, 69117

assessment of, 37

bold, 193201

in capabilities blueprinting, 78

in collective mastery, 133138

cost allocation and, 163164

critical few in, 138, 141

management vs., 193194

questions and behaviors tool for, 199200

lean management, 40, 134, 205

Lego, 4, 8

capabilities system at, 79, 102

cost allocation at, 146, 165169

crises at, 173

culture at, 123, 125

digital technology at, 59

expansion at, 43

identity at, 13

identity profile of, 66

identity trigger at, 6567

Leinwand, Paul, 6, 79

Lico, Jim, 106, 123, 135

Liebherr, 40

lights-on expenses, 157, 159, 165

Listerine, 88, 89

Liu, Fang 38

logistics capabilities, 49

Lööf, Torbjörn, 24, 117

Lundgren, Gillis, 95

Mainardi, Cesare, 6, 79


boldness and, 193194

books on, 9

history of theory on, 203208

at IKEA, 27

incoherence from, 5

lean, 40, 134, 205

mutual accountability and, 131133

in strategy-to-execution gap, 12

“Managing Our Way to Economic Decline” (Abernathy & Hayes), 205

MapMyFitness, 94, 104

Marathon, 189190

Maresch, Montserrat, 25, 131132

market leadership, 173174, 184192

mastery, collective, 116, 133138, 197198

McDonald’s, 89, 9293, 185

Mendes, Alessandro, 126

mergers and acquisitions

in capabilities development, 8687, 103107

coherence premium from, 7

enhancement deals, 104105, 106107

leverage deals, 103104, 106

limited-fit deals, 104105

of supercompetitors, 186187, 188

Michelangelo, 193

Microsoft, 33

Mintzberg, Henry, 206

mission statements, 31

Mitchell, John, 125

Mock, Dave, 99, 156157

Mondelez, 189

Montgomery, Cynthia, 34

Moore, Peter, 115116

Motorola, 205

Murphy Oil, 189190

MyFitnessPal, 104

Natura Cosméticos S.A., 3, 8

capabilities system at, 176

capabilities teams at, 111

culture at, 1516, 122, 123, 125, 126130

digital technology at, 5960

emotional commitment at, 125, 126130

identity profile of, 130

leadership at, 27

Navy Seals, 20

Neilson, Gary, 108

Nestlé, 187, 189

niche markets, 40

Nicorette, 88, 89

Nonaka, Ikujiro, 112, 209

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 6465

Ohlsson, Mikael, 2526

Oliver, Keith, 166, 167169

Omnitracs, 107

on-demand production, 4041

opportunities, 12

conventional wisdom on, 1011

cutting costs to grow stronger and, 1618, 21

identity and, 5154

selecting based on identity, 4445

organizational structures, 108112

Ortega, Amancio, 97

outsourcing, 164, 166167

Ovesen, Jesper, 167

parking-lot exercise, 152169

peeling the onion, 8081

PepsiCo, 70, 7374, 76. See also Frito-Lay

performance, conventional wisdom on, 10

perspectives, 197

Peters, Tom, 9, 206

Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, 8, 8892

communities of practice at, 111

identity profile of, 91

Plank, Kevin, 94, 184

platform providers, 217

Porter, Michael, 204, 206

portfolio reviews, 50, 52

position school of management, 204205

Prahalad, C. K., 207, 209

Pratt & Whitney, 89

premium players, 217

processes, 14

Procter & Gamble, 79, 187, 188189

Procter-Silex, 53

products and services

alignment with, 45

at Apple, 35

in coherence, 45

defining your, 5051

identity and, 36, 5051

identity based on, 37

at IKEA, 23

portfolio reviews of, 50, 52


from coherence premium, 67

value proposition and, 45

prototyping, 9394

puretones. See value proposition

purpose statements, 31

Putnam, Robert, 114

Qualcomm, 4, 8

cost allocation at, 156157

culture at, 16, 123, 125

divestments by, 106107

future shaped by, 185

identity at, 13

identity profile of, 101

industry realignment by, 185, 187

innovation at, 44, 96, 99102

licensing at, 99102

value proposition at, 44

Qualcomm Equation, The (Mock), 99

quality movement, 134, 205

Rales, Mitchell, 6162, 135

Rales, Steven, 6162

regulation navigators, 218

regulatory management, 8992

Reinventing Giants (Fischer, Lago, & Liu), 38

relationships, 18, 126130

relevance, 45, 160, 179180

reputation players, 218

resilience, 12, 51

resistance, 8586

resource management, 5

conventional wisdom on, 1011, 12

cutting costs to grow stronger, 1618, 21, 145172

fit for growth approach to, 1718

at IKEA, 25

leadership in, 198

unconventional leadership in, 12

See also culture

rewards and incentives, 201

right to win, 5556

Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, The (Mintzberg), 206

risk absorbers, 219

Ritz-Carlton, 79

Rogaine, 88, 89

Samakh, Edouard, 166, 167169

San Agustin, Juan Pablo, 140

Sara Lee, 187, 188, 189

scale and scaling

of capabilities systems, 77, 107117

at IKEA, 24

of knowledge, 108, 112117

Schein, Edgar, 120

Schultz, Howard, 3536, 6264, 125, 197. See also Starbucks

Schultz, Majken, 115

Seattle Coffee, 103

Simms, Steven, 79, 134135, 136

Six Sigma, 205

skunk works, 107108

Smalltalk, 184

Smith, Douglas R., 131

Smith, Stan, 116

Smith-Corona, 53

solutions providers, 219

Standard Industry Classification (SIC), 5051

standard practices, 112113

Starbucks, 4, 8, 190

capabilities at, 4849

capabilities system at, 102, 176

cost allocation at, 146, 154

crises at, 173

culture at, 1516, 123, 125, 131, 136137

digital technology at, 5859

expansion at, 42

future shaped by, 185

identity at, 13, 3436

identity profile of, 154155

identity trigger at, 6264

industry realignment by, 185

knowledge codification at, 116

mergers and acquisitions at, 103

Steve Jobs (Isaacson), 3233

storytelling, 120

Strasser, Rob, 115

strategic intent, 207


alignment of, 45

capabilities in driving, 4950

cost management and, 1618, 159

culture and, 16

history of theory on, 203208

leadership in, 193201

supercompetitors and, 190191

survey of executives on, 1

technology alignment with, 9394

translating into everyday, 12, 1315, 21, 69117, 197

at IKEA, 24

leadership in, 199

value creation and, 31

strategy-to-execution gap, 129

blueprints in closing, 8285

boldness in closing, 193201

coherence and, 410

coherence premium and, 67

companies that have solved, 24

conventional wisdom in creating, 1011

cost allocation and, 146, 148149

differentiated capabilities in closing, 4

elites in closing, 20

emotional commitment and, 124130

functional boundaries and, 109110

management in, 12, 5

unconventional leadership acts and, 1019

Strauss Group, 41

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, 204

success, coasting on past, 18

Sudafed, 88, 89

supercompetitors, 1819, 2122

becoming, 174175

industry realignment by, 173174, 184192

workshop tool on, 191192

See also future, shaping


culture and, 123

at Frito-Lay, 76

at Natura, 127129

SWOT analysis, 204

table stakes, 154157, 159, 165

Takeuchi, Hirotaka, 112, 209


capabilities, 111112

for cost cutting, 148149

cross-functional, 110111

mutual accountability in, 130133

Teece, David, 209

Tektronix, 106

Tesla Motors, 89, 57


capabilities view of portfolios, 52

capabilities visioning, 85

critical-few elements identification, 141143

for identity assessment, 37

parking-lot exercise, 152165

questions and behaviors for leaders, 199200

spending alignment, 160162

supercompetitor workshop, 191192

value proposition analysis, 46

Total, 189190

Toyota, 205, 206

training and development

cost allocation for, 163

of executives, 134136

in leadership, 198

triple bottom line, 127129

trust, 1516, 131

Tweed, David, 166

Tyson Foods, 189

Under Armour, 89, 94, 104, 184

Unilever, 187, 188

US military, 20

value chain, 204

value creation, 5, 194195

value networks, 4748. See also capabilities systems

value players, 43, 219

value proposition, 45

alignment with, 45

at Apple, 3233

budgeting and, 170172

capabilities interventions and, 92

capabilities systems and, 45, 47, 77

criteria for, 45

culture and, 124

cutting costs based on, 145146, 148149

execution and, 6970

at Haier, 38

identity based on, 1213, 31, 37, 4345, 46

at IKEA, 22

ongoing efforts toward, 176

at Pfizer Consumer, 8889

puretones in, 4344, 213219

rewards/incentives alignment with, 201

staying true to, 710

of supercompetitors, 185

Vista Equity Partners, 106107

Warner-Lambert, 8990

way to play. See value proposition

“What Is Strategy?” (Porter), 206

Wisdom of Teams, The (Katzenbach & Smith), 131

Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 184

Ydholm, Mikael, 179

Zambrano, Lorenzo, 6465, 140

Zantac, 88, 89

Zara, 49, 9699

future shaped by, 175

identity at, 13

identity profile of, 98

Zhang Ruimin, 3842, 119, 143144, 177178. See also Haier

Zyrtec, 88

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