The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

acquaintance stakeholders

acronyms, use of

action-orientation, in decision making

action-oriented listening

alerting sponsors to information

allegiance, sense of

alliances, political



about delivering project

about scope of project

addressed in Charter


made by operations



and alerting sponsors to information

in dealing with resistance

definition of

in gaining credibility

signs of negative change in


to approve scope changes

of communications

in delivering training

influencing others through

in resolving competing initiatives

awareness, situational

Barker, Larry

barriers to communication


benefit analysis

Bierck, Richard, on appropriateness

Big Picture/Small Picture strategy

blockers, people who are

breakfast meetings

budget reductions

Buffett, Warren, on rules in business

Business Case

business goals/objectives

business needs, projects addressing

business practices, see poor business practices

business risks

Case for Change

cathartic communications

champion, see also project champion

change management plan


Case for

estimating magnitude of

potential, in the course of projects

resistance to

in scope of project


communication model

communication plan


in competing with other initiatives

Working Committee in


to address operations assumptions

basics for

in building relationship and trust

common elements for

conflict and

of decision options

emotional skills in

encoding and decoding

establishing channels of

focus in

of good and bad news

hierarchy of

listening styles in

mixing media for

as most crucial success factor

with operations

perception in

potential barriers to

in presentations

of problems and issues

purposes of


of scope change requests

sensitivity analysis for

to stay in touch with sponsor

and Working Committee

company politics

affecting sponsors

and building blocks of trust

and centrality of business goals

and emphasis on solutions

in informing management team of project status

negative aspects of

and resolving competing initiatives

and sponsor’s top cover

and trusted advisor concept

competition with other initiatives

addressing conflicts created by

situational awareness of




and communication

with competing initiatives

dealing with

dimensions and behaviors of

emotional skills for handling

reasons for

consensus building


content-orientation, in decision making

content-oriented listening

contracts, questions not answered by

Contrast/Compare strategy

corrective action


cross-cultural projects, see multinational, cross-cultural projects

cross-functional issues

building consensus on

escalation process for

handling questions about

presenting information on

stakeholder perspectives on

time sensitivity of

cultural norms


daily operational performance

decision making

different orientations in

gatekeepers for

level of fear in

RAPID method for


within Working Committee

decision matrix

decision support

benefit analysis for

and connection to end results of project

and gatekeepers for decisions

presenting options in

purpose statement for

recommending best balanced choice in

reviewing options in

risks analysis for

decision support package (DSP)

deliverables, see project deliverables

deputies of executives

detail, desired level of

direct questions

DSP (decision support package)


emotional skills



engagement plan

English language

escalation process

executive leadership

choosing project champion from among

engaging with deputies of

importance of

level of involvement of

traditional project roles of

workstreams managed by

see also sponsors




fear management

fishbone diagram


formal discussions

framing bad news


friend stakeholders

future performance

games, political



governance structure

handouts, with presentations

hidden agendas

holidays, differences in

Holtz, Lou, on attitude

human resources

impact analysis

informal discussions


different ways of processing

presented to sponsors

sponsor’s approach to

strategies for organizing

informational communications

initiative fatigue


interest, of stakeholders


jargon use

Kerzner, Harold


leadership, see executive leadership

leadership plan


listening styles


and basics for communication


and desire for details

and formal vs. informal discussions

and jargons/acronyms

of others, identifying



logic questions

management, dealing with levels of

management team, communicating project status to

managing executives

manipulation, political

measures of success

media, mixing

me questions

middle management

midlevel managers

Minard, Joseph

Most Critical to Least Critical strategy

multinational, cross-cultural projects

English as common language for

human resources considerations with

power base in

sensitivities to be considered in

use of jargon and acronyms in

workweek/holidays differences in


new products/services



operational priorities

operational risks


communicating with

dangerous assumptions made by

gaining support of

providing training for

time-sensitive decisions needed from

organizational risks

organization (org) chart

Ortiz, Lorelei, on conflict

outcomes, sponsor’s approach to


people-orientation, in decision making

people-oriented listening


and Case for Change

as influence on users of deliverables

in informing management team of project status

of sponsors vs. project managers

of stability and control within project



future, planning for

performance evaluation

personal integrity


persuasive communications

phatic communication

Pinto, Jeffery K.

PMBOK (Project Management Book of Knowledge)

PMI, see Project Management Institute

politics, see company politics

poor business practices

affecting scope of project

agreement on handling

uncovered in system projects

power base

in communications

in multinational, cross-cultural projects

power of stakeholders

preparing sponsors for project


of cross-functional issues

format for

preparing for

purposes of

to sponsors

to stakeholders

strategy for


problems creating need for project context of

and desired outcome of project

frequency of

other options considered for

questions for sponsor about

and sponsors’ role/responsibilities

sponsor’s view of

Problem/Solution strategy

problems with projects

building consensus in dealing with

choosing best solution to

determining corrective action

emphasizing solutions to

escalation process for

finding common definitions for

root cause analysis of

project champion


developing relationship with

importance of

operations assumptions corrected by

as Working Committee chair

project deliverables

accountability for using

asking questions about

biggest potential obstacle to

and change in way people work

influences on users of

operational risks with

persuading operations to accept

preparing operations group for receiving

recognizing complexities of

Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK)

Project Management Institute (PMI)

project managers

of competing initiatives

disconnects between sponsors and

languages and approaches of sponsors vs.

management approach of

Pulse of the Profession In-Depth Report (PMI)

purpose of communications

purpose statement


about cross-functional issues

about new products/services

for sponsor to answer

types of

RAPID decision-making model

readers, secondary


influencing others through

with project champion

with project managers of competing initiatives

with sponsor


resistance to change


risk analysis

risk management

of business risks

crafting/presenting message concerning

and fear management

and sponsor’s risk tolerance

and Working Committee



categories of

in communicating with operations

in informing management team of project status

with multiple languages

of not having key people involved

types of

risk tolerance

root cause analysis


scope of project

assumptions in

and budget reductions

collaborating with sponsor on


managing changes in

and out-of-scope business practices

secondary readers


in building communication plan

in communication

in multinational, cross-cultural projects

sensitivity analysis

situational awareness

sleeping giant stakeholders


addressing scope of project with

alerts to

breakfast meetings with

building relationship and trust with

collaborating on Charter with

collaborating on measures of success with

collaborating on scope of project with

communicating problems and issues to

communicating with operations using

in communication planning

creating communications with

credibility of

decision support for

definition of

disconnects between project managers and

in gaining support from operations

getting inside head of

in getting Working Committee members

help with cross-functional issues from

languages and approaches of project managers vs.

operations assumptions corrected by

political arena of

presenting information to

problems impacting role/responsibilities of

questions needing answers from

reviewing stakeholder analysis with

risk tolerance of

role preparation for

staying in touch with

top cover from

stakeholder analysis

classifying stakeholders in

impact analysis in

level of support/interest in

responsibilities and span of control in


cross-functional issue perspectives of

establishing communication channels to



presentations to

problem definitions by

types of

Staubach, Roger, on preparation

Steering Committee

strategic perspective


communication crucial to

defining measures of

summary questions


from operations

from stakeholders

Swindoll, Charles R., on attitude

technical expertise

technical risks

time bomb stakeholders

timeline of problem events

time-oriented listening

time-sensitive decisions

top cover

Towers Watson


content delivery for

content development for

for operations

scope of

triple constraint


building blocks of

in project champion

relationship with sponsor based on

trusted advisor

U.S. Navy Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division

Watson, Kittie

Working Committee

basic mandate for

and communications

on cross-functional problems

deputies of executives on

developing a

in mitigating political risks to sponsor

and politics

project champion as chair of

and risk management

working groups as subsets of

working group vs.

working groups

for cross-functional problems

as subsets of Working Committees

Working Committees vs.

workweek differences

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