The RANK Data Set: Promotions in Rank for Biochemists

The RANK data, analyzed in Chapter 7, “Analysis of Tied or Discrete Data with the LOGISTIC, PROBIT, and GENMOD Procedures,” contains records for 301 biochemists who at some point in their careers were assistant professors at graduate departments in the U.S. The event of interest is a promotion to associate professor. The data set includes the following variables:

DURis the number of years from the beginning of the job to promotion or censoring (ranges from 1 to 10, in integers).
EVENThas a value of 1 if the person was promoted; otherwise, EVENT has a value of 0.
UNDGRADspecifies the selectivity of undergraduate institution (ranges from 1 to 7).
PHDMEDhas a value of 1 if the person received a Ph.D. from a medical school; otherwise, PHDMED has a value of 0.
PHDPRESTis a measure of the prestige of the Ph.D. institution (ranges from 0.92 to 4.62).
ART1-ART10specify the cumulative number of articles published in each of the 10 years.
CIT1-CIT10specify the number of citations in each of the 10 years to all previous articles.
PREST1is a measure of the prestige of the first employing institution (ranges from 0.65 to 4.6).
PREST2is the measure of the prestige of second employing institution (same as PREST1 for those who did not change employers). No one had more than two employers during the period of observation.
JOBTIMEis the year of employer change, measured from the start of the assistant professorship (coded as missing for those who did not change employers).

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