The LEADERS Data Set: Time in Power for Leaders of Countries

The LEADERS data set, analyzed in Chapter 6, “Competing Risks,” is described in detail by Henry Bienen and Nicolas van de Walle (1991), who generously provided me with the data. Each record in the data set corresponds to a spell in power for a primary leader of a country. I used a subset of the original data, restricting the spells to countries outside of Europe, North America, and Australia; spells that began in 1960 or later; and only the first leadership spell for those leaders with multiple spells. This left a total of 472 spells.

Each record includes the following variables:

YEARSis the number of years in power, integer valued. Leaders in power less than one year have a value of 0.
LOST0 = still in power in 1987; 1 = exit by constitutional means; 2 = death by natural causes; and 3 = nonconstitutional exit.
MANNERspecifies how the leader reached power: 0 = constitutional means; 1 = nonconstitutional means.
STARTis the leader’s year of entry into power.
MILITARYis the background of the leader: 1 = military; 0 = civilian.
AGEis the age of the leader, in years, at the time of entry into power.
CONFLICTis the level of ethnic conflict: 1 = medium or high; 0 = low.
LOGINCis the natural logarithm of GNP per capita (dollar equivalent) in 1973.
GROWTHis the average annual rate of per capita GNP growth between 1965-1983.
POPis population, in millions (year not indicated).
LANDis land area, in thousands of square kilometers.
LITERACYis literacy rate (year not indicated).
REGION0 = Middle East; 1 = Africa; 2 = Asia; 3 = Latin America.

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