Running DBA Scripts to Create Reports

There’s always that group of hardcore DBAs out there who hate GUIs and software in general. These command-line experts always have a library of scripts they’ve amassed over the years that they find superior to anything else available. So be it (truth is that I feel that way at times too, so I cannot condemn it). But TOAD can help those DBAs be more productive as well. Chapter 9 introduces TOAD’s Script Manager, a cool feature for organizing, executing, and adding menu shortcuts for all your scripts within TOAD. Furthermore, it comes with several useful script category libraries. For example, the DBA and Schema Object categories each contain dozens of useful scripts for reporting on database objects. Figure 7.15 shows that picking the predefined script index_similar.sql from the Script Manager’s Quick Pick drop-down list launches that script within a SQL Editor and runs it (see Chapter 9 for more details on how to set up and use the Script Manager). So now power DBAs can easily organize all their report scripts within TOAD.

Figure 7.15. TOAD Script Manager—running report scripts.

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