Choosing Among Schema Browser Display Styles

TOAD’s novel tabbed approach can at times appear cluttered, as shown in Figure 2.2. The left-hand side (LHS) of the screen has all the tabs spanning across multiple lines, thus consuming nearly a third of the vertical real estate within which to display each tab’s relevant contextual information. What if you had two dozen tables? The bottom half of the LHS would become scrollable and you would not be able to see some of the tables (unless you scrolled). For some people, this is not the optimal way to work. So TOAD offers options for how the Schema Browser display should appear.

Figure 2.2. The TOAD Schema Browser: multiline tabs.

For people who like the tabbed approach but do not want the tabs to span multiple lines and therefore chew up valuable display real estate, TOAD can also display the tabs as horizontally scrollable. To accomplish this, you simply uncheck the box for Use Multi-Line Tabs on the Left Side on Page 2 of the Schema Browser category of the TOAD Options screen as shown in Figure 2.3. The TOAD Options screen is accessible from the main menu at View, Options.

Figure 2.3. TOAD options for single-line Schema Browser.

Now the Schema Browser tabs will appear as shown in Figure 2.4. Compare Figures 2.2 and 2.4 and you’ll see how this option does not consume as much real estate for the tabs and thus has more room for displaying contextual information. Of course now you must scroll left and right in order to access all of TOAD’s many tabs.

Figure 2.4. TOAD Schema Browser, showing single-line tabs.

Of course, some people just don’t like the tabbed approach and prefer something more traditional. Thus TOAD offers a drop-down list display style for the Schema Browser as well. To choose this style of interface, you simply uncheck the box for Tabbed Schema Browser on Page 2 of the Schema Browser category of the TOAD Options screen as shown in Figure 2.5. The TOAD Options screen can be accessed from the main menu at View, Options.

Figure 2.5. TOAD options for drop-down list style Schema Browser.

Now the Schema Browser will appear as shown in Figure 2.6 (note that the drop down lists completely replace the need for any tabs at all). Compare Figures 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6. The drop-down list style does not consume as much real estate either, but offers a simple and intuitive interface for those people who dislike the tabbed approach.

Figure 2.6. TOAD Schema Browser, using drop-down lists.

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