

Ability tests

Aboriginal Australians



Accident proneness


Ad hoc approach


Adaptive testing

Add-on costs

Adverse impact: checking for; conducting studies of; definition of; of intelligence tests; strategies to reduce

Age differences

Agreeableness: definition of; high scores on; low scores on; simplified results of




Applications, scoring of



Assessment centers: cost factors and; measuring competencies in; overview of; predictive validity of; versus virtual measures

Assessors, quality of


Average, of norm group



Behavioral competencies

Behavioral indicators

Behavioral tendency tests


Benchmarks: choosing tools for; limitations of; popularity of; size of

Bias: cultural basis of; integrity measures and; interviews and; in measuring fit; in ratings of others; in self-ratings

Big Five factors: criticism of; integrity tests and; overview of; subcomponents of

Biodata: challenges of; overview of; predictive validity of

Biographical interviews

Black people



Buros Institute

Business purpose: choosing measurement tools and; definition of


Calibration quality

Candidates: anxiety of; as customers; providing feedback to. See also Talent

Capabilities. See Competencies/capabilities



Centralization: benefits of; definition of; issues with

Character. See Personality

Checking references: location considerations for; online systems of


China: lack of talent in; popular measures in

Choosing measurement tools: audience considerations in; business purpose and; case study of; costs and time issues and; diversity concerns and; independent reviews and; legal concerns and; location and; reliability and; validity and

Closed systems

Closed-loop analytics

Communication: about results; during interviews

Comparison groups

Competencies/capabilities: in ad hoc approach; assessment centers for measuring; definition of; of experts; frameworks for; interviews and; overview of; of senior employees

Competency framework: aligning personality tests to; challenges of; choosing tools for; common data points for; common types of; evaluation of; norm groups for; in onboarding; predictive validity and; in talent analytics

Competency-based interviews: description of; limitations of

Competency-based performance management

Complexity of thought

Concurrent validity

Confidence: score performance and; on situational judgment tests

Conscientiousness: components of; definition of; high scores on; importance of; predictive validity of; simplified results of


Construct validity


Content validity


Contextual performance

Contracts, with vendors

Convergent validity

Corporate Executive Board

Cost issues: in ad hoc approach; centralization and; choosing measures and; strategy and; vendor selection and

Counterproductive work behaviors

Covert measures


Creating measures. See Talent measurement creation

Criterion validity; challenge of; definition of; types of. See also Validity

Cross-referenced measures


Culture, ethnic/geographical: bias and; choosing measurement tools and; choosing measures and; evaluating competency frameworks and; intelligence tests and; location issues and; self-ratings and

Culture, of measurement

Culture, workplace: importance of fit in; prior experience and

Culture-free intelligence tests

Customers, candidates as


“Dark Side” personality tests

Data: accessibility of; Google's use of; intellectual property rights and; lack of, in talent measurement; multiple uses of; privacy and; storage of

Data collection: in ad hoc approach; in central location; for onboarding; by vendors

Data points, common

Database: central location for; common data points and


Deliverer, expert as

Demand-driven approach

Derailers. See Personality derailers


Directive on Data Protection (1995)

Disability, people with


Divergent validity

Diversity: choosing measures and; fit and; intelligence tests and; sifting tools and

Drug testing

Due diligence

Dunning-Kruger effect


East Asians

Egon Zender

El Factor X (television show)

Emerging policies

Emotional intelligence measures: incremental validity and; limitations of

Emotional stability. See Neuroticism

Employee engagement survey

Environment, workplace: importance of fit and; measuring fit and

Estimates, results as

E-tray exercises

European Commission

European Union

Experience. See Prior experience

Experts, in talent measurement: internal versus external; lack of; need for; sourcing of; types of; vendors as

Extra-role behaviors




Face validity

Facebook: online contests at; personal privacy and; as sifting tools

Failure, of new employees: impact of measure and; international assignments and; rate of; review of


Faith validity



Feedback: to candidates; for managers

Financial traders

Finkelstein, S.

Fit: creating measures of; diversity and; importance of; lack of ratings of; need to broaden; predictive validity and; versus similarity; steps for measuring; versus talent measurement; types of; understanding of measures and

Five-factor model: criticism of; integrity tests and; overview of; subcomponents of


Forced ranking systems

Foundations, for talent measurement: data collection issues in; impact of measures in; importance of; measurement strategy in; measure-performance link in; policy in; proper use of measures in; reasons for lack of; tips for creating

Frame-of-reference training


Frequently asked questions


g (general intelligence)

Games. See Virtual measures

Gardner, H.

Gender: discrimination and; intelligence tests and

General cognitive ability (GCA)

General Electric (GE)

General mental ability (GMA)

German military

Globalization: evaluating competency frameworks and; international assignments and; legal compliance and; proper use of measures and; situational judgment tests and; war for talent and

Golf analogy

Google: database at; online contests at



Halo effect: definition of; in 360-degree feedback


Headhunting firms: controversy over; growth in

Heidrick & Struggles

Higher scores

Hiring talent: choosing tools for; ineffectiveness of; misapplication of measures in; using results in

Hogan personality tests


Human judgment

Human resources (HR) professionals: common shortcomings of; as experts; growth in

Hypothetical questions



Illegal drugs

Impact, of measure

Implementing measurements

Incremental validity: definition of; emotional intelligence measures and; importance of; of intelligence measures; measurement creation principles and; of personality tests; of situational interviews; of situational judgment tests; vendors and; of work samples. See also Validity

Independent experts

Independent reviews

Individual psychological assessments: low scores on; norm groups for; overview of; predictive validity of; reliability of; simplified results of; vendor selection and

Industrial/occupational psychologists

Integrated tools

Integrity measures: bias and; Big Five measures and; effectiveness of; increased interest in; limitations of; overview of; popularity of; suggestions regarding

Intellectual property rights

Intelligence: definition of; diversity issues and; downside of too much; fit and; importance of; job knowledge and; of leaders versus team; measurements of potential and; work samples and

Intelligence measures: age and; choosing tools for; common data points for; gender and; high scores on; history of; incremental validity of; limitations of; location issues with; predictive validity of; selecting; situational judgment tests combined with

Intercultural competence

Internal experts

International assignments


Interrater reliability

Interviewers, training for

Interviews: bias and; case studies of; choosing measurement tools and; competencies and; guiding principles for; for onboarding; overview of; predictive validity of; ready-made systems for

In-tray exercises


Ipsative tests

IQ (intelligence quotient)




Jaques, E.

Job knowledge

Job probationary periods

Job requirements

Judgment errors: definition of; humans versus machines and

Junior-level employees



Killer items


Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs). See Competencies/capabilities

Knowledge-based tests



Language differences

Law enforcement jobs

Leadership index ratings

Learning ability

Legal issues: in ad hoc approach; choosing measures and; location differences and; vendor selection and



Location, of measurement


Low-fidelity simulations. See Situational judgment tests


Managers: building a culture of measurement with; choosing measurement tools for; disagreement of, with results; feedback tools for; internal experts as; understanding of measures by

Market forces

Market value, of business

MBTI. See Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

McClelland, D.

McKinsey report

Measurement creation. See Talent measurement creation

Measurement strategy: benefits of; components of

Mechanical judgment

Medical diagnoses

Meehl, P. E.





Middle East

Military service

Moroccan immigrants

Motivation measures

Multiple intelligences

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Mythical validity


The Netherlands


Norm groups

Normative tests



Occupational psychologists


Online testing: versus assessment centers; case study of; psychometrics and

Openness to experience



Organizational citizenship behaviors

Organizational structure

Outputs: acting on; definition of; disagreement with; of interviews; model for interpreting; for onboarding; of personality tests; proper use of; standardization and; for talent analytics; understanding of; vendor selection and

Outsourcing. See Vendors

Oversimplifying results

Overt measures


PA Consulting Group

Panel interviews

PAPI personality test


Penalty clauses

Performance: definition of; drug use and; multiple dimensions of

Performance appraisals: choosing tools for; in onboarding process

Performance data, lack of

Performance indicators

Performance management: suggestions for; time spent on

Performance ratings

Personal development

Personality: Big Five factors of; definition of; integrity tests and; in measuring fit

Personality derailers

Personality tests: aligning competency tests with; common data points for; faking on; fit and; history of; incremental validity of; international assignments and; lack of progress in; limitations of; location issues with; predictive validity of; selecting; simplified results of; validity of; women and

Person-job fit: definition of; importance of

Person-manager fit: definition of; importance of; personality and

Person-organization fit: definition of; importance of; personality and

Person-team fit: definition of; importance of; personality and


Policy: minimal use of; types of; for use of measurement results

Policy issues: importance of; types of

Political skills measures




Potential, measurement of: common factors measured in; goal of; importance of context in; limitations of; popularity of; predictive validity of; specialist models of

Potential model

Power tests

Practical intelligence


Predictive validity: of assessment centers; of biodata; of competency/capability measures; of conscientiousness; versus construct validity; definition of; of individual psychological assessments; of intelligence tests; of interviews; lack of progress in; measurement creation principles and; of measures of potential; overview of; performance ratings and; of personality tests; of situational judgment tests; talent matching and; of work samples

Preferred supplier lists

Preinterpreted results


Prior experience: definition of; overview of; work culture and

Prior experience, measures of: biodata and; challenges of using; choosing tools for; effective use for

Privacy, personal: Facebook and; policy issues and

Progress reviews

Project Epsom

Promoting talent: choosing tools for; ineffectiveness of; talent analytics and

Prosocial organizational behaviors




Psychometrics: assessors′ understanding of; cost of; independent reviews of; location issues and; norm groups for; overview of


Ratings: inaccuracy of; in onboarding; of others; predictive validity and; of self; in 360-degree feedback

Ratings bias: definition of; in 360-degree feedback

Raven's Matrices

Recruitment process: feedback in; length of; tracking of; use of results in

Reference checking: location issues and; popularity of checkers for

Relevance, norm groups and

Reliability: choosing measurement tools and; of individual psychological assessments

Reliable employees

Reporting bias. See Bias

Reports: making data accessible through; understanding of

Reputation, of vendors

Response distortion

Results, of measures. See Outputs

Résumés: inaccuracies in; sifting tools for; technical knowledge tests in addition to; work samples in addition to

Returns, to shareholders

Role plays



Sample sizes

Saville Consulting

Saville & Holdsworth

Saville, P.

Scripted questions


Selecting talent: as entertainment; ineffectiveness of; misapplication of measures in; use of results in

Self-ratings: limitations of; in psychometrics; in 360-degree feedback

Semistructured interviews: benefits of; description of

Senior employees: appointment of vendors by; choosing measurement tools for; competencies of; competency-based interviews for; integrity tests for; personality traits required of; sifting tools and



Sifting tools: limitations of; overview of; strategy and

Similarity, versus fit

Simplifying results

Simulation exercises

Situational interviews

Situational judgment tests (SJTs): intelligence tests combined with; overview of; predictive validity of; selecting

Skilled jobs: effective measures in; personality traits required for; situational judgment tests for

Skills: prior experience and; rating others in; self-ratings of; in vendor management

Social capital measures

Social networks

Social skills

Social skills measures

South Africa

South America

South Korea


Specialist measure of potential

Speeded tests

Standardization: benefits of; definition of; of interviews; issues with

Status, of people/organizations

Strategic owners

Success, transfer of

Surinamese immigrants




Talent: current lack of; increased competition for; indicators of; signs of

Talent analytics

Talent development: choosing tools for; strategy and

Talent fishing

Talent identification industry

Talent intelligence: challenges of; definition of; need for; time needed to build

Talent management: basic methods for; current trends in; growth in; less-biased methods for; returns to shareholders and; suggestions for; time spent in

Talent matching. See Fit

Talent measurement: benefits of; challenges of; changes in, through history; complexity of; confusion about; definition of; ease in; frequently asked questions about; growth in; implementation issues with; introduction of; lack of, in talent management data; lack of quality tools for; to meet business needs; misapplication of; need for; need for experts in; problems with; proper use of; purpose of; role of; shortcomings of; versus talent matching; talent matching and; traditional use of; using a variety of; using large number of

Talent measurement creation: basic checks for; guiding principles for; long-term potential and; need for




Task performance

Team performance, contribution to

Technical competencies

Technical employees

Technical knowledge, tests of

Tenure, of employees

Termination clauses

Theory of categories of mental processes

Thinking styles

Three Cs model

360-degree feedback: benefits of; for checking references; common questions regarding; cost issues and; halo effect in; location issues with; overview of; ratings bias in; usefulness of

Tippins, N.

Travel claims

Trial periods


Turkish immigrants

Turnaround leaders


United Kingdom: discrimination laws in; location issues with; measuring potential in; qualified assessors in

University of Nebraska

US Air Force

US Army


Validity: choosing measures and; definition of; different types of; impact of measure and; importance of checking; overview of; of personality tests


Values measures: Big Five measures and; limitations of; popularity of

Vendors: ad hoc approach and; appointed by senior executives; biggest challenges of; checking validity with; competency frameworks from; competition among; contracting with; data collection by; expansion of; incremental validity and; versus independent experts; individual psychological assessments and; limitations of; management of; measures of potential and; measuring effectiveness of; number of; recent market changes related to; selection of; size of benchmarks and; types of; unfinished products from


Vienna Test System

Virtual measures: versus assessment centers; case study of


Wave test

White people

Why Smart Executives Fail (Finkelstein)

Women: intelligence tests and; personality scores and


Work sample tests

Work samples: in addition to résumé; incremental validity of; intelligence and; overview of; predictive validity of

Workforce analytics

Workforce composition

World War I

World War II


X factor

X-Factor (television show)



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