

American Life Project, 81, 119–20
AOL News, 90, 101
Arbitron and Edison Media Research, 155
audience, 1–33
access, diversity and quality, 26–31
changing patterns of consumption, 10–14
competition or synergy, 25–6
future television viewing, 144–63
enhanced applications, 153–4
mobile television viewing, 160–3
near video-on-demand systems, 145–6
online content reporting, 159–60
online television catch-up services, 146–50
use of video recorders, 150–3
watching via the Internet, 154–9
growth of the Internet, 4–7
magnitude of consumption, 19–25
self-attributed media habit changes, 20–1
self-reported media use, 21–5
media expansion implications, 7–9
media supply and television viewing, 3–4
models of displacement, 16–19
television in society, 9–10
television marketplace competition, 14–16
audience share, 11–12
audio streaming, 122, 155


importance of news brands, 110–11
standards, 49–52
viewing time, 97–8
BBC-GFK Pulse survey, 57
BBC/IPSOS survey, 60–1
BBC News Online, 100–1
BBC Trust, 4
Bebo, 80
Big Research, 104
bio-ecological theory, 17
Blinkx, 124, 142, 147
Blogger, 82
brand popularity, 71–4
broadband technology, 3, 25, 94, 142
Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board, 61
BT Vision, 148, 157
Burst Media, 94


cable/satellite television systems, 3
Centre for the Digital Future, 104
Changing Media, 4, 71, 81, 117
Channel, 4, 44, 46–8, 57, 97, 117, 146, 147, 157
importance of news brands, 111
standards, 49–52
viewing time, 97–8
Channel Five, 44, 46–8, 57, 117, 147
importance of news brands, 111
standards, 49–52
viewing time, 97–8
channels, 139 see also specific channels
importance, 44–8
satisfaction, 48–52
children’s channels, 46
computer games, 114
ComScore, 125–6
conditional displacement, 74–6
content archive
enhanced, 141–2
online, 142
content attractiveness, 41
credibility, 107–10
cross-media, 69
cross-section analyses, 29


DAB broadcasting, 163
Deloitte, 131
Demand Five, 148
Department for Culture, Media and Sport research, 46–8
Digital Consumer Survey, 129–30
digital divide, 27
Digital Dividend Review, 38
digital technology, 36–44, 140–3
choices, 140–1
different perspective, 142–3
enhanced content archiving, 141–2
online content archives, 142
Discovery Channel, 163
DVB-H standard, 163


EastEnders, 146
electronic games, 114
enhanced television, 69
entertainment channels, 46
Entertainment Media Research, 64–5
entertainment source
Internet, 117
perceived importance, 114–17
equipment practicality, 41
European Interactive Advertising Association, 23


Facebook, 80, 127
film channels, 46
Flickr, 82
4oD, 156
Freeview, 148
functional displacement, 18, 86
non-overlapping between television and Internet, 79–83
gaming and virtual worlds, 80–2
online social networking, 79–80
user-generated content, 82–3
overlapping between television and Internet, 76–9


gaming, 80–2
General Social Survey, 22
G.O.L.D., 146
Google News, 101
Google Video, 119, 156
Guardian Unlimited, 101


Hulu, 125


Independent Television Commission, 48
Institute for Business Value, 131
instrumental media, 77
Internet, 2
entertainment source, 117
functional overlaps with television, 67–84
conditional displacement, 74–6
importance of media motives, 68–70
non-overlapping functional displacement, 79–83
qualities, 70–4
future audiences and services, 137–65
continuing distinctions, 138–40
digital technology, 140–3
future audiences, 143–63
growth, 4–7
importance to media consumers, 35–66
users vs non-users, 95
vs television, 89–90
Internet protocol television services, 32, 139, 147, 154
Interpret LLC, 123
Inuk, 147
iPlayer, 146–7, 149, 156
Ipsos MORI, 4
ITN, 96
ITV, 44, 46–8, 57, 97, 117, 146, 147–8, 157
importance of news brands, 110–11
standards, 49–52
viewing time, 97–8


Kaiser Family Foundation, 104


Livestation, 147


Magid Media Futures, 123
media consumers, 2
importance of television/Internet, 35–66
channels, 44–8
digital technology, 36–44
Internet, 63–5
media consumer behaviour, 61–3
programme genres, 58–61
programme service values, 52–8
satisfaction with television channels, 48–52
media richness theory, 75
mobile television, 160–3
MTV, 157
Multimodal Avatar Response Live News caster, 153
MySpace, 80, 125


near video-on-demand systems, 145–6
news aggregators, 101
news brands, 110–11
news channels, 45
news consumption, 97–9
news sources
credibility of offline vs online news, 107–10
displacement, 102–7
receptivity to new sources, 102
Newsround, 105
niche theory, 75
Nielsen NetRatings, 6, 71, 81, 120
NielsenWire, 126


Ofcom, 11, 36, 41–2, 53–5, 59, 60–1
Office of National Statistics, 5
online news, 96, 99–101
online social networking, 63, 79–80, 158
online video viewing, 118–28
continuous measurement, 124–8
self-report measurement, 119–24
vs television, 128–32
Oxford Internet Institute, 5


personal video recorders, 150–3
personalised television, 69
Pew Institute, 92, 105
Pew Internet, 81, 119–20
Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, 104
platform symbolism, 40, 42
Pop-Up TV, 151
programme genres, 58–61
audience shares in UK multi-channel TV homes, 62
perceived importance, 60
Project Canvas, 148, 158–9
psychographic research, 39
public service broadcasting, 13, 56–7, 88, 151
public service broadcasting principles, 9


reception technologies, 2
reverse causation, 30–1
ritualistic media, 77


Second Life, 81
shopping channels, 46
Sky, 147
Sky+, 142, 151
Sky Anytime, 150–1
Sky by Mobile, 162–3
Sky News, 96
Sky One, 45
Sky Player TV, 148
Sky Sports, 163
socio-economic status, 39
sports channels, 45–6
Sun, 101


Telephia, 163
competition, 14–16
ensuring access, diversity and quality, 26–31
entertainment source, 113–35
Internet as entertainment source, 117
perceived importance, 114–17
video game playing, 132–3
video viewing online, 118–28
vs online video viewing, 128–32
functional overlaps with Internet, 67–84
conditional displacement, 74–6
importance of media motives, 68–70
non-overlapping functional displacement, 79–83
qualities, 70–4
future audiences and services, 137–65
continuing distinctions, 138–40
digital technology, 140–3
future audiences, 143–63
future information source, 85–112
different information sources, 90–4
future of television news, 95–7
importance of news brands, 110–11
Internet users vs non-users, 95
news source displacement, 102–7
offline vs online news credibility, 107–10
receptivity of new news sources, 102
time devoted to television news, 97–9
use of online news, 99–101
valued attributes of television news, 86–9
vs Internet, 89–90
importance to media consumers, 35–66
increase in viewership, 3–4
magnitude of consumption, 19–25
self-attributed media habit changes, 20–1
self-reported media use, 21–5
models of displacement, 16–19
patterns of consumption, 10–14
audience shares for PSB channels, 13
position in society, 9–10
synergy or competition, 25–6
television catch-up services, 140, 146–50
television news, 86–9
future trends, 95–7
viewing time, 97–9
Times Online, 101
Tiscali TV, 148
TiVo, 152


UCLA Internet Project, 95
user-generated content, 82–3


video game, 132–3
video streaming, 122, 155
Virgin Media, 147–8
VirginMobile/BT, 163
VoD services, 146–7
Vodaphone, 162–3


We Media/Zogby Interactive, 92
Widgets, 160
Wikipedia, 82
World Internet Institute, 91


Yahoo!, 64
Yahoo! News, 101
YouGov, 131, 148
YouTube, 64–5, 82, 118, 125, 127, 131, 156


Zattoo, 147
zero-sum relationship, 17
Zogby Interactive, 93
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