About the Authors

Jeremie Kubicek is a thought leader who specializes in unlocking leaders and getting them to a higher level through his speaking, coaching, and writing. Jeremie has the unique ability of taking complex concepts and turning them into powerful tools that are practical and scalable for individuals and organizations. As CEO and cofounder of GiANT, he oversees the licensing and digital platform, GiANT.tv, to help people around the world receive powerful and inspiring content.

In addition, Jeremie is the former CEO of Leadercast and the Catalyst conferences and a best-selling author of the book Making Your Leadership Come Alive.

Together with Steve Cockram, he also has written 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There Is Never Enough Time; 5 Voices: How to Communicate with Everyone You Lead; and now The 100X Leader.

Steve Cockram is an international speaker, author, and consultant to top-level executives and leaders around the world. He is a subject-matter expert on personality and wiring, organizational leadership, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal communication. As cofounder of GiANT Worldwide, Steve influences the GiANT consultants and works on content, from the 5 Voices leadership system to original content at www.GiANT.tv

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