Confirmation letters

When you receive information or material from someone, most often the courteous thing to do is to write a confirmation letter. The letters in this chapter are examples of some basic confirmation letters that you might have to write.

Many of the letters in this chapter can be sent as emails or as attachments to emails. For those letters that can be adapted to emails, it’s simple enough to copy the text of the sample letter into the text of your email.

Letter Confirming Supplier’s Oral Instructions

Sample Letter 12.1 was written as a follow-up to a supplier’s oral instructions. By writing this type of confirmation letter, the letter writer makes sure that she has understood the supplier’s instructions correctly. The writer clearly reiterates the discussion she had with the supplier, asks that the reader call to discuss the instructions, and expresses interest in her feedback.

Sample Letter 12.1.   Letter confirming a supplier’s oral instructions.


Ms. Joan Whitener
Bright & Shining Shirt Service
150 Western Street
New York, NJ 07045

Dear Joan:

As we discussed at the area meeting last week, I am revising the schedule of shirt deliveries for New York. The deliveries should take place between 6:30 A.M. and 3:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Those loyal customers with a long-standing relationship with Bright & Shining should be surveyed and given priority for day and time of delivery each week.

Please call me in the next week to discuss this plan. I would appreciate your thoughts on the feasibility of reworking the schedule.

Again, it was good to talk with you last week and hear of your high volume. Your feedback on this new plan is appreciated.



Eliza Rodriquez



Letter Confirming Prices and Quantity Discounts

Sample Letter 12.2 was written to confirm prices and quantity discounts that were quoted to the letter reader by the letter writer. The writer clearly recounts the price discount and lists the prices he quoted. As a result, he reduces the risk of a misunderstanding.

Sample Letter 12.2.   Letter confirming prices and quantity discounts.


Mr. Mario Dumas, Owner
Mercado Mexicano
114 West Webster Street
Chicago, KS 66056

Dear Mario:

As we discussed on the telephone on October 15, Enrico’s Enchiladas is planning a special enchilada festival to begin on December 1. From December 1 through December 31, all of our enchiladas will be available at a 25% discount. All online, email, phone, and mail orders placed during this period will receive the discount. Special freezer displays and complimentary aprons will be sent with each order.

The discount applies to those enchiladas listed on our spring order sheets, page 3, in boxes of 12. These include:


We will ship your order within 24 hours of receipt.

I look forward to our December Enchilada Festival and to hearing from you soon. I will be glad to handle your shipment with special care.



Enrico Sanchez



Letter Confirming Arrangements for Speaker

Sample Letter 12.3 was written to a person who had committed to speak at a conference. The letter writer confirms the agreement and gives the speaker information on the luncheon he will be attending.

Sample Letter 12.3.   Letter confirming arrangements for a speaker.


Mr. Mario L. Rodriguez
312 West Main Street
Boonton, NJ 07005

Dear Mr. Rodriguez:

Thank you for agreeing to speak at the IAFPAA Conference luncheon on Friday, November 7. Here are the final details of the event.

The luncheon will start at noon at the City Club, 12 State Street, Morriston (see the enclosed map for directions). If you wish a vegetarian menu, please call me at 632-555-8706 before Wednesday, November 5.

The luncheon should last about one hour, after which you will address the attendees. We have arranged for a microphone and lectern for your speech. If you need other equipment or have any questions about the luncheon, please call me.

We look forward to your talk.



Samuel D. Nead
Program Coordinator




Letter Confirming Appointment

Sample Letter 12.4 was written to confirm an appointment. The letter writer briefly confirms the date and time when she is to meet the reader. She mentions that she will be bringing two people to the meeting.

Sample Letter 12.4.   Letter confirming an appointment.


Mr. John Egnald
Managing Director
Association Widgets, Inc.
5775 Peachtree Road
Quantico, AK 99556

Dear Mr. Egnald:

I look forward to meeting you on Monday, September 21, to further discuss the North Widget Project, which Legyern Associates will be designing. I will plan to arrive at your offices around noon.

I will be bringing my colleagues Mack MacIntyre and Bethany Cole with me. We are all extremely excited about this project and the prospect of your participation.



Martha Long


cc: Mack MacIntyre
      Bethany Cole


Letter Confirming Travel Plans

Sample Letter 12.5 was written to a prospective customer to confirm his travel plans to the letter writer’s company. The letter writer lays out the specifics, telling the customer where she will meet him and giving him a brief itinerary for the visit.

Sample Letter 12.5.   Letter confirming travel plans.


Mr. Jeffrey Leigh, President
Fortuitous Ceramic Supplies, Inc.
67 Lathrop Avenue
High Point, NC 27054

Dear Mr. Leigh:

It was so good to meet you at your studio in North Carolina last month. I am glad you’re going to be paying us a visit here in Minneapolis to consider offering our kilns to your customers in your catalog of ceramics supplies.

I have enclosed an itinerary and tickets for your visit here. Your North Air flight 1226 leaves Raleigh Airport on October 4 at 10 A.M. You’re scheduled to arrive in Minneapolis at 3 P.M. I’ll pick you up at the airport and take you to Quartermaster Inn, a lovely old inn and restaurant just outside of downtown Minneapolis. Georgia Long, our sales representative for the Southeast, and I will meet you for dinner at the inn at 7:30 P.M.

Please call if you have any questions about your visit. I’m looking forward to showing you the latest in our state-of-the-art kilns.



Lauren Palay



Letter Confirming Telephone Conversation

Sample Letter 12.6 was written to confirm the facts discussed in a telephone conversation. The letter writer briefly confirms the information she had given the letter reader over the phone and asks that he call if he has further questions.

Sample Letter 12.6   Letter confirming a telephone conversation.


Mr. Mack MacIntyre
Mandate and Associates
45 Winck Road
Pechee, AZ 85054

Dear Mr. MacIntyre:

As we discussed in our phone conversation earlier this week, I have sent a letter to each of the 15 project advisory board members for the North Widget Project. As you can see from the enclosed copy, the letter welcomes each member to the board and asks him or her to enclose a biographical profile.

A file has been set up for each advisory board member.

If you need further information or assistance, feel free to call on me.



Ellen Short
Assistant Coordinator



cc: Bethany Cole


Letters Confirming Receipt of Materials

Sample Letters 12.7 and 12.8 were sent to confirm receipt of materials. Sample Letter 12.7 confirms that the material has been received and that the letter writer will send it out for review. Sample Letter 12.8 also confirms receipt of the material, but here the writer explains that the person to whom it was sent is away and that he will turn his attention to it when he returns.

Sample Letter 12.7.   Letter confirming receipt of material.


Dr. Alice T. Cooperburg
Department of Mathematics
Fortified College
P.O. Box 3542
Westernite, CT 06056

Dear Dr. Cooperburg:

This letter will acknowledge receipt of the outline and 12 chapters of your manuscript on mathematical modeling. We are very pleased to receive your material and welcome the opportunity to review it.

Your material has been referred to several critics for their comments. I should have their recommendations within three to four weeks and will be glad to send you their reactions at that time.

Thank you for sending this material to me. I will be in touch with you soon.



Maxwell L. Nicholas
Executive Editor



Sample Letter 12.8.   Letter confirming receipt of material.


Dr. Lionel T. Aramet
Department of Economics
Transit University
43 Alban Hall West
Transit, NY 10055

Dear Dr. Aramet:

I’m writing this letter to acknowledge receipt of the outline and five chapters of your manuscript on econometrics.

Mr. Nicholas is currently away on business. I will bring your material to his attention immediately upon his return. He will be in touch with you as soon as your material has been reviewed.



Chauncy D. Tortoise
Secretary to Maxwell Nicholas



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