
Although I take full responsibility for the content of these essays-turned-sermons, many others have contributed to them directly and still others have made indirect contributions, the character of which some of the contributors themselves may be unaware. I would like to express my particular appreciation to some of them.

I am grateful to Bill Dyer, a long-time colleague and friend who originally gave me the idea for the book, although I doubt that he remembers doing so. Specifically, he suggested that I put together a collection of my writings so that my children and, as yet, unborn grandchildren might someday understand more about me and what I do for a living than they now do. As I remember, the gist of his recommendation was, "You have always been a little weird, and a compilation of some of your work might help them comprehend your more blatant peculiarities."

Peter Vaill, another colleague and friend, probably has contributed more to the content of the book than anyone other than myself. He has discussed ideas with me, composed memos, written poetry, pasted articles on my door, suggested sources of information, read drafts, and provided encouragement. On several occasions, he has also refused invitations to have his specific contributions formally acknowledged, sometimes with the statement, "Who wants to be associated with that?"

Erik Winslow, John Lobuts, Bill Halal, David Brown, Tony Petrella, Warner Burke, Vlad Dupre, Martha Williams, Ira Iscoe, Jay Hall, Sue Eichhorn, and the late Gordon Lippitt have provided the same sort of good-humored collegiality, friendship, and support.

Albert Gross helped me revise and shorten my initial manuscript so that the final book could attempt to meet the needs of the broadest possible audience of managers. To say that I appreciate the competent care with which he did his work would be a substantial understatement.

Those familiar with my inattention to detail will know how appreciative I am for the competent research and editorial assistance of Cathy Brooks, Connie Bender, Colleen Jones, Sharon Peruzzi Strauchs, and John John.

I also want to offer my thanks to the many students and clients who have contributed to my work over the years.

Regardless of what others have given to it, the book is dedicated with love to Beth, Scott, and Suzanne, who serve as daily reminders that God's love receives expression in the most wonderful human terms.

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