The Affluent Entrepreneur's Creed

From this day forward, I will make the world a better place. My work, my commitment, and the results of my business ventures will enrich my community, my country, and my planet. I commit to the following:

1. In everything I do, I will never forget that faith and family are my first priority. I will always fight like hell to preserve and honor both.

2. I will seek to generate revenue, focusing on prospecting and leaving the tasks I dislike or am not good at to others.

3. I will create a clear vision of what I want and then live that vision as if it has already happened until it becomes my reality.

4. When opportunity knocks, I will be the first to open the door so I may welcome success.

5. I will begin a project even when I don't know how the goal will be achieved, realizing that I will course-correct as progress is made.

6. I will exude confidence in what I do, and if others think my ego is too big, I will know I am succeeding.

7. “It can't be done” is not in my vocabulary. I will prove it can be done and change what people believe is possible.

8. No matter how formidable the task at hand, I will stay at it until the job is done, knowing the reward will be many times the efforts I make.

9. I will follow my dreams, no matter how unrealistic they seem. I will trust in myself and confidently know that I will see it when I believe it.

10. I will not only give others fish, but I will teach them to fish for themselves.

11. I will mentor the next generation to become the entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow.

12. I will work for myself, rather than others. I will be my own boss and let no one else have authority over me.

13. Rather than being a follower, I will be a trailblazer, creating the path for others to follow.

14. I will not limit myself to someone else's rules or beliefs but do what is necessary to achieve a greater good.

15. I will take the necessary calculated risks for the good of myself, my business, my employees or business associates, and my customers.

16. I will fight for the underdogs and be a living example that nothing is impossible in life or business.

17. Whatever I must do, no matter how frightening it is, I will step forward confidently, remembering there is nothing to fear but fear itself, and I will find a way to succeed.

18. I will never let someone else's opinion of me determine my reality.

19. Even if no one else agrees or understands me, I will stay true to my dreams and follow my passions.

20. I commit the rest of my life to achieving prosperity so that I can give of both my time and my money to those in need. By doing so, I will leave behind my legacy and know I have truly succeeded at being an Affluent Entrepreneur.

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