
active thinking, 88

activity. See exercise/activities

advice, 83–84

aha moments, 1–2, 110

analysis versus insight strategies, 143–144


due to personality conflicts, 146–148

friendly, 45

thoughts occurring during, 26

Art of Insight, The (TAOI), 54–56

discussion about (example), 35–36

key elements, 6

in organizations (see introducing TAOI to organizations; team/group applications for TAOI)

Art of Thought, The (Wallas), 109

assessing your progress, 167–169

assumptions, challenging basic, 117

August Rush (film), 35

bad moods, 52–53

Bailey, Joseph, 81–82

Banks, Sydney, 33

basketball analogy (recovering equilibrium), 53–54, 94

basketball game example (quiet mind), 44–45, 55–56

behavior, insights into others’, 28–29

behavioral states of newborns, 93–94

benefits of insights, 3, 102, 138, 157, 159–160, 163. See also life in an insight state

Berlew, Dave, 15

brainstorming compared to TAOI, 138–139

Brazelton, T. Berry, 93–94

breathing for relaxation, 35–36

cafeteria trays example (fresh thoughts), 46–47

Carlson, Richard, 81–82

Celtics game example (quiet mind), 44–45


behavioral states of newborns, 93–94

realizations of, 34

China project example, 135–136, 142

Citicorp example (strategy formulation), 140–141


coaching a colleague, 145–146

for fresh thoughts and insights (exercise), 76–79

collaboration. See working with others

common insights, 34–37

common sense, 141

Common Vision, 15

concepts, upending of existing, 25–26

confidence, 161

conflict management, 146–148, 149–150

conscious thoughts, 65

content listening, 64, 81

continuum of thought, 40–42

convergent phase of problem solving, 138

conversations. See also working with others

active thinking as, 88–90

benefits of pauses in, 150–151

Citicorp example, 141

for coaching a colleague, 145–146

coaching during (exercise), 77–79

facilitating insights in others

during, 85

Insight Listening, 80–82

introducing TAOI (see introducing TAOI to organizations)

keeping on track in, 84–85

for strategy formulation, 144

Creating (Fritz), 137–138

creative process. See also working with others

brainstorming compared to TAOI, 138–139

early model of, 109–110

illumination/insight for, 109

incubation/reflection for, 109, 113–114

preparation for, 111

problem solving compared to TAOI in, 137–139

verification for, 114

what to listen and look for during, 115–117

current thinking, awareness of your, 64

Daley, Eliot, 30–33

decision making, 160–161

desired state of affairs, 111

discoveries, 25

distracting thoughts, 69–79, 81–82

distractions, 54–55

divergent phase of problem solving, 138

Eisenhower, Dwight, 96

emotional issues. See psychological/emotional issues

energy, 162

environmental changes for finding insights, 126

epiphanies, 106–107

equanimity, 53, 113

errors/mistakes in thought, 115–117


for clearing your head, 101–102

focusing on insights during, 104–105

mental activity during, 86–88

facilitating a meeting/group, 155–157. See also introducing TAOI to organizations

feelings. See also psychological/emotional issues

absence/loss of good, 51–52, 59–60

awareness of, 49–50, 64

as functions of thoughts, 99–100

insights manifested as, 35–36

looking for, 85

flawed thinking, 115–116

Formerly Called “Retirement” (Daley), 30–33

formulating strategies, 140–146

framing problems, 110–117, 137

Fresh Thought Hunt, 72–75, 77, 112, 114, 130, 147

fresh thoughts

coaching for fresh thoughts and insights (exercise), 76–79, 145–146

as distractions, 71–72

improvements in finding, 161

listening/hunting for (exercise), 72–76

looking for, 37

during meeting breaks, 153

memory thoughts versus, 20–22

need for, 22–24

sharing, 66–67

space for, 46–47

steps for finding, 109–110

through Insight Listening, 63

triggering, 85, 168

when alone, 126–127

Fritz, Robert, 137–138

gazebo reading, 15–16

George, Samuel E., 23–24

Goldilocks sweet spot example, 43

good feelings/thoughts, 57, 164–165

gratitude, 104

Harman, Willis, 9–11

heady voice, 90

hearing versus listening, 61

idea generation, 85, 150–151, 152, 157

idiot lights analogy, 53–54

illumination/insight for creative process, 109

inaccuracies in thought, 115–117

inconsistencies in thought, 115–117

incubation/reflection for creative process, 109, 113–114

information processing, 109–110

inner wisdom, 56

Innovation Associates, 15

insight, art of. See Art of Insight, The (TAOI)

insight development, 9–11

Insight Listening. See also listening for coaching colleagues, 145–146

coaching for fresh thoughts and insights (exercise), 76–79

conversations for, 80–82

exercises for practicing with one other person, 67–79

fresh thoughts and, 63

hunting for fresh thoughts (exercise), 72–76

listening to others, 61–63

natural and common aspects of, 34–35

with a person unfamiliar with, 82–85

practicing techniques, 63–67

stopping distracting thoughts, 69–79

to yourself, 86–91

insight meter, 16

Insight State of Mind

art versus technique of, 54–56

description, 39–40

losing/recovering, 50–54

problems of entering, 93–95

recognizing feeling of, 47–50

space for fresh thoughts, 46–47

techniques for thinking for, 59–60

tempo and pauses in, 42–45

writing for insight, 86

insight versus analysis strategies, 143–144

insight voice, 90

instructing versus reminding, 13

integrated cross-selling example, 142–143


disengagement of, 10–11, 13, 61, 62, 78

focusing the, 42

intellectual insight versus understanding, 26

internal monologues, 56

intractable problems, 134–139

introducing TAOI to organizations

five-minute practice sessions, 151–152

ground rules for, 148–151

importance of breaks during, 152–153

with others unfamiliar with concepts, 153–157

intuition, 9, 10, 154

Johnson, Samuel, 13

knowledge, things you don’t know, 116

Kovacevich, Dick, 140–141

labeling your thoughts/insights, 155

leading by example, 155

leading/facilitating discussions on TAOI. See introducing TAOI to organizations

learning capacity of newborns, 94

life in an insight state

benefits of insights, 3, 102, 138, 157, 163

improvements through, 159–162

triggers for thinking about, 168–169


for insight (see Insight Listening)

as natural function, 63

new questions when, 116

to others, 61–63

low-quality thoughts, 96–97

Manning, Ken, 62–63

meaning, profound, 33


applying TAOI in, 130–134

importance of breaks during, 152–153

for introducing TAOI to organizations, 155–156

memory bank, 23–24

memory thoughts, 20–22, 22–24, 109–110, 161

mental activity during physical activity, 86–88

mental conversations, 88–90

mental health. See psychological/emotional issues

mistakes/errors in thought, 115–117

monologues, internal, 56

moods. See psychological/emotional issues

muscular stress, 105

natural insights, 34–37

negative feelings/thoughts, 28–29, 52–53, 106

new thoughts. See fresh thoughts

nonverbal insights, 30–33

Norwest Bank (strategy formulation example), 142, 143–144

offsite planning sessions, 131–134

overthinking insights, 162–164

partners. See working with others

paths to insights, 14–15

Pauling, Linus, 23

peace of mind, 103

perception, 28–29, 103–104

personal insight, 30–33

personality conflicts, 146–148

planning retreat example, 131–134

practice of insight. See also creative process; problem solving

during group discussions on, 151–152

technique versus, 101–103

working alone, 126–127

working with others (see working with others)

Pransky, George, 11, 15, 33

prayer, 102–103

preparation for creative process, 109, 111

presence, 40, 80, 91

problem solving

framing the problem, 110–117

improvements in, 160

insight compared to, 29, 137–138

insights during steps for, 113

intractable problems, 134–139

for others, 80

reflective thinking for, 86–87, 113–114, 126–127

working with others for insights, 125–126

progress assessment, 167–169

psychological/emotional issues. See also feelings; state of mind effects of agitation, 96

escaping bad moods, 52–53

improvements in, 160

losing/regaining our bearings, 101

mood elevators, 104


for introducing TAOI to organizations, 155

new, when listening, 116

reframing of, for problem solving, 113

quiet mind, 44–45


acting on what you read, 16

for insight, 15–16


relationship of thought and, 15, 107

taking inventory of current, 112

realizations, 25, 27, 34

reflective reading, 15–16

reflective thinking, 86–87, 113–114, 126–127

reframing a problem, 110–111, 112–113


improvements in, 161

insights into others’ behavior, 28–29

personality conflicts in, 146–148

thought/reality, 15


breathing for, 35–36

of thinking, 94–95

reminding versus instructing, 13

Russell, Bill, 44–45, 48, 55

sensory walks, 153

simplicity through insight, 26–27

sleep, 96–97

solving problems. See problem solving

staff meetings, 130–131

state of mind. See also Insight State of Mind; psychological/emotional issues

changing your, 102

government of, by thoughts, 95

losing awareness of, 105–106

practice versus techniques for, 101–103

quality of, 96–97, 106

recognizing/noticing your, 40, 47

when leading/facilitating discussions on TAOI, 154

strategy formulation, 140–146

stress reduction, 105

subconscious thoughts, 20

sweet spot example, 43

TAOI. See Art of Insight, The (TAOI)

team/group applications for TAOI. See also introducing TAOI to organizations

coaching a colleague, 145–146

introducing Insight Thinking to, 153–157

leading/facilitating discussions, 148–157

meetings, 130–134

offsite planning sessions, 131–134

personality conflict issues, 146–148

problem solving, 134–139

strategy formulation, 140–146

technique of insight, 54–56

technique versus practice, 101–103

thinking. See also thought(s)

active, 88–90

automatic/unconscious switching of, 70–71

awareness of your current, 64

flawed, 115–116

good/high-quality, 99–100

improving your, 107

insights into nature of your, 106

overthinking insights, 162–164

pace of, 42

reflective, 86–87, 113–114, 126–127

relaxation of, 94–95

state of mind according to style of, 163

techniques for, 59–60

triggers for assessing your progress, 168–169

thought continuum, 40–42

thought/reality relationship, 15, 107

thought(s). See also thinking

allowing wandering, 113, 151–152

automatic/unconscious switching of, 70–71

conscious, 65

creation of, 20

dropping/stopping techniques, 65–66

feelings as function of, 99–100

fresh (see fresh thoughts)

inconsistencies, mistakes, errors, inaccuracies in, 115–117

insights as, 20–24

insights versus other types of, 19

listening to your, 63–67

memory, 20–22, 22–24

preoccupation with your, 82

quality of, 57, 95–96

role of, 103–107

stopping distracting, 69–79

thinking pace, 42

train of, 87

time management, 161


for fresh thinking, 168

of insights, 59, 85

of low-quality state of mind, 98

of new ideas, 152

for thought derailment, 51

underproductive states, 50–51


deepening, through insight, 24–26

intellectual insight versus, 26

lack of conscious, 37

universal, 26

of yourself, 30–33

vacation state of mind, 103

verification for creative process, 109, 114

voice types, 90

Wallas, Graham, 109

wandering thoughts, 113, 151–152

wisdom, 56, 80

working alone, 126–127

working with others. See also conversations; team/group applications for TAOI

clients, 135–137

facilitating insights in others during conversations, 85

insights into others’ behavior, 28–29

listening to others, 61–63

maintaining Insight State of Mind when, 127

practicing with one other person (exercises), 67–79

problem solving for others, 80

problem solving insights, 125–126

working as a trio (exercise and examples), 117–125

writing for insight, 86, 89, 127

Yanowitz, Joel, 131–134

Zmuda, Allison, 123–125

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