
abdominal kick 209-10

acting 8, 21, 226, 227-8, 229

action and reaction 25-30; avoidances 216, 218; blocks 220; illusion of violence 132-3, 134; non-contact moves 137-8; see also reactions


agility 50-1, 56

Alexander Technique 176

American Realism 19

Anderson, Aaron 40

angles 12, 36-7, 134, 135, 137, 203

Aristotle 39, 153

Asian immigrants 7

Assassin game 162

assisted handstand push-ups 90

attire 52-3

audiences 35-8; comparison of stage and film 12; connecting with 228; illusion of violence 133-4; non-contact violence 136, 137; sound experience for 123; staging 130, 131

authenticity 137

avoidances 216-22

awareness 34, 102

Azaria, J. Ed 54

back boards 86-7

back choke 180-1

backfist 196

backhand slap 188-9, 196

backstretches: standing 92-3; table 91

backwards fall 153, 158-9

balance 50, 155; partnered conditioning 82, 83, 86; plyometrics 56; Push and Release game 96-9; warming up 66-7, 72

biting 183

blocks 218-22

body knap 120, 122, 130, 194, 199

body position 43-5

body shape 105

body shots 144

Bogart, Anne 33

Boushey, David 37-8

"bracelet hold" 167, 168

Braha, Judy 54

breathing 123-6, 182, 223

Brimmer, J. David 225

British Society of Fight Directors XI

budgets 5

Burton, Sir Richard 10

Byrnes, Brian 33

cage-knap 206-7, 208

care 20, 21-2; see also safety

center of gravity 99, 155

chambering 205-6, 213, 214

Chan, Jackie 140

characters 39-45, 123

Cheng, Man-ch'ing 17

choking 22, 176-82, 224

choreography XIV, 54, 95, 124; history of stage combat 6, 7; rehearsal 27; That's My Spot! game 40-1; visualization 53

cinema 6-7, 11, 12, 121

Circle of Destruction 224-5

clap knap 120, 122, 129-30, 147, 188, 194

Classical World 3-4, 5

clothing 52

clothing grabs 170-2

combat games 95-113; Assassin 162; Drunken Sailors 106-7, 158; Exotic Death Game 224-5; Finger Fencing 100-2; Floating Palm/Floating Fist 145, 204; Ocular Focus 112-13; Pain Game 225-7; Push and Release 96-9; Pushing Hands 108-13; Seeing without Seeing 113; That's My Spot! 40-1; Weight Share 102-5

completion 26, 27, 29-30

conditioning see partnered conditioning

contact violence 141-51; audience view 37; blocks 218; Floating Palm/Floating Fist 145; kicks 206-7, 209-15; punches 143-7, 204; slaps 147-50

controlling actions 162-83; biting 183; choking 22, 176-82, 224; clothing grabs 170-2; grabbing 132, 167-8; hair grabs 22, 172-5; pushing 21, 23, 132, 162-7; restraining 22, 169

core strength 84, 91

Crean, Patrick XI

cross punch 37, 197-200

crushing injuries 224

CUE-REACTION-ACTION Principle (C.R.A.P.) 25-8, 30

cues 27-8, 29

decline push-ups 79

Degas, Edgar 135

DeNiro, Robert 8

desire to fight 41-5

diaphragmatic breathing 124-5

diegesis 4

dips 83

direction, taking 98

directors 36; see also fight directors

distance 22-3; to audience 36-7; avoidances 216; blocks 219; illusion of violence 133; kicks 205, 214; non-contact violence 136: slaps 184, 185, 192; see also proximity

Donnellan, Declan 35

"downward facing dog" 75

Dreager, Donn F. 10

Drunken Sailors game 106-7, 158

The Duellists 7

dying 224-5, 226-7

dynamic relaxation 124

"Eagle Amis" 65

elbow pads 53

Elizabethans 5-6, 11

endurance 50

energy transfer 23, 163, 214

English Masters of Defence 5-6

enthusiasm 33

even tempo training 54

excitement 50

exhalation 125, 126

Exotic Death Game 224-5

expressiveness of the body 139-40

eye contact 21-2, 112-13

Fairbanks, Douglas 6-7

falls 153-62; backwards fall 153, 158-9; front fall 157-8; twist fall 160-1

fencing masters 5-6

fight calls 141, 142

fight directors 6

Finger Fencing 100-2

fists 146, 198, 204

fitness 51

flexibility 50, 205

Floating Palm/Floating Fist game 145, 204

Flynn, Errol 7

Followers 32

force 23-4; kicks 205; pushes 162, 167

forearm blocks 221-2

forehand slap 184-6, 194

Fredericksen, Erik XI-XII, 37

front choke 177-9

front fall 157-8

front kick 206-8

full throttle training 54

funding 5

games 95-113; Assassin 162; Drunken Sailors 106-7, 158; Exotic Death Game 224-5; Finger Fencing 100-2; Floating Palm/Floating Fist 145, 204; Ocular Focus 112-13; Pain Game 225-7; Push and Release 96-9; Pushing Hands 108-13; Seeing without Seeing 113; That's My Spot! 40-1; Weight Share 102-5

Gandhi, Mahatma 9

Geister, Earle XII

gestures 122

Girard, Dale 25-6

going to the ground 106, 153-62; backwards fall 153, 158-9; front fall 157-8; twist fall 160-1

"golden thread" 37-8

Good, John Mason XI

grabbing 132, 167-8; clothing grabs 170-2; hair grabs 22, 172-5

Greeks, ancient 3-4, 5, 10, 11

groin kick 211-13

Grossman, David 125

group awareness 102

"grunts per move" (GPM) 123

hair grabs 22, 172-5

Hakuin 49

Hamlet 127, 142

hands 58, 121, 122, 129, 132

handstand push-ups 90

haymakers 194-6

head movement 132-3, 138-9

health 51

heart rate 125, 126

Henrichs, Albert 5

history of stage combat 3-8

Hobbs, William 7

hoplology 9-13

improvisation 95

indicating 21

injuries: acting out traumatic 226-8; types of 224

injury, potential for: choking 176, 179; distance and proximity 22, 162; falls 154, 158-9; grabs 167; kicks 208, 209; knaps 120, 121; punches 144, 146; pushes 163; slaps 184; timing 23; warming up 55; see also safety

instinct 230

in-the-round slap 190-3

Iron Cross 78

isometric exercises 138-9

jab 200-3

jump splits 84-5

Kane, Sara 49

Keitel, Harvey 8

kicks 145, 205-15; abdominal kick 209-10; chambering 205-6, 213, 214; front kick 206-8; groin kick 211-13; roundhouse kick 205, 213-15

Kim, Jae Hun 54-5

knaps 58,117-23, 147; backhand slap 188, 189; blocks 219; body knap 120, 122, 130, 194, 199; cage knap 206-7, 208; clap knap 120, 122, 129-30, 147, 188, 194; closing the space 137; forehand slap 186; hiding 129-31, 132, 133; kicks 206-7, 208; punches 194, 195, 200, 202; self knap 200, 202; shared knap 120-1, 122, 130, 189, 206

kneeling choke 182

kneepads 53

Leaders 32

Lee, Bruce 7, 11, 140

leg throw-downs 81

Letts, Tracey 49

Levinson, Daniel XV

limbs 139-40

listening skills 32, 34

literal truth 119

Lombardi, Vince 53

Macbeth 45, 125

The Mark of Zorro 7

martial arts XIII, 12, 151; Asian immigrants 7; attire 52; kicks 205; oral teaching 3; Pushing Hands 108; "telegraphing" 22

Masters of Defence 5-6, 7

McDonagh, Martin 8, 49

Meisner, Sanford 119

memesis 4

Miller, Rory 11-12

movies 6-7, 11, 12, 121

music 56

natural instinct 230

neck exercises 63-5, 138-9

neck movement 132-3

Newton, Isaac 27, 28

Nguyen, Qui 8, 141

non-contact violence 37, 132, 135-40, 208

O'Brien, Ellen 142

observation 53

Ocular Focus 112-13

"off-set" position 130-2, 186, 198, 201, 206

oral teaching 3

Overlie, Mary 33

pain 122, 223-8

Pain Game 225-7

palm blocks 219-20

partnered conditioning 77-94; assisted handstand push-ups 90; back boards 86-7; decline push-ups 79; Iron Cross 78. jump splits 84-5; leg throw-downs 81; partner dips 83; partner pull-ups 82; push-downs 80; standing backstretch 92-3; table backstretch 91; table jumps 88-9

partners 31-4; archetypal categories 32; safety 17-18, 21-4; talking to 21, 24, 77, 94, 144, 150, 181, 215; victim control 20-1

passive relaxation 124

penetrating injuries 224

performer attributes 50-2

peripheral vision 22, 112

physical composition 51

Physics 27

physiological health 51

plyometrics 56

Power, Tyrone 7

The Prisoner of Zenda 7

Prometheus Bound 4

proximity 12, 162, 176, 185; see also distance

psychological health 51

"pulling the punch" 143

pull-ups 82

pulses 137, 168, 175, 179, 181, 186

Punchdrunk 54

punches 143-7, 193-204; acting out traumatic injury 227; angle of reaction 137; audience view 37; avoidances 216-18; blocks 219-22; contact punch 204; cross or straight 37, 197-200; jab 200-3; "pulling the punch" 143; roundhouse punch 194-6, 216-17, 219-22; see also slaps

Push and Release game 96-9

push-downs 80

pushes 21, 23, 132, 162-7

Pushing Hands game 108-13

push-ups: assisted handstand push-ups 90; decline 79

Rathbone, Basil 7

Ravitts, Ricki G. 33

reactions 25-30; acting out traumatic injury 226-8; avoidances 216, 218; blocks 220; contact moves 145; illusion of violence 132-3, 134; kicks 207, 215; non-contact moves 137-8; punches 195, 199, 202, 204; slaps 186, 188, 189

realism 7-8, 19, 123

rear choke 180-1

receiving blows 23, 24, 142, 205; breathing out when 126; contact punches 144; contact slaps 147, 148, 150; see also reactions

Reed, Oliver 8

rehearsal 27, 52

relaxing the body 23, 123-4, 154

religion 4

repeatability 50

restraining 22, 169

"reverse energy" 143

rhythm 51, 53-4, 84, 123

Ridley, Philip 49

risk XV, 31

Romeo and Juliet 127

roundhouse kick 205, 213-15

roundhouse punch 194-6, 216-17, 219-22

Rowling, Kyle 41, 77

rules of theatre 130-1

safety XV, 17-25, 50; see also injury, potential for

Sartre, Jean-Paul 35, 129

security 24-5

self knap 200, 202

set pieces 6

Shakespeare, William 5-6

shared knap 120-1, 122, 130, 189, 206

shared speed 23

Shepard, Sam 8, 49

shields 10

SITI Company 54

size of venue 37, 123, 127

skill 33, 41-5, 218, 220, 222

slaps 184-93, 194; backhand slap 188-9, 196; contact 147-50; non-contact 37, 136, 137; V-slaps 37, 190-3; see also punches

slow motion training 53

Society of American Fight Directors XI

soft focus 112

sound 117-27; breathing 123-6, 182, 223; choking 182; comparison of stage and film 12; contact slap 150; going to the ground 153-4; kicks 207, 208, 210, 213, 214; see also knaps; vocalizations

space, closing the 136-7

Spartans 10

spatial awareness 102

speed 51; even tempo training 54; full throttle training 54; shared 23; see also tempo

staging 123, 130-2; contact violence 147; punches 200, 203; pushes 163

"standard combats" 6

standing backstretch 92-3

Stanislavski, Konstantin 50, 119

Star Wars 7

storytelling 8, 29, 30, 54, 123, 227-8

straight punch 37, 197-200

strength 50

stretching 56, 63-76; see also partnered conditioning; warming up

strikes 184-93; audience view 37; noncontact violence 136; reaction to 133; see also knaps; punches; slaps

stylization 5

surprise, element of 131-2

survival mechanisms 118

swordplay 6-7, 100

table backstretch 91

table jumps 88-9

tactical breathing 125-6

Taekwondo 55

talking to your partner 21, 24, 77, 94, 144, 150, 181, 215

Tarlton, Richard 6

"telegraphing" 22

tempo 23, 51; Drunken Sailors game 106; Pushing Hands game 111; training 52, 53-4; see also speed

That's My Spot! game 40-1

theatrical truth 119

The Three Musketeers 7

timing 23, 84; kicks 205; non-contact moves 138; pushes 162; slaps 184

training XV, 49-76; attributes of the physical performer 50-2; ensemble 142; even tempo 54; full throttle 54; slow motion 53; visualization 53; warming up 54-76

triangles 105

True Partners 32

truth, literal and theatrical 119

twist fall 160-1

upstage/downstage (off-set) position 130-2, 186, 198, 201, 206

venue size 37, 123, 127

verbal communication 21, 24, 77, 94, 144, 150, 181, 215

victim control 20-1

video games 11

Vietnam War 10-11

Viewpoints 33

violence: believable performance of 229-30; film and entertainment industries 11; history of stage combat 3-8; illusion of 129-34; images of 10-11; pain 223-8; reality of 11-12; reasons for 9-10, 39, 134; stage and film 12; unpredictable nature of 12-13, 18-19; viewing from a distance 18

visualization 53

vocal knap 121

vocalizations 122, 1234, 126-7; biting 183; kicks 210, 213; pain 223

V-slaps 37, 190-3

warming up 54-76, 141-2; ankles 60, 70; arms 65-7; hamstrings 69; hands 58; knees 61, 74; legs 69-74; neck 63-5, 138-9; pelvis 62; spine and back 62-3, 67-8, 76; see also partnered conditioning

weapons 6-7, 224, 225

Weight Share games 102-5

Wilde, Oscar XI

Wolf, Tony 96, 100

Yang, Jwing-Ming 108

yoga 75

Yuen Woo-Ping 123

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