
This project was born out of the Covid-19 lockdown: what happened during 2020 changed so much of my outlook and studio practice. In my isolation, I started sharing videos of me rambling on about things in the studio, or some of the thoughts I was having, or issues we as a collective were encountering. I started hosting online project-based workshops, as all my jobs for the year had been canceled. This helped me cope, and folks reached out and shared how much it helped them find some solidarity in their feelings with what has happening in the world and in our lives. There was a profound need to connect in the isolation of lockdown, to find structure and purpose during an unsettling time. Everyone lost access to their community studios almost overnight. I made a quick video of what one might take home to have a small “kitchen table” studio during what we thought would be a two-week lockdown. That time is what inspired me to make this project book. This little book is about keeping you company at the kitchen (studio) table and taking a real look at what you need to have a making practice and how that can support you in your journey as a human. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to be part of that exploration.

Thank you to all of my students, supporters, and readers: your continual support makes me a better person, artist, and teacher. You make my life and practice possible. Thank you for reaching out with kindness and generosity. I never expected it and I am so grateful. I will forever be in awe of you!

To my sister, Feather, you are my rock. I am so glad we were born into the same family, but I believe we would have found each other even if we weren’t tossed together at birth. Thank you for appreciating my craziness and being my biggest cheerleader and sounding board.

To my youngest brother, Sunrise, thank you for getting me that VR headset. I would have never tried it on my own, but it literally saved me. Giving me beautiful places to virtually visit and work on my fitness, when the real world was filled with darkness and shadow. Thank you for showing me a little crack to let the light back in!

To my Helena Pod, who knew we would ever be a pod! I would have come out the other side of 2020 a very different person if not for our Friday night family dinners. You help keep me sane during regular life and especially during the insane times. Our time together was an unexpected gift of the lockdown. While I could write a paragraph on each of you, Giselle Hicks, Steve Roberts, Mel Griffin, and David Peters, THANK YOU for your generosity, love, and support. You all are amazing friends and tremendous cooks! Also, a shoutout to the doggos of the group, whose friendship and contributions cannot be forgotten: snuggles to Pearly, Wiley, and Rey.

To the Lindse/ays in my life. What would I do without you both? Truthfully, I have no idea. Thank you for always being up for a morning chat. I love that we can talk about the dumbest thing to the most serious of matters. You are my best-est of friends. I swear the next book is going to be “The Care and Feeding of Lindsa/eys.” You both provide endless material and support, laughter through the tears. Lindsay O. and Lindsey C.—love you both!

Miss Carey Shaw, thank you for always being just a phone call away! I miss our morning breakfast dates and bike rides around Sacramento. If not for you, I would never have rediscovered my love of bike riding, even though we are the worst workout partners in history! We do value our sleep! You call and connect in such truth and emotion it keeps me grounded and aware of myself. Thank you for always being willing to go there! Love you, woman!

To my roommate during the lockdown, Sadie Clarendon, I am so glad you were here. I feel like we took care of each other . . . making coffee and talking about all life’s problems and the glaringly obvious solutions! I miss Remy intimidating you with her love. You were and are a lifesaver. And thank you, I think, for introducing me to TikTok, and to the dance and makeup tutorials that saved us! Love you.

To my editor Thom O’Hearn, without you this project never would have happened. Thank you for believing in me.

To Athena Longsdale, photographer on this project, thank you for listening and working with me to make the pictures in this book spectacular. Thank you especially for the beautiful headshots you managed to get on a day I felt less than beautiful or spectacular! You truly helped me capture the vision I had for this book.

To the amazing artists in the galleries in this book, thank you for sharing your genius with me and the world at large. I invited each of you because you inspire me and I am glad to be on this makers’ journey alongside each of you. Even if we never meet in person, I am grateful you are out there making beautiful, amazing work.

Even though they can’t read, I am thankful and want to acknowledge my sweet kittens, Remy, Hall, and Oscar (and my foster babies, Stella and Brandon, who have gone on to find forever homes but were integral to keeping me in front of my computer writing). They surround/ed me with joy, snuggles, and mischievousness. They keep me company and make me happy to come home and share my space with them. Yep, I’m officially a cat lady!

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