

  • additive term, 43


  • banding wheels, 36, 37
  • basket project, 140–145, 164
  • beveling, 54
  • bisqueware, 28
  • box breathing, 16
  • butter box project, 123–133


  • candelabra project, 98–102, 162
  • chairs, 35
  • citrus reamer project, 119–123, 163
  • classes, studio setup and, 15
  • clay
    • approach to, 23
    • bisqueware, 28
    • dangers of sanding/scraping, 32
    • earthenware, 27
    • effects on skin and, 17
    • food-safe/vitreous surface and, 29
    • glazeware, 29
    • greenware state, 28
    • hazards and, 32
    • porcelain, 28
    • reclaimed, 28
    • shrinkage and, 29
    • states of, 28–29
    • stoneware, 27
    • storage of, 15
    • studio setup and, 15
    • temperature and workability of, 31
    • terminology and, 23
    • types of, 27–28
    • workability stages, 30–31
  • ClayShare, 6
  • clay workability stages
    • bone dry, 31
    • leather hard, 31
    • soft/medium leather heard, 30
    • temperature and, 31
  • cleaning
    • of aprons, 37
    • of workspace, 32–33
  • cleaning seams, 54
  • cloud projects, 84–87
  • coffee pour-over project, 146–151, 165–166
  • coiling, 45–47
  • community, 12–13, 15
  • compression, 48
  • cones, 24
  • cone sitters, 24
  • creature projects, 74–77
  • cutouts, 144–145


  • darting, 48
  • design, 43
  • drying pieces, 50–51


  • earthenware, 27
  • edge work, 43
  • equipment
    • chairs and tables, 35
    • drywall board, 40, 52
    • foam, 39, 41
    • glaze journals, 56
    • requirements for, 15
    • slip, 72
    • tape, 41
    • See also tools
  • ergonomics, 12, 15, 17, 35


  • firing tools, 41
  • flora projects
    • leaves/petals, 68–69
    • research and, 66
    • specimens, 70–73
    • tips for success, 73


  • gallery images, 59–63, 103–109, 157–161
  • glazeware, 29
  • glazing
    • about surface development and, 55
    • commercial glazes and, 58
    • glaze journals, 56
    • multiple batches for, 56
    • as ongoing practice, 57
    • resources for, 58
    • test tiles, 56
  • greenware, 15, 28
  • greenware strength, 28
  • gridding, 43


  • hand stretches, 18–19


  • kilns, 24


  • lighting, 35


  • match striker project, 152–156, 167
  • mindset, 20
  • mobile project, 94–97
  • mold, 32


  • Orton cone charts, 24


  • pinched edges, 43
  • plastic wrapping, 51
  • porcelain, 28, 29
  • posture, 17
  • projects
    • about, 21
    • about functional, 111
    • about sculptural, 65
    • baskets, 140–145, 164
    • butter box, 123–133
    • candelabra, 98–102, 162
    • citrus reamer, 119–123, 163
    • clouds, 84–87
    • coffee pour-over, 146–151, 165–166
    • creature, 74–77
    • flora projects, 66–73
    • match striker, 152–156, 167
    • mobiles, 94–97
    • scoops, 112–118, 163
    • soap dishes, 88–93
    • tapas plates, 134–139
    • wall tiles/hanging, 78–83


  • reductive term, 44
  • respirators, 32
  • ribbing, 49
  • rolling slabs, 52–53
  • rough out term, 44


  • safety
    • aprons and, 37
    • clay health hazards and, 32
    • food safety and, 29
    • mold and, 32
    • respirators and, 32
    • silica dust and, 32
    • studio setup and, 15
    • toxic materials and, 17
  • scoops, 112–118, 163
  • skills
    • beveling, 54
    • cleaning seams/attachments, 54
    • coiling, 45–47
    • compression, 48
    • darting, 48
    • drying pieces, 50–51
    • ribbing, 48
    • rolling slabs, 52–53
    • slip and score, 49
    • wedging, 54
  • slip and, score, 49
  • slip making, 72
  • soap dish project, 88–93
  • stoneware, 27, 29
  • studio setup
    • classes and, 15
    • cleaning of workspace and, 32–33
    • community spaces and, 12–13
    • equipment and, 15
    • ergonomics and, 12, 15, 17, 35
    • questions for, 15
    • safety and, 15


  • tables, 35
  • tapas plate project, 134–139
  • templates, 44
    • for basket, 164
    • for candelabra, 162
    • for citrus reamer, 163
    • for coffee pour-over, 165–166
    • for match striker, 167
    • for scoops, 112, 163
  • tooled edges, 43
  • tools
    • aprons, 36, 37
    • artist as, 34
    • banding wheels, 36, 37
    • for the body, 35
    • brushes, 36, 38
    • buckets, 37
    • cheese cutters, 36, 38
    • cut-off wire, 36, 38
    • drill bits, 41
    • drywall sandpaper, 36, 38
    • epoxy/moldable glue, 41
    • firing tools, 41
    • foam, 39, 41
    • green scrubby sponges, 36, 38
    • hand towels, 36, 38
    • keeping track of, 41
    • metal ribs/Sherrill ribs, 37–38, 39
    • MKM decorating disks, 36, 38
    • needle tools, 36, 38
    • pliers, 40, 41
    • propane torch/heat gun, 38
    • rolling pins, 38, 39, 52
    • rulers, 38
    • scalpels, 36, 37
    • scissors, 41
    • scoring tools, 36, 38
    • slip trailers, 73
    • sponges, 37
    • spray bottles/misters, 38
    • sunshine sticks, 36, 38
    • surforms, 36, 38
    • trim tools, 37, 39
    • utility knives, 37
    • wood knives, 36, 37
    • See also equipment


  • vitreous term, 29


  • wall tiles/hanging projects, 78–83
  • wedging, 54
  • well-being
    • breathing and, 16
    • checklist for, 20
    • hydration, 16
    • moisturizing, 17
    • posture and, 17
    • prioritizing, 12, 16
    • stretches, 18–19
    • taking breaks, 16, 18
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