Notable Texts

The most difficult part of reaching the final content for each volume of this series is to leave out worthy pieces that ultimately cannot be included. I list below entries I considered for selection this year but that did not make it into the book because of various constraints, mostly related to the space available and/or to issues of copyright.

Notable Articles

Alexanderson, Gerald L. “John Wallis and Oxford.” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 49.3(2012): 443–446.

Alms, Jeremy F., and David A. Andrews. “Solutions in Search of Problems.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59.7(2012): 963–964.

Alperin, Roger C., Barry Hayes, and Robert J. Lang. “Folding the Hyperbolic Crane.” Mathematical Intelligencer 34.2(2012): 38–49.

Aron, Jacob. “A Mathematical Universe Is Born.” New Scientist 215(Sep. 15, 2012): 6.

Barrett, Linda K., and B. Vena Long. “The Moore Method and the Constructivist Theory of Learning: Was R. L. Moore a Constructivist?” PRIMUS 22.1(2012): 75–84.

Beer, Gillian. “Alice in Time.” Nature 479(Nov. 3, 2012): 38–39.

Bishop, Alan J. “From Culture to Well-Being.” Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 44(2012): 3–8.

Borjas, George J., and Kirk B. Doran. “The Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Productivity of the American Mathematicians.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 127.3(2012): 1143–1203.

Bueno, Otávio, and Steven French. “Can Mathematics Explain Physical Phenomena?” British Journal of the Philosophy of Science 63(2012): 85–113.

Burgiel, Heidi, and Matthew Salomone. “Logarithmic Spirals and Projective Geometry in M. C. Escher’s Path of Life III.” Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 2.2(2012): 22–35.

Clements, Douglas H., and Julie Sarama. “Mathematics Learning, Assessment, and Curriculum.” In Handbook of Early Childhood Education, edited by Robert C. Pianta, New York: Guildford Press, 2012, pp. 217–239.

Conway, John, and Alex Ryba. “The Pascal Mysticum Demystified.” Mathematical Intelligencer 34.3(2012): 4–8.

Cooper, Barry S. “Incomputability after Alan Turing.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59.6(2012): 776–784.

de Freitas, Elizabeth. “The Diagram as Story.” For the Learning of Mathematics 32.2(2012): 27–33.

Dedò, Maria, and Laura Sferch. “Right or Wrong? That Is the Question.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59.7(2012): 924–932.

Denning, Peter, and Tim Bell. “The Information Paradox.” American Scientist 100.6(2012): 470–477.

Dunlop, Katherine. “Kant and Strawson on the Content of Geometrical Concepts.” Noûs 46.1(2012): 86–126.

Gelman, Andrew, and Eric Loken. “When We (Statisticians) Teach, We Don’t Practice What We Preach.” Chance 25.2(2012): 24–25.

Glaz, Sarah. “Poetry Inspired by Mathematics: A Brief Journey through History.” Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 5.4(2011): 171–183.

Grabiner, Judith. “Why Proof? A Historian’s Perspective.” In Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education, edited by Gila Hanna and Michael de Villiers. Dordrecht, Germany: Springer Science+Business Media, 2012.

Gray, Jeremy. “Poincaré and the Idea of a Group.” Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 13.3(2012): 178–186.

Gray, Jeremy. “Poincaré Replies to Hilbert: On the Future of Mathematics ca. 1908.” Mathematical Intelligencer 34.3(2012): 15–29.

Grünbaum, Branko. “Is Napoleon’s Theorem Really Napoleon’s Theorem?” The American Mathematical Monthly 119.6(2012): 495–501.

Hacker, Andrew. “Is Algebra Necessary?” The New York Times July 28, 2012.

Hacking, Ian. “The Lure of Pythagoras.” Iyyun—The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 61.2(2012): 103–128.

Hahn, Alexander J. “Geometric Architecture: Up and Add ’Em.” berfrois Aug. 31, 2012.

Halpern, Diane F. et al. “Sex, Math, and Scientific Achievement: Why Do Men Dominate the Fields of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics?” Scientific American Mind 27(2012): 26–33.

Hayes, Brian. “Alice and Bob in Cipherspace.” American Scientist 100.5(2012): 362–367.

Hill, Theodore P., and Erika Rogers. “Gender Gaps in Science: The Creativity Factor.” Mathematical Intelligencer 34.2(2012): 19–26.

Johnston, Stephen. “John Dee on Geometry: Texts, Teaching and the Euclidean Tradition.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 43.2(2012): 470–479.

Kehle, Paul. “Quasicrystals: Mathematicians Were There First.” Consortium 102(Spring 2012): 13–17.

Kilpatrick, Jeremy. “The New Math as an International Phenomenon.” Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 44.4(2012): 563–571.

Krasner, Daniel. “A Different Path (from Mathematics to Startups.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 58.11(2011): 1588–1591.

Lai, Yvonne, Keith Weber, and Pablo Mejía-Ramos. “Mathematicians’ Perspectives on Features of a Good Pedagogical Proof.” Cognition and Instruction 30.2(2012): 146–169.

Lakshtanov, Evgeny, and Vera Roschina. “On Fitness in the Card Game of War.” The American Mathematical Monthly 119.4(2012): 318–323.

Lazar, Nicole. “Big Data Hits the Big Time.” Chance 25.3(2012): 47–49.

Lewis, Michael A. “Mathematics and The Hunger Games.” Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 2.2(2012): 129–139.

Macbeth, Danielle. “Seeing How It Goes: Paper-and-Pencil Reasoning in Mathematical Practice.” Philosophia Mathematica 20.1(2012): 58–85.

Mackenzie, Dana. “A Flapping of Wings.” Science 335 (March 23, 2012): 1430–1433.

Mauldin, Tim. “Time and the Geometry of the Universe.” In The Future of the Philosophy of Time, edited by Adrian Bardon. New York: Routledge, 2012.

Merow, Katharine. “Math Is My Femme Fatale.Mathematical Intelligencer 34.1(2012): 42–43.

Morgan, Candia, and Jehad Alshwaikh. “Communicating Experience of 3D Space: Mathematical and Everyday Discourse.” Mathematical Thinking and Learning 14.3(2012): 99–125.

Muntersbjorn, Madeline. “On the Intellectual Heritage of Henri Poincaré.” British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin 27.2(2012): 107–118.

Nicholson, Jason Scott. “A Perspective on Wigner’s ‘Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics.’ ” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59.1(2012): 38–42.

Papademetri-Kachrimani, Chrystalla. “Revisiting van Hiele.” For the Learning of Mathematics 32.3(2012): 2–7.

Pedersen, Jean, and Tibor Tarnai. “Mysterious Movable Models.” Mathematical Intelligencer 34.3(2012): 62–66.

Plofker, Kim. “Mathematics and Its Worldwide History.” Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 13.1(2012): 18–24.

Schoenfeld, Alan H. “Problematizing the Didactic Triangle.” Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 44.5(2012): 587–599.

Sequin, Carlo H. “Topological Tori as Abstract Art.” Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 6.4(2012): 191–209.

Sinclair, Nathalie, Anne Watson, Rina Zazkis, and John Mason. “The Structuring of Personal Example Spaces.” Journal of Mathematical Behavior 30(2011): 291–303.

Sophian, Catherine. “Mathematics for Early Childhood Education.” In Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children, 3rd edition, edited by Olivia N. Saracho and Bernard Spodek. London, UK: Routledge, 2012, pp. 169–178.

Stillwell, John. “Poincaré and the Early History of 3-Manifolds.” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 49.4(2012): 555–577.

Strayer, Daniel, and Elizabeth Brown. “Teaching with High-Cognitive-Demand Mathematical Tasks.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59.1(2012): 55–57.

Strogatz, Steven. “Singular Sensations.” The New York Times Sept. 10, 2012. This article opened a series of six remarkable weekly pieces.

Stumpf, Michael P. H., and Mason A. Porter. “Critical Truths about Power Laws.” Science 335(Feb. 10, 2012): 665–666.

Thomson-Jones, Martin. “Modeling without Mathematics.” Philosophy of Science 79.5(2012): 761–772.

Timmermans, Benoît. “Prehistory of the Concept of Mathematical Structure.” Mathematical Intelligencer 34.3(2012): 41–54.

Usiskin, Zalman. “Misidentifying Factors Underlying Singapore’s High Test Scores.” Mathematics Teacher 105.9(2012): 666–670.

van Dalen, Dirk. “Poincaré and Brower on Intuition and Logic.” Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 13.3(2012): 191–195.

Webb, Richard. “From Zero to Hero.” The New Scientist 2839(Nov. 19, 2011): 41–43.

Widom, Theodore Reed. “Methodological Reflections on Typologies for Numerical Notations.” Science in Context 25.2(2012): 155–195.

Wilkie, James E. B., and Galen V. Bodenhausen. “Are Numbers Gendered?” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141.2(2012): 206–210.

Williams, Wendy, and Stephen Ceci. “When Scientists Choose Motherhood.” American Scientist 100(2012): 138–145.

Yong, Darryl. “Adventures in Teaching: A Professor Goes to High School to Learn about Teaching Math.” Notices of the American Mathematical Society 59.10(2012):1408–1415.

Yoshinobu, Stan, and Matthew G. Jones. “The Coverage Issue.” PRIMUS 22.4(2012): 303–316.

Young, Christina B., Sarah S. Wu, and Vinod Menod. “The Neurodevelopmental Basis of Math Anxiety.” Psychological Science 23.5(2012): 492–501.

Notable Journal Issues

The following special issues of 2012 journals are likely to appeal to the reader interested in nontechnical writings and topics concerning mathematics. This list is far from being comprehensive.

“Science in the 21st Century.” Daedalus 141.3(2012).

“John Dewey and the Child.” Education and Culture 28.2(2012).

“The Inverse Principle: Psychological, Mathematical, and Educational Considerations.” Educational Studies in Mathematics 79.3(2012).

“Activity Theoretical Approaches to Mathematics Classroom Practices with the Use of Technology.” International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 19.4(2012) & 20.1(2013).

“Mathematical Knowledge and Its Applications.” Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 61.2(2012).

“Teacher Knowledge, Curriculum Materials, and Quality of Instruction.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 44.4(2012).

“Modalities of Body Engagement in Mathematical Activity and Learning.” Journal of the Learning Sciences 21.2(2012).

“Foregrounding Equity in Mathematics Teacher Education.” Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 15.1(2012).

“Improving Self-Monitoring and Self-Regulation of Learning: From Cognitive Psychology to the Classroom.” Learning and Instruction 22.4(2012).

“Big Data.” Significance 49.4(2012).

“Diagrams in Mathematics: History and Philosophy.” Synthese 186.1(2012).

“New Perspectives on the Didactic Triangle: Teacher–Student–Content.” Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 44.5(2012).

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