Abloh, Virgil, 55

Adams, Scott, 75

Adidas, 73

Adjacent skills, 52–53

Airbnb, 89

Amazon, 89, 95, 97, 138

Andreessen Horowitz, 96

Apple, 12, 66, 67, 138

Armstrong, Neil, 55

Asimov, Isaac, 120

Atomic Habits (Clear), 134


bringing value to, 161

hashtag to find target, 108–109

understanding, 70–71

Authors, 176

Automobiles, 89

Baby steps, taking, 36–37

Bananas, 191–192

Bank man-Fried, Sam, 112

Barrett, RJ, 172

Barron’s, 126

Battlefield Earth (Hubbard), 66

Beauty Fenty, 65

Beeple, 57

Behavior, attention to, 117

Berkshire Hathaway, 66

Best practices, 24–25

Bezos, Jeff, 97, 98

The Bill Simmons Podcast, 42

“The Billion-Dollar Decision” (Twitter thread), 177

Blockbuster, 6

“Bodak Yellow,” 22

Bold Ones, 1–19

author as, 1–14

becoming, 17–18

as disruptors, 4–7

Drake as, 15–17

Hatshepsut as, 187–188

Ken Kutaragi as, 1–4

operating within systems, 8–11

Samuel Zemurray as, 191–194

Bond Capital, 126

Bonilla, Manuel, 192

Buffett, Warren, 66, 85

Building loyalty, 61–84

by Ching Shih, 61–64

and continuing to disrupt yourself, 81–83

with halo effect, 72–76

paradox of, 79–81

by Rihanna, 64–65

with social media, 77–79

with underdogs, 68–72

Burgis, Luke, 182

Business Insider Ignition conference, 97

Buytopia, 107

Caesar, Julius, 4

Cai Lun, 119–120

Campbell, Joseph, 187

Canada, 172

Carbary, James, 71, 130

Cardi B, 21–23, 26–27, 52–53, 195

Carey, Mariah, 34

Carter, Vince, 172–173, 179

Cashing Out (Saunders and Saunders), 75

Catchy, creating something, 131–134

Certifications, 185

Challenges, finding your next, 35–36


during difficult times, 13

direction of, 47–48

incremental, 36–37, 50–54, 155

speed of, 9

Chappelle, Dave, 183

Ching Shih, 61–64, 70, 77, 82–83, 142, 195

Chiquita, 194

Clear, James, 134

Clearco, 108, 121–122

Cleopatra, 4, 188

Club Penguin, 106


for cultural disruption, 181–183

as default, 53

and growth, 71–72

overdelivering with, 136

to solve problems, 56

for work with visuals, 174

Comfort, moving away from, 95

Comic book creators, 176

Comments, replying to, 135

Commitment, to new projects, 159, 161


and collaboration, 71–72

between industries, 121

with number two people, 71

one-to-one, 140–142

replying to comments, 135

and technology, 127

with visual ideas, 174

Consistency, 136–137

Consumer Electronics Show, 1991, 2

Contagious, innovation as, 183

Content-Based Networking (Carbary), 71

Contrarian, 91–96

Contrarian Matrix, 91–92, 97

Control, illusion of, 186

Convergence, of opportunities, 154

Cooney, Kara, 175

Cooper, Anderson, 80

Copeland, Misty, 10–11

Copernicus, 14

Corden, James, 147


denting outside of, 51–54

illusion of, 44–47

Cosigners, 136, 160

Cotton production, 86–87

Creator economy, 7

Creators, 89

Crumbl, 177–179

Cults, 66

Cultural disruption, 167–189

examples of, 169–171

by Hatshepsut, 167–169

including others in, 180–183

MAYA principle, 183–186

power of stories in, 175–180

reshaping the world, 187–188

seeing direction of, 48–49

Vince Carter effect, 172–175

Curie, Marie, 14

Curry, Steph, 4

Curzon, Lord, 88

Da Brat, 23, 34

The Daily Show (television program), 146

Darwin, Charles, 9

Data, making money from, 138–139

David (biblical figure), 69–70, 141

D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), 176

Declaring independence, 129–131

Deepest, darkest secrets, 119–121

Def Comedy Jam, 183

Defensiveness, about expertise, 27

Degrassi: The Next Generation (television program), 16

Deir el-Bahri, 169


author at, 11–13

building personal brand while at, 129–130

contrarian behavior at, 98

looking outside the core at, 46–47

mentors at, 157–158

video presentations at, 174–175

Denting the outside, 50–54

Destiny’s Child, 34

Details, considering, 114

Devil’s advocate position, 93

Diamandis, Peter, 9

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 179

Differentiators, 75

Dilbert, 75

Direction, of change, 47–48

Dirty Dough, 178–179

Discovery, innovation as, 108–110

Disney, 66

Disney, Walt, 66, 183

Disruption, 85–103

being a contrarian, 91–96

failure as necessary for, 96–101

and long view, 101–102

of self, 81–83

as silly ideas, 88–91

by Jamsetji Tata, 85–88


Bold Ones as, 4–7

surrounding yourself with, 181–183

Domus 1060 (Abloh), 55

Dragons’ Den (television program), 106, 107, 122

Drake, 15–16

Dreamforce conference, 176–177

Duane Shoots Toys, 133

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), 176

Dupri, Jermaine, 23, 34–35

Ebro, 21–23, 27, 37–38

Ebro in the Morning (radio program), 21–22

Egypt, pharaohs of, 167–169

Elevators, 183–186

Elizabeth II, Queen, 14

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 131

Engineering hot streaks, 156–162

ESPN, 41–43, 53, 58, 131

Everydays (Beeple), 57

Expectation Effect, 159

The Expectation Effect (Robson), 158

Expectations, 120–121

Expertise, 26–28

Exploitation, 152, 158–159

Exploration, 152–153, 155–156

Facebook, 94–95

Failure, 96–101

Fairey, Shepard, 132

Fan fiction, 176

Fear, overcoming, 184

Ferrazzi, Keith, 7

Find My iPhone, 95

Followers, 125–143

building your personal brand for, 129–131

of business founders, 66–67

creating catchy message for, 131–134

delivering value to, 72

on Instagram, 26

Mary Meeker creating, 125–126

necessary number of, 126–129

one-to-one connections with, 140–142

overdeliver to, 134–137

and Web 3.0, 137–140

Ford, Henry, 56, 116, 170

Fortune, 126

Fragmentation, capitalizing on, 77–79

Frenette, Paul-Marc, 29–30

FTX, 112

Fussell, Paul, 31

Galileo Gallilei, 4, 14, 141

Gandhi, Mohandas, 85, 170

Gates, Bill, 66, 85, 90

Gender bias, 121

Genghis Khan, 96

Gift stacking, 153–154

Gilgeous-Alexander, Shai, 172

Girard, René, 182

Gladwell, Malcolm, 71

Goff, Bob, 140–141

Goldin, Kara, 56

Google, 138

GQ, 16

Graham, Aubrey, 15–16

Grantland, 42, 58, 131

Gratitude journal, 155–156

Groupon, 107

Guatemala, 192

A Guide Through the American Status System (Fussell), 31

Habits, attention to, 117

Halo effect, 72–76

Hard-to-find secrets, 115–119

Harpo Productions, 66

Harry Potter series, 66

Hashtags, 108–109

Hatshepsut, 167–170, 173, 175–176, 181, 184–185, 187–188, 195

Henn, Steve, 184

Heraclitus, 9

The Hero’s Journey (Campbell), 187

Hill, Lauryn, 22, 23

Hint Water, 56

Hodads, 164

Homecoming King (television special), 145, 147, 148

Honduras, 192

HOPE political campaign, 132

Hot streaks, 145–165

engineering, 156–162

and Hasan Minhaj, 145–148

preparing for, 152–156

reluctance to pursue, 162–164

and timing, 148–150

understanding, 150–152

Hubbard, L. Ron, 66

Hunches, playing, 49–50

Icebery of Secrecy, 110–112


making connections with, 174

planting, 180

silly ideas, 88–91

unconventional ideas, 96

Illusion of control, 187

Illusion of the Core, 44–47

Image, worrying about your, 99–100

Inception (film), 179

Incremental change, 36–37, 50–54, 155


disruptors as, 16–18

gaining market share, 7

recognition of, 66–67, 80

Innovation, 105–123

at Clearco, 121–122

as contagion, 183

deepest, darkest secrets in, 119–121

as discovery, 108–110

hard-to-find secrets in, 115–119

as necessary for Bold Ones, 10–11

obvious secrets in, 112–114

power of, 195

ROI on investments in, 110–112

by Michele Romanow, 105–108

surrounding yourself with innovators, 181–183

and waste, 57–58

Instagram, 26


Bold Ones working within, 8

control of society by, 77

Illusion of the Core for, 45

Intellectual property (IP), 131

Intensity, creating, 160, 161

Internet, 90

“The Internet Report” (Meeker), 125–126

“The Internet Trends Report” (Meeker), 134, 195

IP (intellectual property), 131

iPhone, 126

Irvine, Skyler, 175

Israel, 92–93, 192–193

J Dilla, 55

Jay-Z, 34

Jesus Shoes, 159

Jin, Li, 127–128, 137, 140

Joan of Arc, 14

Jobs, Steve, 56, 66, 67, 78

Jordan, Michael, 7, 180–181

Journaling, 155–156

Kahlo, Frida, 4

the Kardashians, 78

Kaur, Rupi, 154

Kellogg Insight, 151

Kellogg School of Management, 151

Kelly, Kevin, 127, 137, 141

Keynote speaking, 163

Kodak, 6

Kriss Kross, 34

Kublai Khan, 4

Kutaragi, Ken, 1–4, 8, 10, 142, 195

Lawrence, Martin, 183

Learning, continual, 46–47

Lee, Angie, 136

Legal stamps of approval, 185

Letterman, David, 90

Lightning Strikes, 148–150

Lil’ Bow Wow, 34

Lil’ Kim, 23

Lil Nas X, 14

Lil NAS X Satan Shoes, 159

Lil Wayne, 23

LinkedIn, 135, 178

Listening, 33

LIV Golf, 6

Love Does (Goff), 141

Love & Hip Hop: New York (television program), 21, 26

Lowe Foods, 114

Lower-status situations, 32

Lucas, George, 176

LVMH, 65

Magic, creating, 179–180

“Make America Great Again” political campaign, 132


value perceived in, 118

watching, 33

Markets, combining, 55–56

Martell, Dan, 113

Matthew Effect, 157, 159

Maxwell, Bennett, 178

MAYA principle, 183–187

McGowan, Jason, 177, 178

McGrady, Tracy, 172

Medium, for personal brand, 79, 134

Meeker, Mary, 125–126, 131, 134, 137, 141, 142, 195

Memorable, being, 76

Merkel, Angela, 14

Merrifield, Lane, 106

Merton, Robert K., 156

Messi, Lionel, 58

Meta, 64, 138

Michelin, Édouard and André, 73

Michelin Guide, 73

Microsoft, 66, 138

Minaj, Nicki, 23

Minhaj, Hasan, 14, 145–148, 150, 153, 155, 195

Money on the Table (web series), 75

Monitor Deloitte, 110

Morgan Stanley, 125

Moves, 158

Mr. Beast, 4

MSCHF, 159, 160

Murray, Jamal, 172

Musk, Elon, 14, 66, 126

Myer Horowitz Theatre, 13, 163

NBA Slam Dunk Contest (2000), 172

Nelk Boys, 7

Nelson Spooner Productions, 12–13

Netflix, 6, 30, 138, 147, 148, 150

Never Eat Alone (Ferrazzi), 7

Never Split the Difference (Voss), 186

Newsjacking, 75

NFT sales, 57

Nike, 7, 73

Nintendo, 1–4, 10

Nintendo Entertainment System, 3

Notorious B.I.G., 23

NPR’s Morning Edition, 184

Number two people, 71

Obama, Barack, 132

Observation, 117–118

Obvious secrets, 112–114

Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 78

Off-White, 55

Ohaga, Norio, 2

O’Leary, Kevin “Mr. Wonderful,” 106

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 9

“100 True Fans” (Jin), 127–128

“1,000 True Fans” (Kelly), 127, 137, 141

One-to-one connections, 140–142

Origin stories, 177

Otis, Elisha, 183

Overdelivering, 134–137, 160, 161

Paper, development of, 119–120

Paradox of piracy, 79–81

Parks, Rosa, 4

Parrot, Katie, 140

Passion, innovating with your, 16

Passion economy, 127–128

Patel, Beena, 147

The Patriot Act (television program), 145–146, 150

Paul, Logan, 7

Pearl Harbor (film), 23–24

Percival, Rob, 7

Personal brand:

building, 129–131

medium for, 79, 134

Personal interests, tapping into, 133

Personal moats, 74–76

Peterson, Jordan, 78

Philips, 2

Picasso, 55

Pirates, 61–64

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (film), 63

Pitt, Brad, 92

PlayStation, 2, 3, 4, 8

Porters, 183

Potter, Clare, 177

Preparation, for hot streaks, 152–156


combining, with technology and markets, 55–56

keeping old, for comfort, 186

Publishing your content, 79, 162

Puri, Shaan, 160

Questions, asking bolder, 113

Razek, Ed, 69

Red Flag Fleet, 62

Refinery 29, 80

Remixing, 54–56

RenzlerMedia, 175

Replying to comments, 135

Repositioning, 117–118

Researchers, hot streaks for, 156–157

Retiring, 82–83

Rihanna, 64–65, 80

The Ringer, 42

Risk, building tolerance to, 154

Robson, David, 158

Rock, Chris, 183

Rogan, Joe, 78

ROI, 110–112

Romanow, Michele, 105–108

Room for Improvement (mixtape), 16

Rosenberg, 21

Rowling, J. K., 66, 176

Russell Westbrook Trap, 28–30

SaaS Academy, 113

Safety buttons, 186

Salesforce, 176–177

Sarandos, Ted, 148

Saunders, Kiersten and Julien, 75

Savage Fenty, 65

Savage X, 80

Scalability, 134–135

Scheduling, of hot streaks, 159, 161

Schultz, Howard, 115–116, 118

Sears, 107

Shakespeare, William, 14, 141, 170

Shareability, 131–134, 180

Shark Tank (television program), 106

Simmons, Bill, 41–43, 47, 52, 53, 58, 78, 131, 195

Simmons, Russell, 182

Simplicity, 180

SMS messaging, 89

Snapchat, 95

Social media:

building loyalty with, 77–79

and continuing to disrupt yourself, 81

engagement with, 106

investing in advertising on, 107–108, 121

rapid evolution of, 138

Sony, 1–4, 8

Soros, George, 85

Spielberg, Steven, 30

Sports, hot streaks in, 150

Stacking your gifts, 153–154

Stage, sharing, 136

Starbucks, 116, 117–118

Status, 31–33, 136

Stern, Howard, 81–82

Stewart, John, 146, 150

Stories, power of, 175–180


in comedy, 146

in cultural disruption, 175–180

and status, 32

Success, 21–39

being stuck in past successes, 37–38

of Cardi B, 21–23

effects of early, 156–157

and expertise, 26–28

limitations of best practices, 24–25

as pitfall, 23–24

and Russell Westbrook Trap, 28–30

starting at the bottom, 33–37

and status, 31–33

Sweet Fish, 130

Systems, operating within, 8–11

Taj Mahal Hotel, 88, 101

Tata, Jamsetji, 85–88, 101

Tata, Ratan, 102

Tata Group, 87–88

Team strategy, 53

Tebow, Tim, 140


combining, with processes and markets, 55–56

and connections, 127

rapid spread of new, 9

Tenth Man Rule, 92–93

Tesla, 66

Thatcher, Margaret, 4

Thiel, Peter, 110

Third-party recognition, 185

Thompson, Ben, 7

Thorndike, Edward, 72

3% Rule, 54–56

Thutmose II, 167

Thutmose III, 167

TikTok, 95, 108–109, 133

Time, 55

Timing, 148–150

Tolkien, J. R. R., 176

Tragedy, as new starting point, 37, 163

Trends, jumping on, 95

Trump, Donald, 78, 132, 146, 147

Trust, building, 72

Tucker, Chris, 183

Twitch, 89

Twitter, 177

2000 NBA Slam Dunk Contest, 172

Unconventional ideas, 96

Underdogs, 68–72

Unintended consequences, 121

United Fruit, 193–194

Usher, 34

Utah Business, 178


delivering, to audience, 161

delivering, to followers, 72

perceived in marketplace, 118

Van Gogh, Vincent, 152

Van Gogh Museum, 151

Victoria’s Secret, 65, 69, 80

Video games, hot streaks in, 150

Video presentations, 174–175

Villains, 177–179

Vince Carter effect, 172–175

Viral, going, 181

Virtual keynote speaking, 163

Vision, 41–59

creating new, 43–44

direction of change, 47–48

and direction of change, 47–48

Illusion of the Core, 44–47

making small changes, 50–54

and playing hunches, 49–50

of Bill Simmons, 41–43

and 3% Rule, 54–56

waste and innovation, 57–58

widening your, 48–49

Visualization, 160, 161

Visuals, power of, 173

Vogue, 69

Voss, Chris, 186

Vygotsky, Lev, 52

Wahlberg, Mark, 140

Walmart, 50

Wang, Dashun, 151, 155, 158

Wanting (Burgis), 182

Warby Parker, 6

Warhol, Andy, 4

Waste, 57–58

Web 1.0, 138

Web 2.0, 138

Web 3.0, 137–140

“The Web3 Renaissance” (Jin and Parrot), 140

Weezer, 34

Weick, Karl E., 30

Weinberg, Peter, 91

WELP, 159

West, Kanye, 73

Westbrook, Russell, 29, 31

What are we missing? mindset, 93

White House Correspondents’ Dinner, 147–148, 150, 155

Wiggins, Andrew, 172

Wilde, Oscar, 188

Winfrey, Oprah, 14–15, 66

Witherspoon, Reese, 140

The Woman Who Would Be King (Cooney), 175

World War Z (film), 92

Writers, 176

Xscape, 34

Yeezy, 73

YouTube, 133

Zelensky, Volodymyr, 11

Zemurray, Samuel “Sam the Banana Man,” 191–194

Zheng Yi, 62–63

Zuckerman, Harriet, 156

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