This book needed an entire army of Bold Ones to help get it done. First and foremost, I have to thank my wife, Deepa. She is my biggest cheerleader and supporter. Whether it was at dinner, a walk, or a long-car ride, she has heard me stress-test every concept of this book in some form or fashion throughout the years. Deepa has known me since high school. Every single one of my career achievements is because of her encouragement and support.

Can everyone stand up? I want to give a standing ovation to Paul Fair. Paul is one of the greatest writers and storytellers that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. We spent months together over Zoom during the pandemic, fleshing out these ideas. He would take my half-baked stories, brain dumps, and hundreds of pages of YouTube transcriptions and turn them into magic. He would push me and extract every piece of information from my mind, and then he would do it again. I would never have been able to do this book without Paul’s immense talent and dedication to The Bold Ones.

I am grateful to my literary agent, Connor Eck. I can’t say enough great things about Connor. He’s helped me navigate every single part of the publishing process. He has been such an incredible partner and advocate. Most importantly, since we first connected in 2019, he’s believed so strongly in me. Connor is the primary reason this book has come to fruition.

Many people ask me why I chose McGraw Hill as a publisher. I give them a simple answer: Cheryl Segura. It was the best decision I made for this book. She made The Bold Ones a hundred times better than it was after its first draft. She pushed to make the book more tactical, and we moved mountains to make it happen. Cheryl was an absolute joy to work with.

I would not be here without my speaking agency, Speakers’ Spotlight. The founders, Martin and Farah Perelmuter, and the entire team have helped me carry this message of disruption everywhere. We’ve conquered the entire world together, and we haven’t even started!

I can’t tell you how much it means when I get a message from someone telling me how my work has impacted them. To every single person that has read this book, watched a video, sent me a DM on LinkedIn, commented on a TikTok, yelled at me across the street—thank you!

And, finally, to my kids, Dhyan and Maya. You inspire me every single day. I get to see the world again through your eyes.

To me, you are the boldest ones. Don’t forget it.

Love you all. Thank you.

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