A Web Server and Mail Server on the Inside—the NAT Version

Let’s backtrack a little and begin again with the baseline scenario where the sample clients from Chapter 3 get three new neighbors: a mail server, a web server, and a file server. This time around, externally visible addresses are either not available or too expensive, and running several other services on a machine that is primarily a firewall is not desirable. This means we are back to the situation where we do our NAT at the gateway. Fortunately, the redirection mechanisms in PF make it relatively easy to keep servers on the inside of a gateway that performs NAT.

The network specifications are the same as for the example.com setup we just worked through: We need to run a web server that serves up data in cleartext (http) and encrypted (https), and we want a mail server that sends and receives email while letting clients inside and outside the local network use a number of well-known submission and retrieval protocols. In short, we want pretty much the same features as in the setup from the previous section, but with only one routable address.

Of the three servers, only the web server and the mail server need to be visible to the outside world, so we add macros for their IP addresses and services to the Chapter 3 rule set:

webserver = ""
webports = "{ http, https }"
emailserver = ""
email = "{ smtp, pop3, imap, imap3, imaps, pop3s }"

With only one routable address and the servers hidden in NATed address space, we need to set up rules at the gateway that redirect the traffic we want our servers to handle. We could define a set of match rules to set up the redirection, and then address the block or pass question in a separate set of rules later, like this:

match in on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports rdr-to $webserver
match in on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port $email rdr-to $emailserver

pass proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass proto tcp to $emailserver port $email
pass proto tcp from $emailserver to port smtp

This combination of match and pass rules is very close to the way things were done in pre-OpenBSD 4.7 PF versions, and if you are upgrading from a previous version, this is the kind of quick edit that could bridge the syntax gap quickly. But you could also opt to go for the new style, and write this slightly more compact version instead:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports rdr-to $webserver
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $email rdr-to $mailserver
pass on $int_if inet proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass on $int_if inet proto tcp to $mailserver port $email

Note the use of pass rules with rdr-to. This combination of filtering and redirection will help make things easier in a little while, so try this combination for now.

On pre-OpenBSD 4.7 PF, the rule set will be quite similar, except in the way that we handle the redirections.

webserver = ""
webports = "{ http, https }"
emailserver = ""
email = "{ smtp, pop3, imap, imap3, imaps, pop3s }"

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports -> $webserver
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port $email -> $emailserver

pass proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass proto tcp to $emailserver port $email
pass proto tcp from $emailserver to any port smtp

DMZ with NAT

With an all-NAT setup, the pool of available addresses to allocate for a DMZ is likely to be larger than in our previous example, but the same principles apply. When you move the servers off to a physically separate network, you will need to check that your rule set’s macro definitions are sane and adjust the values if necessary.

Just as in the routable addresses case, it might be useful to tighten up your rule set by editing your pass rules so the traffic to and from your servers is allowed to pass on only the interfaces that are actually relevant to the services:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports rdr-to $webserver
pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp from $localnet to $webserver port $webports
pass out on $dmz_if proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $email 
    rdr-to $mailserver
pass in log on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $mailserver port $email
pass out log on $dmz_if proto tcp to $mailserver port smtp
pass in on $dmz_if from $mailserver to port smtp
pass out log on $ext_if proto tcp from $mailserver to port smtp

The version for pre-OpenBSD 4.7 PF differs in some details, with the redirection still in separate rules:

pass in on $ext_if proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $webserver port $webports
pass out on $dmz_if proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass in log on $ext_if proto tcp to $mailserver port smtp
pass in log on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $mailserver port $email
pass out log on $dmz_if proto tcp to $mailserver port smtp
pass in on $dmz_if from $mailserver to port smtp
pass out log on $ext_if proto tcp from $mailserver to port smtp

You could create specific pass rules that reference your local network interface, but if you leave the existing pass rules intact, they will continue to work.

Redirection for Load Balancing

The redirection-based load-balancing rules from the previous example work equally well in a NAT regime, where the public address is the gateway’s external interface and the redirection addresses are in a private range.

Here’s the webpool definition:

table <webpool> persist {,,, }

The main difference between the routable-address case and the NAT version is that is after you have added the webpool definition, you edit the existing pass rule with redirection, which then becomes this:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports rdr-to
 <webpool> round-robin

Or for pre-OpenBSD 4.7 PF versions, use this:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports -> <webpool> round-robin

From that point on, your NATed DMZ behaves much like the one with official, routable addresses.

Back to the Single NATed Network

It may surprise you to hear that there are cases where setting up a small network is more difficult than working with a large one. For example, returning to the situation where the servers are on the same physical network as the clients, the basic NATed configuration works very well—up to a point. In fact, everything works brilliantly as long as all you are interested in is getting traffic from hosts outside your local network to reach your servers.

Here is the full configuration:

ext_if = "re0" # macro for external interface - use tun0 or pppoe0 for PPPoE
int_if = "re1" # macro for internal interface
localnet = $int_if:network
# for ftp-proxy
proxy = ""
icmp_types = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
client_out = "{ ssh, domain, pop3, auth, nntp, http, https, 
                        446, cvspserver, 2628, 5999, 8000, 8080 }"
udp_services = "{ domain, ntp }"
webserver = ""
webports = "{ http, https }"
emailserver = ""
email = "{ smtp, pop3, imap, imap3, imaps, pop3s }"
# NAT: ext_if IP address could be dynamic, hence ($ext_if)
match out on $ext_if from $localnet nat-to ($ext_if)
block all
# for ftp-proxy: Remember to put the following line, uncommented, in your
# /etc/rc.conf.local to enable ftp-proxy:
# ftpproxy_flags=""
anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
pass in quick proto tcp to port ftp rdr-to $proxy port 8021
pass out proto tcp from $proxy to port ftp
pass quick inet proto { tcp, udp } to port $udp_services
pass proto tcp to port $client_out
# allow out the default range for traceroute(8):
# "base+nhops*nqueries-1" (33434+64*3-1)
pass out on $ext_if inet proto udp to port 33433 >< 33626 keep state
# make sure icmp passes unfettered
pass inet proto icmp icmp-type $icmp_types from $localnet
pass inet proto icmp icmp-type $icmp_types to $ext_if
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports rdr-to $webserver
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $email rdr-to $mailserver
pass on $int_if inet proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass on $int_if inet proto tcp to $mailserver port $email

The last four rules here are the ones that interest us the most. If you try to reach the services on the official address from hosts in your own network, you will soon see that the requests for the redirected services from machines in your local network most likely never reach the external interface. This is because all the redirection and translation happens on the external interface. The gateway receives the packets from your local network on the internal interface, with the destination address set to the external interface’s address. The gateway recognizes the address as one of its own and tries to handle the request as if it were directed at a local service; as a consequence, the redirections do not quite work from the inside.

The equivalent part to those last four lines of the preceding rule set for pre-OpenBSD 4.7 systems looks like this:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port  $webports -> $webserver
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp to $ext_if port  $email -> $emailserver

pass proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
pass proto tcp to $emailserver port $email
pass proto tcp from $emailserver to any port smtp

Fortunately, several work-arounds for this particular problem are possible. The problem is common enough that the PF User Guide lists four different solutions to the problem,[27] including moving your servers to a DMZ as described earlier. Since this is a PF book, we will concentrate on a PF-based solution (actually a pretty terrible work-around), which consists of treating the local network as a special case for our redirection and NAT rules.

We need to intercept the network packets originating in the local network and handle those connections correctly, making sure that any return traffic is directed to the communication partner who actually originated the connection. This means that in order for the redirections to work as expected from the local network, we need to add special-case redirection rules that mirror the ones designed to handle requests from the outside. First, here are the pass rules with redirections for OpenBSD 4.7 and newer:

pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $webports rdr-to $webserver
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port $email rdr-to $mailserver
pass in log on $int_if inet proto tcp from $int_if:network to $ext_if 
    port $webports rdr-to $webserver
pass in log on $int_if inet proto tcp from $int_if:network to $ext_if 
    port $email rdr-to $mailserver
match out log on $int_if proto tcp from $int_if:network to $webserver 
    port $webports nat-to $int_if
pass on $int_if inet proto tcp to $webserver port $webports
match out log on $int_if proto tcp from $int_if:network to $mailserver 
    port $email nat-to $int_if
pass on $int_if inet proto tcp to $mailserver port $email

The first two rules are identical to the original ones. The next two intercept the traffic from the local network and the rdr-to actions in both rewrite the destination address, much as the corresponding rules do for the traffic that originates elsewhere. The pass on $int_if rules serve the same purpose as in the earlier version.

The match rules with nat-to are there as a routing work-around. Without them, the webserver and mailserver hosts would route return traffic for the redirected connections directly back to the hosts in the local network, where the traffic would not match any outgoing connection. With the nat-to in place, the servers consider the gateway as the source of the traffic, and will direct return traffic back the same path it came originally. The gateway matches the return traffic to the states created by connections from the clients in the local network, and applies the appropriate actions to return the traffic to the correct clients.

The equivalent rules for pre-OpenBSD 4.7 versions are at first sight a bit more confusing, but the end result is the same.

rdr on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $ext_if port $webports -> $webserver
rdr on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $ext_if port $email -> $emailserver
no nat on $int_if proto tcp from $int_if to $localnet
nat on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $webserver port $webports -> $int_if
nat on $int_if proto tcp from $localnet to $emailserver port $email -> $int_if

This way, we twist the redirections and the address translation logic to do what we need, and we do not need to touch the pass rules at all. (I’ve had the good fortune to witness via email or IRC the reactions of several network admins at the point when the truth about this five-line reconfiguration sank in.)

[27] See the “Redirection and Reflection” section in the PF User Guide (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/rdr.html#reflect).

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