Self-Coaching and Accountability

As with any other kind of self-change, getting organized can be a lonely business. Everyone works better with a little pat on the back from time to time. Feedback and support, whether from ourselves or from others, is an integral part of successful self-change. Make coaching and accountability part of your get-organized program, and it will strengthen and speed the process.

Be Your Own Cheerleader

With self-coaching, you become your own partner on the path to getting organized. By consciously donning a second hat—that of coach—you expand your view beyond the immediate object of the process, such as organizing the kitchen shelves, to include an awareness of how well you are working the process. Adding that level of accountability strengthens the process and makes you more likely to succeed.

Self-coaching is convenient, free, and empowering. As coach, you identify your objectives, create an action plan, and review your actions after you carry them out. Just as a coach would reward a player, you can reward yourself, too, and celebrate forward progress with small incentives. You’ll focus on accountability and feedback, not just on the stacks and piles. It’s a broader, more effective way to reach the organizing goals in your life.

Finding Support from Others

Feedback and support from others can be valuable as you get organized. Supportive friends can understand what you’re going through, help you sort out issues, and cheer you on when you succeed.

Online support groups, 12-step groups such as Clutterers Anonymous, or social networking connections can boost your efforts to get organized. Check out Appendix A for a listing of support groups for getting organized.

Don’t overlook the help offered by consultants and therapists. Professional organizers can teach you to clear your clutter, help you set up systems, and establish routines in record time. A therapist’s help can be especially useful when organizing issues coexist with conditions like attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD) or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These options, while not free, may be a solution to help speed you on your way.

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