

Habits, Routines, and Activity Centers

In This Chapter

  Putting habits to work for you

  Tapping the power of routines to speed daily life

  Creating activity centers to focus spaces

Sit back and bring to mind the most organized person you know. Each of us has one: a friend or neighbor who seems to be free of the chaos and clutter that have us limping along. Whether with home, office, or family life, these lucky souls seem to have it all together, all the time.

What’s their secret? It’s household help, in the form of habits, routines, and activity centers. Chances are, your organized friend relies on a robust set of automated behaviors and organized spaces to support his or her daily activities.

To join them, you’ll want to create new habits, develop timesaving routines, and establish household activity centers to make life flow more smoothly. Working together, these three organizing concepts speed and streamline day-to-day living.

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