
What exactly is the Catechism of the Catholic Church? Is it a rulebook? No. Is it a religious education program? No. Is it a long list of do’s and don’ts? No.

Many people—Catholics and non-Catholics alike—really don’t know what the Catechism is all about. Its subject matter and hefty size can be a little off-putting to the average reader. But it is well worth the time it takes to study the teachings and beliefs it explores and explains.

This book is going to take all the mystery out of the Catechism and leave you with a solid and easy-to-understand knowledge of everything the Catholic Church teaches. By the time you’re done, you’ll have an in-depth appreciation of what it means to be a Catholic.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is divided into five sections. Its structure parallels that of the full Catechism of the Catholic Church in order to make this book most effective.

Part 1, “Decoding the Catechism,” lays the groundwork for studying the Catechism. This is where you’ll get the basic background you need to understand why the Catechism exists, who it’s for, why it’s important, and how to read it. In this part, you’ll also find a little pop quiz to test your knowledge of all things Catholic.

Part 2, “A Profession of Faith,” takes an in-depth look at the Apostles’ Creed, which sums up the beliefs of the Catholic faith in prayer form. We’ll take the creed line by line, exploring some of the most difficult-to-understand beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Part 3, “A Mystery Not Meant to Be Solved,” focuses on the seven sacraments, which were instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church. These sacraments fall into three categories: sacraments of initiation, sacraments of healing, and sacraments of commitment or service. In this part, we will also take an in-depth look at liturgy, which is the central action of the Catholic faith.

Part 4, “Living the Good Life,” looks at how Catholic beliefs are put into action in everyday life. This is where we look at the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament and reflect on how Jesus expanded and transformed them into laws of love. If any part of the Catechism is like a rulebook, this is it.

Part 5, “Turning Toward Heaven,” gets into the practice of prayer answering the questions why do we pray, how do we pray, and where do we pray. This part will give you some pointers on how to have a prayer life and where to go for help. It ends with a line-by-line reflection on the Our Father, the perfect prayer of the Christian faith.

A Little Help on the Side

Throughout each chapter, you will find special messages that provide additional insights or information.


Church Speak

Any words or phrases that might be unfamiliar or hard to understand are defined and explained here.


Teachable Moment

Sometimes we need to take a teaching from the Catechism and put it under the microscope in order to better understand it. These tips will answer some of the most common questions people have about specific Catholic teachings.


You’re Absolved If …

Everyone has some misconceptions about Catholic teaching. This is where you’ll get the real scoop on what Catholics believe about some of the more controversial or misunderstood teachings.


True Confessions

You’d be surprised by some of the things the Catholic Church says and does. These tips will give you an insider’s view of life in the Catholic Church.


I need to start by thanking my friend and colleague Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda, who connected me to this project and set the wheels in motion. Through her I found my agent, Marilyn Allen, whose confidence in me and whose ongoing support have been critical at every stage of this endeavor. I am also grateful to Randy Ladenheim-Gil, executive editor at Alpha; Susan Zingraf, development editor; Megan Douglass, production editor; and Jan Zoya, copy editor, for their encouragement, guidance, and patience. Thanks to everyone at Alpha for working so hard to make this book all that it is.

On the home front, I want to thank my husband and best friend, Dennis, whose knowledge of the Catholic Church and talent as a writer were invaluable to me as I worked on this book. More important, however, was his constant love and his willingness to take on many extra jobs around the house during the months that I was down in the basement or at the local library researching and writing. Our children, Noah, Olivia, and Chiara, also deserve special thanks for being so understanding of my busy schedule and my constant request for “a few more minutes” so I could finish a sentence, a page, a chapter.

Lots of people offered encouragement, prayers, and suggestions along the way, but there are several who deserve a personal thank-you:

Msgr. David Fulton, my theological advisor, has been an absolute treasure. We have never met in person, and yet he threw himself into this work, reviewing chapters in record time, whether he was battling the flu or grading finals or guiding his parish through Holy Week. I am impressed by his brilliance, but even more so by his kindness.

I never would have “found” Msgr. Fulton without the help of my dear friend Msgr. William Benwell, who wrote the foreword to this book. Throughout this project, Bill offered professional and priestly advice, insights, and suggestions, for which I am so grateful, but I am even more thankful for his friendship, encouragement, and sense of humor. I am blessed to have such a friend in my life.

Business colleagues Joyce Duriga and Donna Shelley-Baumler deserve a special note of gratitude for their patience and support. I had to put much of my work for them on hold during this process, and they gladly gave me the time and space I needed to complete this book because they knew how important it was to me.

Finally, I would like to thank my entire family for their unconditional love and for the foundation of faith that they built for me when I was young. This faith that I love, this Church that is not only at the center of my career but at the center of everything I do, began with my family, my mother in particular. There is simply no way I can ever adequately thank them for starting me on this amazing journey toward God.

Special Thanks to the Technical Reviewer

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Catholic Catechism was reviewed by an expert who double-checked the accuracy of what you’ll learn here, to help us ensure that this book gives you everything you need to know about the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Special thanks are extended to Msgr. David I. Fulton.


All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be or are suspected of being trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Alpha Books and Penguin Random House LLC cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.

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