

Life Applications

In This Part

18 T’ai Chi as Therapy for Young and Old

19 T’ai Chi’s Philosophy of Balance and Flow

20 T’ai Chi as Corporate Wellness

21 Do T’ai Chi and Change the World

22 Celebrating World T’ai Chi and QiGong Day

Part 6 demonstrates how T’ai Chi can change your life and our world. T’ai Chi becomes a gateway to looking at life and health in a completely different way. By seeing our world and ourselves in a proactively empowered way, we can literally change the course of our lives and make our world a much better place.

Part 6 details illnesses T’ai Chi can help treat. It also explains how corporations can support their employees’ development of healthy lifestyles while maximizing profits by increasing productivity. You’ll also learn how, in addition to business savings, society may save big on avoided social problems by incorporating T’ai Chi at all levels of society, beginning with elementary public education.

Last but not least, you’ll discover how T’ai Chi and QiGong can help literally change our world by enabling all of us to maximize our ability to be healing forces.

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