Introducing ActiveRecord

The ActiveRecord[50] library was born in the Ruby on Rails framework, but it’s easy to use it from stand-alone Ruby code to talk to any existing database. For example, if we had an accounts table with the following data in it:










then we could query that database table using the following Ruby code:

>> account = Account.find_by_number(2214)
>> puts account.balance
=> 250

Similarly, to add a new row to the table, we could do this:

new_account = Account.create!(:number => 1234, :amount => 0)

We still need to define this Account class, but the clever thing is, we don’t need to define the database columns in the code. Here’s how the class is defined:

class​ Account < ActiveRecord::Base

That’s it! ActiveRecord examines the database schema and sprinkles a little bit of Ruby’s metaprogramming magic to dynamically extend the Account class with attribute accessor methods, each representing a column in the database table. It even creates special class methods like find_by_number for searching for rows by a particular field. All we have to do is inherit from ActiveRecord::Base, and ActiveRecord does the rest.

How does it know which table to look at? ActiveRecord espouses a principle of convention over configuration. This means that the expected name for the database table represented by the Account ActiveRecord class is accounts; if the table were named widgets, we’d call the class Widget. As long as we stick to those conventions, we get a lot of very useful behavior for very little code.

Managing Schema Changes with Migrations

ActiveRecord also provides a mechanism for dealing with changes to your database schema, which is great when you’re developing a database. Each incremental change to the schema is defined in a migration script. Each migration has a unique version number, and ActiveRecord stores these version numbers in a special table (schema_migrations) as they are applied to the database, meaning it can always tell which migrations need to be applied to bring a schema up-to-date. For more about migrations, check the documentation.[51]

Now you have some grounding in ActiveRecord, let’s get our hands dirty and start adding it to our banking system.

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