Cucumber’s Command-Line Options

Let’s start by taking a look at the command-line options. Like most command-line tools, Cucumber provides a --help option. The following is a shortened version of what that would print:

$ ​cucumber --help
-r, --require LIBRARY|DIR Require files before executing the features.
--i18n LANG List keywords for in a particular language.
Run with "--i18n help" to see all languages.
-f, --format FORMAT How to format features (Default: pretty).
-o, --out [FILE|DIR] Write output to a file/directory instead of
-t, --tags TAG_EXPRESSION Only execute the features or scenarios with
tags matching TAG_EXPRESSION.
-n, --name NAME Only execute the feature elements which match
part of the given name.
-e, --exclude PATTERN Don't run feature files or require ruby files
matching PATTERN
-p, --profile PROFILE Pull command line arguments from cucumber.yml.
-P, --no-profile Disables all profile loading to avoid using
the 'default' profile.
-c, --[no-]color Whether or not to use ANSI color in the output.
-d, --dry-run Invokes formatters without executing the steps.
-a, --autoformat DIR Reformats (pretty prints) feature files and
writes them to DIR.
-m, --no-multiline Don't print multiline strings and tables under
-s, --no-source Don't print the file and line of the step
definition with the steps.
-i, --no-snippets Don't print snippets for pending steps.
-q, --quiet Alias for --no-snippets --no-source.
-b, --backtrace Show full backtrace for all errors.
-S, --strict Fail if there are any undefined or pending steps.
-w, --wip Fail if there are any passing scenarios.
-v, --verbose Show the files and features loaded.
-g, --guess Guess best match for Ambiguous steps.
-l, --lines LINES Run given line numbers. Equivalent to FILE:LINE
-x, --expand Expand Scenario Outline Tables in output.
--drb Run features against a DRb server. (i.e. with
the spork gem)
--port PORT Specify DRb port. Ignored without --drb
--version Show version.
-h, --help You're looking at it.

That’s a lot of options, and it may not be obvious when each one of them is useful. Let’s look at some situations when you would use some of them.

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