
Having established the models for parties and party roles and their relationships, this chapter focuses on the products that parties produce and use. Products are defined as goods or services that were, are, or will be sold by the enterprise. Goods are products that are more tangible in nature and generally created in advance for sale. Services are products that involve the use of parties' time and are less tangible in nature. Every organization needs to know a great deal of product information on a regular basis, such as the following issues:

  • How do the enterprise's services or goods compare in quality and price to those of its competitors?
  • What inventory is needed at each location to meet the needs of customers?
  • What are the prices, costs, and profitability for the services or goods that are offered?
  • Where can the enterprise purchase the best services and goods at the best prices?

Just as the party model stores common information about parties independent of their roles, the product model stores common product information regardless of whose products they are. This product model is therefore more flexible, stable, and understandable because product information is modeled only one time, regardless of whether it is the enterprise's products, competitors' products, or suppliers' products. This chapter models information on the following areas of product:

  • Product definition
  • Product category
  • Product identification
  • Product feature
  • Suppliers and manufacturers of products
  • Inventory item storage
  • Product pricing
  • Product costing
  • Product to product associations (alternate model also provided)
  • Product and parts (alternate model also provided)

Product Definition

Just as parties include both internal and external parties, the product model includes products that the enterprise provides, products from suppliers, and products that competitors provide. Some of the information may be independent of the supplier, such as the description, category, and features of the product. Some of the information about the products, such as the availability and pricing of products, may depend on the supplier of the product.

Figure 3.1 shows an entity called PRODUCT that models all products including the products the enterprise sells, products from suppliers, and competitors' products. The model shows that the key is product id, which is an identifier for the product. The attributes of PRODUCT are name, which uniquely describes a product; introduction date, stating when the product was first available to be sold; sales discontinuation date, which documents when the product will not be sold any more by the manufacturer; support discontinuation date, which states when the product will no longer be supported by the manufacturer; and a comment, which documents particular descriptions or notes relating to the product.

Figure 3.1 Product definition.


Products include both tangible goods, which are called GOODs, and non-tangible offerings, which are called SERVICEs. For example, a GOOD may include specific types of pens, furniture, equipment, or anything that can be physically stored. (Even a software program, which is a GOOD, can be physically stored.) The alternate subtype, SERVICE, is for products that involve selling people's time and expertise such as consulting services, legal services, or any other services that provide time and/or expertise. (See Table 3.1.)

Table 3.1 Products

PAP192 Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 inch bond paper Good
PEN202 Goldstein Elite pen Good
DSK401 Jerry's box of 3½-inch diskettes Good
FRMCHFA1500 Preprinted forms for insurance claims Good
CNS109 Office supply inventory management consulting service Service

Product Category

The classification of products is a key aspect of maintaining product information. Products are often classified many ways—by product line, by model, by product grade, by industry segments, and by various other product categories. Often, these classifications are shown as separate entities in the data model. The issue of showing these product categories separately is that other information may be based on any of these categories and should be related to the supertype of PRODUCT CATEGORY to provide more flexibility. For instance, targeting market interest in products may be based on several product categories. Another example is that product pricing may be based on and related to many product categories.

Figure 3.2 illustrates that a PRODUCT may be classified in one or more PRODUCT CATEGORYs to group products together that may be useful for several purposes, such as catalog organization, sales analysis, listings, or other types of product analysis. The PRODUCT CATEGORY can include more that one PRODUCT, and therefore the associative entity, PRODUCT CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION describes which products are in which category. For example, all pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, desk sets, and diskettes are classified into the category of office supplies.

Figure 3.2 Product category.


Product categories may change over time; therefore, the PRODUCT CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION has the attributes from date and thru date, which state when the product was classified into its grouping.

PRODUCT CATEGORYs may be made up of other PRODUCT CATEGORYs and hence the recursive entity PRODUCT CATEGORY ROLLUP that allows each product category to be made up of many other categories as well as a sub-category to be in a different parent category. An example of this is that the product, “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper,” is classified as a paper product, which is a subcategory of the office supplies category and may also be a subcategory of the computer supplies category.

To assist in sales forecasting and prospecting, the entity MARKET INTEREST is included in this model. It is an intersection entity linking information about PARTY TYPE and PRODUCT CATEGORY that allows an enterprise to record the category of products for which particular types of parties may be interested. If the PARTY TYPE includes specific industries or industry segments as types and these have been associated with actual parties, then an enterprise can easily identify organizations within segments of a target industry that may be interested in types of products or services. These organizations could then be the focus of a new sales campaign for those types of products. Because interests change over time, the attributes from date and thru date are also included.

Table 3.2 illustrates examples of product categories. Notice that diskettes are categorized as both office supplies and computer supplies. This categorization may be useful for showing different types of products under various product catalogs. The enterprise needs to be careful when classifying a product into multiple categories, as it can result in misleading results when performing certain queries. For instance, if products were grouped into multiple categories and there was a sales analysis report by category, the total sales amount for the report would be overstated because some product sales would be counted numerous times for each of their categories. The model has a primary flag to indicate which is the primary category for the product to avoid this situation.

Table 3.2 Product Categories


Notice that in Table 3.2 the diskettes are classified in two categories; however, one category is flagged as the primary category to avoid duplication of results when analyzing sales. The enterprise needs to enforce a business rule that only one category for the product may be primary. The last row shows a preprinted claims insurance forms product that falls into two product categories, a forms product and an insurance product. The types of parties that have been identified as possibly having an interest in the insurance category of products are insurance companies, insurance brokers, and health care provider organizations such as doctors' offices, hospitals, and so on.

If the category that is primary varies depending on the application, then instead of the primary flag attribute, another entity would need to be added such as PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION TYPE which would be related to the PRODUCT CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION, to allow for more flexibility. Innstances within this entity could be “primary category for catalogues,” “primary category for sales analysis” and so on.

Product Identification Codes

Goods may have various ids that are used as a standard means of identifying the goods. Figure 3.3 provides a data model to identify the various code or id values that a good may have. A single code may uniquely identify goods and/or services, however, some goods may have more than identification value. The GOOD IDENTIFICATION entity has an attribute of ID value to store the various identification codes that the good may have. The subtypes of GOOD IDENTIFICATION designate the types of ids that may be given to a good. The MANUFACTURER's ID NO is a good id designated by the manufacturer. The SKU (stock-keeping unit) is a standard product id that distinctly identities various products. The subtype UPCA stands for Universal Product Code—American and is a mechanism for identifying products within America. UPCE (Universal Product Code—European) is a mechanism for identifying products in Europe. ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a mechanism to identify specific books throughout the world. A single good may have more than one standard id. For instance, a certain office supply product may have a manufacturer ID number designated by the manufacturer and a UPCA number identified by the industry.

Figure 3.3 Product identification.


Product Features

Products may have features that could also be called characteristics, options, variations, or modifiers, allowing either customization of a product or describing the characteristics of a product. One may think that these should be two separate entities, one to describe the features included in the product and another to record the available options. The issue with having two separate entities is that the same feature may be part of one product and be an option in another product. For example, a “copier paper” product offering may be defined using white paper as a part of the product definition, while another product, “colored stationery,” may have the color “white” as an option. Additionally, the same product variation may be part of the product and later in time be considered an optional feature.

Therefore, the data model will maintain product features that may be required as part of the product, may come standard with a product (meaning that this feature may be deselected), or may be selected as an option for a product. Examples of features include the product quality, brand name (which may be different from the manufacturer), color, size, dimension, style, hardware features, software features, or billing options.

In Figure 3.4, a PRODUCT FEATURE entity is used to define these ways in which the product may be modified or tweaked. Because a PRODUCT FEATURE may be used in many products and each product may have many features, the PRODUCT FEATURE APPLICABILITY maintains which PRODUCTs may be available with which PRODUCT FEATUREs. The PRODUCT FEATURE CATEGORY entity allows for the classification of PRODUCT FEATUREs such as “quality”, “color”, or “size”. The subtypes, STANDARD FEATURE, REQUIRED FEATURE, SELECTABLE FEATURE, and OPTIONAL FEATURE allow the capability to specify if the features come as part of the standard configuration of the product, if the feature is mandatory as part of the product, if the feature needs to be selected (e.g., color), or if the feature is an optional component.

Figure 3.4 Product feature.


The UNIT OF MEASURE entity helps define the product in terms of the type of measurement for the product. It also helps further define the DIMENSION subtype of PRODUCT FEATURE. The UNIT OF MEASURE CONVERSION allows different units of measures to be converted to a common unit in order to assess inventory levels of a type of good.

Product Feature Interaction

The applicability of certain product features may depend on other features that have been selected. For example, if one is buying a laptop computer, the optional feature of selecting an internal DVD may be possible if and only if an internal rewritable CD-ROM has not been selected. The PRODUCT FEATURE INTERACTION entity provides the capability to store which features are incompatible with other features (they will be subtyped SELECTION INTERACTION INCOMPATIBILITY) and which features are dependent on other features being selected (they will be subtyped FEATURE INTERACTION DEPENDENCY).

Product Feature Subtypes

The PRODUCT FEATURE entity may have many subtypes and will invariably be customized for the enterprise, depending on the types of features that are applicable. Subtypes of PRODUCT FEATURE may include the following:

  • PRODUCT QUALITY classifies the product by value such as “grade A” or “grade B.” For service products, such as a consultant, this may represent “expert” or “junior.”
  • COLOR describes the color(s) of the good. A good may have more than one COLOR option, but a different color may also denote that it is a separate good.
  • DIMENSION describes the various numeric descriptions of the good such as “8½-inch width,” “11-inch length,” or “10 pound.” The DIMENSION is related to UNIT OF MEASURE, which has a description attribute that defines how the feature is being measured. The unit of measure may determine how the product can be inventoried and sold, such as by the “box” or “each.” For service products, the unit of measure values may be “hours” or “days.”
  • SIZE specifies how large or small a product is in more general terms than dimension such as “extra large,” “large,” “medium,” or “small.” This feature could be useful in the garment industry.
  • BRAND NAME describes the marketing name tied to the good, such as “Buick” for a General Motors vehicle. Note that the brand name may be different from the manufacturer's name.
  • SOFTWARE FEATURE allows additional software to be added to products or allows certain software settings to be specified for a product. For instance, software dollar limits could be set for products that are based on usage, such as meters. Another example could be the setting of software preferences for a software package or hardware purchase.
  • HARDWARE FEATUREs allow for the specification of certain components that are included or that may be added to a product-for example, a cover for a printer.
  • A BILLING FEATURE is an example of a product feature that specifies the standard types of terms that may be associated with a product, such as recording that an Internet access service may be available with either monthly or quarterly billing.

Product Feature Examples

An example of a sample product with features is a “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 gray bond paper” where Johnson is the brand name, 8½ inches wide and 11 inches long are the dimensions, gray is the color, fine grade is the quality, and bond paper is the product type. In this example, these features would all be maintained as REQUIRED FEATUREs.

This product may be further defined by specifying the particular colors in which the product is available. This is done by associating the available optional features that could be associated with this product. This product may come in two colors, and therefore there is a need to relate two optional product features that could be selected: “blue” and “gray bond paper. These optional features allow pricing to be related at the base product and the ability to specify optional features to a particular product that may or may not affect other information about the product such as pricing. In the example, a customer may order the product with different colors; however, the prices associated with the product need be stored only once, at the product level. Alternatively, pricing may be based on the product features also. (There will be more discussion on product pricing later in this chapter.)

Products may be defined at multiple levels of specificity. For example, an enterprise may want to define a product known as “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper” as well as another product offering that is more specific, such as “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 gray bond paper”. This data model will allow a great deal of flexibility to define required features that help determine the product or as optional features that could be available for the product.

Table 3.3 shows examples of possible products and different types of features. Notice that the product name may describe many of the features of a product so that it may be ordered by name, while the feature allows products to be correctly defined and categorized and allows for customization of the product without necessarily having to store a product for each product variation. The details behind the product are stored in PRODUCT FEATURE APPLICABILITY entity and are shown in this table to clarify the definition of the product.

Table 3.3 Product Features


There are other possible types of features of products, many of which are dependent on the enterprise's type of business. Shoe manufacturers may be interested in styles, clothing organizations characterize products by lines, commodities organizations have varieties, and so on. This model is useful as the baseline model, but the subtypes of the PRODUCT FEATURE may need to be customized for the enterprise.

Unit of Measure

Is a unit of measure another example of a product feature? If the same product may be sold in different units of measure, then perhaps a unit of measure may be another variable or feature of the product. Most organizations will conclude that if the same type of product is sold in different units of measure, then it really is a different product. For instance, a ream of paper is quite different from a piece of paper and would be regarded as a separate product.

The UNIT OF MEASURE entity is therefore not a subtype of PRODUCT FEATURE in this model. This entity allows products to be further defined in terms of the product measurement. It is important for enterprises to be able to determine inventory for products that are identical except for the unit of measure. The associative entity UNIT OF MEASURE CONVERSION provides the capability to use a common unit of measure to calculate how much inventory the enterprise has of a product. The attribute conversion factor in UNIT OF MEASURE CONVERSION is provided for this purpose. For example, there may be several products for Henry #2 pencils that have different units of measure such as “each,” “small box,” and “large box.” In many cases, organizations need to show total inventories, costs, and sales for all of a product regardless of its unit of measure. By defining a common unit of measure, such as “each,” and including a conversion factor (e.g., 12 for “small box” and 24 for “large box”), it is possible to determine the total amount of Henry #2 pencils there are in inventory and how many have been sold.

Another example is process manufacturers that are often dealing with liters, gallons, tons, and other metric conversion factors. It is often necessary to provide a common unit of measure to determine inventory levels. If this type of unit of measure conversion is required, then the UNIT OF MEASURE CONVERSION entity could be used. This would show the many-to-many recursion between different units of measures. The conversion factor attribute is required in the UNIT OF MEASURE CONVERSION entity to provide for a conversion to common units of measure. For example, the conversion factor would be “4” in the relationship between quarts and gallons.

Suppliers and Manufacturers of Products

Figure 3.5 shows which suppliers and manufacturers are associated with each product. Because products may be sold by more than one organization and organizations sell more than one product, the entity SUPPLIER PRODUCT shows which products are offered by which organizations. The available from date and available thru date state when the product is offered by that supplier. This information is important because it provides the capability to find out where and when specific products may be purchased, what products competitors sell, and which products the enterprise sells. Another important consideration for SUPPLIER PRODUCTs is lead time, which indicates the average amount of time it takes for a supplier to deliver the product to the customer location from the time of order. While the actual average lead time can be derived from information stored in orders and shipments (this will be covered in later chapters), the standard lead time is provided because some suppliers quote a standard amount for delivery of each product.

Figure 3.5 Suppliers and manufacturers of products.


Because there may be many suppliers from which the enterprise can order products, the PREFERENCE TYPE entity provides information to track the priority of whom to order from first, second, third, and so on. This priority is the information that would be stored in the description attribute and related back to the SUPPLIER PRODUCT entity. In addition to preferences that rank the preferred SUPPLIER PRODUCTs in order, each SUPPLIER PRODUCT also has a RATING TYPE that is used to rate overall performance for each product.

The REORDER GUIDELINE entity provides information on how to best reorder products. The REORDER GUIDELINE for a product is defined for each GOOD because services do not generally get reordered based on this type of guideline. The attribute of reorder level states the quantity at which the good needs to be reordered or reproduced. The attribute reorder quantity states the recommended amount of the good to order. This may have been derived by analysis to determine the most efficient quantity. This reorder level and quantity may be for goods that the enterprise is buying or for goods that the enterprise is selling because some firms let the vendor monitor the stock levels of inventory and do the appropriate ordering. The reorder guidelines may vary based on whether the product need is for a particular GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY, such as for a certain state, FACILITY, such as for a specific plant, and/or for a particular INTERNAL ORGANIZATION, such as a division.

Table 3.4 provides examples of the suppliers that provide “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper.” Notice that the enterprise, ABC Corporation, sells this product; and if the enterprise does not have this product in stock, there are two other sources for obtaining this product. The pallets are a product that the enterprise needs to purchase for its own use. The table illustrates representative data that would be stored in SUPPLIER PRODUCT.

Table 3.4 Supplier Products


Products may be manufactured by only one organization. Of course, it is possible for an organization to subcontract with another organization to produce a product. The organization that hired the subcontractor is still the manufacturer. For example, a car manufacturer often hires another organization to produce its cars. Because the original car manufacturer is still responsible for the product, it is considered the manufacturer.

Inventory Item Storage

Figure 3.6 shows how inventory items are modeled. While a GOOD represents a cataloged item or a standard product that can be purchased, an INVENTORY ITEM represents the physical occurrence of a good at a location. The GOOD may be “Johnson fine grade, 8½ by 11 bond paper,” while the INVENTORY ITEM is the 100 reams of this good sitting in the central warehouse.

Figure 3.6 Inventory item storage.


The INVENTORY ITEM may be either a SERIALIZED INVENTORY ITEM, which means each item's serial num(ber) is tracked, or a NON-SERIALIZED INVENTORY ITEM, which means a group of items is tracked together and the quantity on hand for these is maintained by their location. The quantity on hand attribute is updated based on incoming and outgoing shipments of this good (shipments will be covered in Chapter 5). The model does not include attributes for ordered quantity expected in or committed quantity going out as this information can be derived from order information (orders will be covered in Chapter 4).

A concept found in some production-oriented industries is that of the LOT. A lot is simply a grouping of items of the same type generally used to track inventory items back to their source; it is often the result of a production run. Another source of lot information may be from the shipment from suppliers, which could determine the lot. This information is very important in the event a recall of items is required.

Inventory items can be separately identified by lots because an INVENTORY ITEM may be made up of one and only one LOT. This implies that there may be more than one inventory item of the same item type at a specific location, if there is more than one lot involved. Lot identification numbers, lot ids, are tracked so that if there is a customer complaint at a later time, it will be possible to identify where the items came from.

The inventory item may be tracked at a facility level, such as a warehouse, or it may be tracked at a more detailed level within a facility such as a container or a bin. The FACILITY entity is related to the INVENTORY ITEM and maintains the physical structure, building, warehouse, plant, or office where inventory items are located. A more detailed location is referred to as a CONTAINER, which resides within a facility. The CONTAINER TYPE entity specifies the type of container such as a “shelf,” “file drawer,” “bin,” “barrel,” “room,” or any other detailed location.

The INVENTORY ITEM STATUS TYPE maintains the current condition of the items, for example, “good,” “being repaired,” “slightly damaged,” “defective,” or “scrap.” If a history of the status of inventory items is needed for serialized items, then the enterprise may need an additional intersection entity of INVENTORY ITEM STATUS with a status date. This entity would be between the INVENTORY ITEM and INVENTORY ITEM STATUS TYPE.

Table 3.5 provides examples of INVENTORY ITEM. ABC Corporation stores most of its office supplies in bins within each facility. The first four rows show how much inventory of various serialized goods is located in various bins within different facilities. Notice that there are two records for “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper”: the inventory of 156 reams (the product record defines the unit of measure in reams) stored at 100 Main Street with ABC Corporation and the inventory of 300 reams stored at 255 Fetch Street with ABC Subsidiary. The last row shows a serialized item of a copier, a large item that may be stored at a facility level, instead of a container within a facility. Therefore, the container type is left blank.

Table 3.5 Inventory Item


The ITEM VARIANCE entity keeps a history of inventory item shrinkage or overages that were noticed during physical inventories or inspections of the item. The physical inventory date specifies the date that the item variance was discovered. The quantity is the difference between quantity of items within INVENTORY ITEM (which is 1 for serialized items and the quantity on hand for non-serialized items) and the physical inventory at the time of the physical inventory date. The information within the INVENTORY ITEM VARIANCE could be used to adjust the INVENTORY ITEM quantities. When this adjustment occurs, the on-hand amount of the INVENTORY ITEM should be reduced if the quantity in ITEM VARIANCE is negative, and it should be increased if the quantity is positive.

The REASON entity provides standard explanations of the variance to the inventory item's on-hand amount. Possible values may be “theft,” “shrinkage,” “unknown variance,” and “ruined goods.” The comment attribute in the INVENTORY ITEM VARIANCE allows additional non-standard explanations. For example, if the enterprise discovered that there was a loss of inventory items due to theft, it can record the date the theft was discovered, the amount of the product that was stolen, and the specific details behind the theft. This serves as an audit trail to account for any changes to the product's on-hand quantity resulting from transactions other than incoming and outgoing shipments.

Product Pricing

Every organization seems to have different mechanisms for pricing its products. There are some common principles behind pricing that are captured in the data model in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7 Standard product pricing.


In most organizations, there are several aspects to pricing a product: the base price for which the organization sells the product, various discounts applied against the base price such as quantity breaks, surcharges such as freight and handling charges, and the manufacturer's suggested price. The PRICE COMPONENT stores these aspects of prices for each supplier's products.

Notice the entity is named PRICE COMPONENT to allow the entity to be reused in other circumstances such as in agreement pricing, which will be covered in Chapter 4.

Pricing Subtypes

This entity is broken down into two non-mutually exclusive sets of subtypes (see explanation in Chapter 1, Non-Mutually Exclusive Sets of Subtypes, describing this notation). One subtyping that occurs is the subtypes of BASE PRICE, which has the starting price for the product, DISCOUNT COMPONENT, which stores valid reductions to the base price, SURCHARGE COMPONENT, which adds on possible charges, and MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED PRICE. Another subtyping that categorizes types of prices is that the PRICE COMPONENT may be a ONE TIME CHARGE (such as for buying a good), a RECURRING CHARGE (an ongoing charge such as a monthly fee for a standard type of service), or a UTILIZATION CHARGE, which is a price component based on billing for usage of a product. The RECURRING CHARGE is based on per TIME FREQUENCY MEASURE (per hour, per day, per month), which is a type of UNIT OF MEASURE. The UTILIZATION CHARGE is based on a UNIT OF MEASURE, such as per a certain quantity of “internet hits” to describe the charge for Web hosting services.

Price Component Attributes and Relationship to Product or Product Feature

The PRICE COMPONENT stores a from date and thru date to indicate the starting and ending dates for which the price component is valid.

The price attribute maintains a dollar amount and a percent attribute that can be used to record discounts or quantity breaks. Each PRICE COMPONENT stores a value in either the price attribute or the percent attribute but not both. The comment allows each price component to be annotated, for example, “special discount provided to increase sales.”

The PRICE COMPONENT entity is related to either the PRODUCT or PRODUCT FEATURE entity or both of them because product features may be priced independently or in conjunction with the price. For example, a product feature of the color blue may be priced with the product Goldstein elite pen. The PRICE COMPONENT may be specified for different ORGANIZATIONs because it is possible for multiple organizations to supply the same product. For instance, it may be important to maintain the various prices for all alternate suppliers of the enterprises product Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper, including, of course, the price that the enterprise charges.

Pricing Factors

Each PRICE COMPONENT may be based on many variables or combinations of these variables. Pricing variables include GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY, PARTY TYPE, PRODUCT CATEGORY, QUANTITY BREAK, ORDER VALUE, and SALE TYPE. These represent common variables for pricing; however, the enterprise needs to determine if these variables are applicable or if there are other pricing variables for the enterprise. The GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY relationship allows pricing to be dependent on geographical regions such as countries, states, cities, or any other geographic boundaries. The PARTY TYPE relationship allows pricing to be dependent on the classifications of the party buying the goods such as special pricing for minority parties or governmental organizations. The PRODUCT CATEGORY relationship allows pricing to be associated with any classifications of products such as by product family, product model, product type, product function, and so on. The QUANTITY BREAK relationship allows special pricing for different quantity levels of purchasing. The ORDER VALUE allows different pricing levels based on total amounts of orders. The SALE TYPE allows different prices based on different methods of selling; for instance, Internet-based sales may have a different price than retail-based sales or catalog-based sales. It is important to provide a very flexible data model because pricing is very likely to change over time within organizations. The optional relationship to these various pricing variables provides for a very flexible design since any combination of these factors may be used to determine a price component.

Each subtype of the PRICE COMPONENT may have values that are based on these pricing factors. For example, the BASE PRICE may be dependent on the type of enterprise that purchases the product, which is why there is an optional relationship to the PARTY TYPE entity. Another example is that there may be a lower price for minority-owned businesses. The base price may be dependent on the geographic area of the delivery, so there is also an optional relationship to the GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY entity. For instance, there may be a higher base product price if the good(s) are delivered to an area outside the enterprise's normal geographic boundaries. The base product price may also be based on quantities of products ordered. The QUANTITY BREAK entity stores various ranges of quantity breaks in the from quantity and thru quantity attributes. The enterprise needs to enforce business rules to determine which base price component takes priority over another component. For instance, there may be a base product price for a minority-owned business and a different base product price for customers in the eastern region. If a buyer fits both criteria, then the enterprise needs to build business rules to determine which price takes precedence.

The DISCOUNT COMPONENT may be dependent on the PARTY TYPE, GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY, QUANTITY BREAK, or certain PRODUCT CATE-GORYs. For instance, there may be a 2 percent standard discount for all organizations with a PARTY TYPE of “minority-owned business.” The enterprise may specify a discount for any delivery to a customer within the same city or GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY as the enterprise because the delivery charges would be less. Another discount may be based on the number of products purchased and therefore be dependent on the QUANTITY BREAK. Perhaps if the customer purchases more than 100 reams of a certain type of paper, there could be either an amount or percentage discount per good. There may also be a discount based on a PRODUCT CATEGORY such as 5 percent off for all paper products during the month of September as part of an advertising campaign. Notice that this discount does not even specify a PRODUCT or PRODUCT FEATURE, which is why both of these have optional relationships to PRICE COMPONENT. Finally, there may be combinations of pricing discounts such as a special on furniture within a certain geographic area. Another example of a pricing combination occurs when a quantity break applies exclusively to a specific party type, such as a minority-owned business.

A SURCHARGE COMPONENT is a PRICE COMPONENT that adds to the base price of the product. Examples of surcharges include freight costs and additional mileage costs. Product price surcharges are generally based on the GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY, such as additional freight charges being assessed based on the distance of the customer from the enterprise's nearest warehouse.

ONE TIME CHARGEs, RECURRING CHARGEs, and UTILIZATION CHARGEs may also be specified for different combinations of the various pricing factors.

International Pricing

Sometimes pricing is specified in different currencies for products that are sold internationally. The relationship to CURRENCY MEASURE allows a PRICE COMPONENT for each CURRENCY MEASURE such as “US dollars,” “yen,” “marks,” and so on. These would be stored in the CURRENCY MEASURE description and used to define each PRODUCT COMPONENT price.

Units of measures are related to other units of measure as shown in the Product Feature model, Figure 3.4, in the UNIT OF MEASURE CONVERSION entity. In this case, the enterprise could store the monetary conversions from currency to currency if the enterprise had the will and means to capture this information.

Example of Product Pricing

Table 3.5 illustrates an example of price components for the product “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper.” In this example, ABC Corporation has established standard base prices for certain geographical regions and for certain volumes of quantity ordered. The first four rows show the standard prices for the eastern and western regions and depend on the quantity being ordered. In addition, ABC Corporation has established a 2 percent discount if the purchasing party is a government agency. There is a 5 percent discount on all paper products (i.e., products with a product category of “paper”) that is applicable in September 2001. The dates for this promotion would actually be entered in the PRICE COMPONENT attributes of from date and thru date. A surcharge of $2.00 is added to the product price for all deliveries to Hawaii.

Table 3.5 Standard Product Pricing


In this model, products may have different price components for each organization, so the same model can be used to store competitors' prices to determine how competitive the enterprise's price is. Notice that the third to last row of Table 3.5 shows the standard price of the product for its competitor, Joe's Stationery. This model can maintain product prices for each product purchased from the enterprise's suppliers.

This model can also store the product prices for product features. Features may have prices that are within context of a product, or they may just have a price independent of the product. The second to last row records that the “cream color” feature for Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper is priced at an additional $1.00. This means that the “cream color” feature could have a different price if applied to another product. The last row shows that the feature “extra glossy finish” has a base price of $2.00 and is independent of the product to which it is applied.

There are many different variations on the way each enterprise prices its products. When it comes to negotiating deals, it is amazing how creative people and organizations can get! Therefore, this pricing model is very flexible and can handle many different pricing scenarios. It is important that the enterprise determine its business rules in order to avoid confusion. For example, does the enterprise have a business rule that certain discounts override other discounts? Does the enterprise allow the sales representative to choose which discount applies if several discounts are applicable? Does the organization include quantity breaks as part of its base price, or does it consider quantity breaks a discount to the base price? These types of questions need to be answered in order to use this model effectively and store the right type of information within the attributes.

Product Costing

It is important for organizations to have good information on product costs in order to ensure that the products are priced profitably. Having appropriate product cost information may also help to determine appropriate commissions, if they are based on profitability.

Some data modelers might have the insight to realize that the actual product costs are in many aspects of a data model and derivable from data in various entities. For instance, purchase orders hold information about the cost of the raw materials. The shipment to the customer will have freight charges, which are a cost component of the product. Time sheets and payroll records hold information about the labor costs involved in the manufacturing or delivery of products. For manufactured goods, the cost of scheduling equipment in production runs is stored in equipment assignment records. Overhead such as rent, office supplies, and other administrative goods can be factored into the product cost as well.

Instead of using actual product costs to figure out the cost of various products, this model uses estimated costs that product analysts will typically enter for each product. The advantage to using estimated costs is that product analysts can predict future trends of how much they think the product will cost instead of simply using historical information. For example, the freight charges might have historically been $1.00 from destination A to destination B. Data on current freight charges may be more appropriate for figuring out the real cost of a product. The enterprise can use the actual product costs combined with its understanding of the marketplace and future trends to enter what it believes will be the best estimate of the costs of selling its products.

Of course, the only product costs that are worthwhile tracking are usually those for the enterprise's own products. Supplier and competitor cost information is usually not available. An exception is that some government organizations need to track the costs of their suppliers' products to ensure that profit margins are not excessive.

Figure 3.8 is a data model for storing estimated product costs. Many cost components figure into the overall costs of a product. Therefore, either a PRODUCT or a PRODUCT FEATURE may be costed by many ESTIMATED COST COMPONENTs. The ESTIMATED PRODUCT COST entity maintains information on each product and its many costs. The COST COMPONENT TYPE entity specifies what type of cost it is. COST COMPONENT TYPEs include ESTIMATED MATERIALS COSTs, ESTIMATED LABOR COSTs, and ESTIMATED OTHER COSTs such as manufacturing costs (i.e., the use of machinery and equipment), shrinkage costs (i.e., theft or perishable good losses), shipping costs, costs in selling the product (i.e., commissions or brokerage charges), and administrative costs of running an office. Additionally, product costs may vary by season or over time, so the attributes from date and thru dates are included to show the time period that the cost is valid.

Figure 3.8 Estimated product cost.


The cost component may vary based on where the costs are incurred and hence the optional relationship to GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY. For instance, manufacturing costs may be less expensive in a plant located in one country versus another country. Delivery costs may be less expensive if the shipment is located in a nearby location versus an overseas shipment. Shrinkage costs due to theft may be higher in certain cities.

The estimated costs may, in some cases, vary by ORGANIZATION. If the organization is tracking and comparing the costs for multiple suppliers, then the enterprise may want to be able to record separate costs for each organization and hence this optional relationship to ORGANIZATION.

Product cost component may vary depending on the type of business. For instance, a distributor may track the cost of buying the goods, shipping and handling charges, selling costs, and administrative overhead. A manufacturer may track the cost of the materials used, labor used to produce the goods, the cost of running manufacturing equipment, selling costs, and administrative overhead. The costs for a service organization generally include the cost of labor, selling costs, and administrative costs.

Table 3.6 shows examples of product cost information that would be stored in ESTIMATED PRODUCT COST. The table shows that while the anticipated purchase cost of the product “Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper” is the same for New York as it is in Idaho, the administrative overhead and freight costs are less if this product is sold in Idaho.

Table 3.6 Estimated Product Costs


Product to Product Associations

Products have many different types of relationships to other products. This section will provide models to handle product componentization, product substitution, product obsolescence, product complement, and product incompatibility. Figure 3.9a illustrates a data model that provides for these common information requirements of products, and Figure 3.9b represents an alternative model for maintaining this type of information.

Figure 3.9a Product to product associations.


Figure 3.9b Product to product associations—alternate model.


Let's first address the need to store what products are made up of other products or product components. Most people view the combining of components into a saleable product as a function limited to manufacturing organizations. Other types of organizations package together components to make a product offering. Some distribution companies assemble kits that include individual goods that could also be sold. For instance, a beauty supply distributor may combine combs, scissors, and makeup into a beauty kit that the customer can purchase. Service organizations often bundle together services that are sold as a single product. For instance, there may be a single price for a software application package that consists of the documentation, the software stored on a CD-ROM, introductory training, and a certain number of hours of initial consulting.

The PRODUCT COMPONENT entity shows which products are made up of other products. A product can be made up of more than one other product; alternatively, a product may be used in several other products. For example, an office desk set may consist of a pen, pencil, calendar, clock, and wood base. Any one of these components may be used in the assembly of another product. Service organizations may also assemble one or more of their services into a product and, alternatively, use the same service in many product offerings.

The PRODUCT COMPONENT has attributes of from date and thru date to signify the time periods that certain product components are made of other product components. This implies that the components of a product may change. At one point in time, an office desk set may include a certain type of pen; at a later time it may include a different type of pen.

Another attribute of PRODUCT COMPONENT is the quantity used. This attribute indicates how many of a certain product are used in the assembly of another product. For example, in some office desk sets two pens may be included in the set. The instruction attribute explains how to assemble the products. If a comprehensive set of instructions is needed, then a new entity named INSTRUCTION should be added and related to the PRODUCT COMPONENT. The comment attribute is used to describe any other note about the assembly of products. Table 3.7 shows an example of a product that is made up of other products.

Table 3.7 Product Components

Office supply kit Johnson fine grade 8½ by 11 bond paper 5
Office supply kit Pennie's 8½ by 11 binders 5
Office supply kit Shwinger black ball point pen 6

Some enterprises need to know the makeup of their products. For instance, some laboratories need to know how their research apparatus is put together. Organizations that repair the equipment they sell need to know how the product is assembled even though they might not have manufactured it themselves.

The PRODUCT SUBSTITUTE entity shows which products may be substituted by other products. A PRODUCT may be substituted by many other PRODUCTs. For example, perhaps a certain pen within an office desk set may be substituted by a few other pens of similar quality. Alternatively, a PRODUCT can also be used as a substitute for many PRODUCTs. Perhaps a specific pen is used as a substitute in many circumstances. The from date and thru date attributes specify the time frames that products may be substituted for each other. The quantity attribute allows a product to be substituted for a certain quantity of another product. For example, Table 3.8 provides an example of a small box of pencils being substituted for 12 individual pencils of the same type. The comment attribute provides additional information regarding the substitution of a product; for example, “try not to substitute with this product if it can be avoided as the product is of a lower quality than the standard product.”

Table 3.8 Substitute Products

Small box of Henry #2 pencils Individual Henry #2 pencil 12
Goldstein Elite pen George's Elite pen

The PRODUCT OBSOLESCENCE entity shows which products are about to be or have already been superseded by other products. There is a many-to-many recursive relationship from the PRODUCT entity to show that a product can be superseded by numerous new products and that a new product may supersede many old products. For example, the next release of a software package may combine several separate pieces of software into a single piece of software or vice versa.

The PRODUCT COMPLEMENT entity provides the capability of showing products that are well suited to function with other products. For example, the product “Jerry's desk blotter refill paper” may be a complementary product to “Jerry's desk blotter” because it could be suggested as a desirable accessory product when buying the desk blotter.

The PRODUCT INCOMPATIBILITY entity provides the capability to maintain which product may not be used with other products. For instance, a “Barry's pen refill” may not be compatible with the product “Goldstein Elite Pen”; it would be good to let customers know this by maintaining this PRODUCT INCOMPATIBLE information and using it at the time of an order. If a great many of the combinations of product lead to product incompatibilities, the model could alternatively have a PRODUCT COMPATIBILITY recursive entity to show which products are compatible with other products.

Figure 3.9b shows an alternate model for maintaining these products associations. Because there are many common attributes and because the relationship structures of these product associations are identical, the former product associations are now supertyped into a PRODUCT ASSOCIATON entity. The PRODUCT ASSOCIATION TYPE entity provides an entity that could store additional types of product associations should the need arise, hence yielding a more flexible data structure.

Products and Parts

How should the data model handle the modeling of parts, raw materials, supplies, and product components? Are office supplies, spare part supplies, or pieces that are part of a product also considered products? In one sense, they must have been attained from somewhere and are a product of some organization. On the other hand, the parts that may be used to repair products or bought for office supplies are substantially different from the mainstream products that are the key offerings for the enterprise.

One method of handling this is to simply subtype the GOOD entity into FINISHED GOOD, RAW MATERIAL, and SUBASSEMBLY, as shown in Figure 3.10a. A FINISHED GOOD is a product that is ready to be shipped, and some work may have been performed to get the product to its current state. A RAW MATERIAL is a component used in making a product in which no work on it has been performed by the enterprise and it is the lowest level component that makes up a product. A RAW MATERIAL may be sold as a good or used in another good. A SUBASSEMBLY good is a product that is in a state of partial completion and is not generally sold to a customer or purchased from a supplier. If the enterprise purchased the subassembly from a supplier, it would be considered a RAW MATERIAL because the enterprise did not perform any additional work on the product.

Figure 3.10a Products and parts.


Another method for data modeling this structure is to consider a PART something separate from a PRODUCT. This really depends on one's perspective as well as the enterprise's needs. If the enterprise buys screws for use in assembling its product, it is buying someone else's product. If one wanted to be more specific and create a separate entity for the individual pieces or parts that make up a product offering, then the model in Figure 3.10b may be better suited. Additionally, if the nature of the enterprise regards parts as a very significant piece of information, for instance, in an assembly line manufacturing enterprise, then it may be appropriate to model the PART entity separately.

Figure 3.10b Product and parts—alternate model.


In Figure 3.10b, the PART entity represents a physical item that exists, as opposed to a PRODUCT that is what is marketed. A PART, and specifically a FINISHED GOOD, may be used to produce one or more PRODUCTs. How can this be? Sometimes, the same physical item can be sold as two different products depending on circumstance of the sale such as to whom the product is sold. A telecommunications company may sell the same finished good, for example, a telephone line, as two products: a residential line or a business line, depending on whether the customer is an individual or a business. Therefore, the PRODUCT represents the marketing offering, which could vary from the actual item, which is the PART.

The PART is subtyped into RAW MATERIAL, SUBASSEMBLY, and FINISHED GOOD, which have the same definitions as stated previously. Instead of using the PRODUCT COMPONENT entity to show how RAW MATERIALS and SUBASSEMBLYs are combined into FINISHED GOODS, the PART BOM (bill of materials) entity maintains which parts are made up of other parts. The PRODUCT COMPONENT entity would now maintain packages of products together. An alternative name for the PRODUCT COMPONENT could be MARKETING PACKAGE because in this model it represents packaging of products and not parts.

The model shows that if PARTs are modeled they need to be related to INVENTORY ITEMs, PRICE COMPONENT, REORDER GUIDELINE, and SUPPLIER PRODUCT. Parts need to be inventoried in addition to products, and this relationship could also be shown as a mutually exclusive arc to either PARTs or PRODUCTs. Parts may be priced using the PRICE COMPONENT relationship, and these may include parts the enterprise is selling or parts the enterprise is buying. Parts may need reordering information as well as information on which party supplies the parts, hence the relationships to REORDER GUIDELINE and SUPPLIER OFFERING (formerly SUPPLIER PRODUCT). If the enterprise manages parts separately from products, then the entity SUPPLIER PRODUCT should be changed to SUPPLIER OFFERING because this entity now represents parties that offer either parts or products.


This chapter has focused on the data model for products, which include both goods and services. Goods are tangible, physical goods whereas services are the selling of professionals' time to accomplish some function. The data models in this chapter incorporate the information needs for the enterprise's own products, suppliers' products, and competitors' products. Product information covered in this chapter includes the definition of products, supplier products and manufacturers, product storage, product pricing, product costing, and product to product association information. Figure 3.11 provides an overview of the product models covered in this chapter.

Figure 3.11 Overall product model.


Please refer to Appendix A for a listing of entities and attributes. SQL scripts to build tables and columns derived from the logical models in this book can be found on the full-blown CD-ROM, which is licensed separately.

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