
This book is the culmination of years of hard work and experience, which leaves many people to thank.

First, I must thank all of my partners at Kohrman Jackson & Krantz and, specifically, our managing partner, Marc Krantz, who knows that there exist many ways for a lawyer to market himself or herself. He never hesitated when I suggested that I author a legal blog or write a book (or two), and for his support I am eternally grateful.

Before attending law school, I worked at a few jobs that were less than glamorous. To all of the people who shared those jobs with me, thank you for unknowingly and unwittingly helping me craft my view of the modern workplace.

Thank you to anyone who has ever published anything I have written, quoted me in an article, hosted me on a show, invited me to speak at an event, re-tweeted one of my 140-character thoughts, or linked to my blog. Without each of you, this book would not have occurred.

I thank the wonderful publishing team at Apress—Robert Hutchinson, Jeff Olson, and Rita Fernando—along with the publisher itself. They made the writing process work smoothly, which was essential as I juggled the authoring of this book with my full-time legal practice. They also patiently put up with my less-than-perfect execution of their SharePoint site as we worked though the editorial process.

Thank you to my parents, who taught me the value of education without ever pushing too hard.

Finally, thank you to my family—Colleen, Norah, and Donovan. You put up with my late-night and early-morning blogging and writing. You sometimes suffer in my absence caused by long workdays, late nights, or out-of-town trips. Yet, if I did not know that you are always standing behind me, none of it would be worth it. Thank you for loving me for who I am and supporting me for what I do.

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