
abundance, principles, 1213

alignment, 45, 6768

ambiguity, 47

annual reminders, 131

asking, bench strength, 129

Authentic Happiness project, 25

autonomy, 45, 6768

belief system

company, 112114

coworkers, 114116

customers, 116118

bench strength, 118119, 127131

branding, marketing and sales, 93

broad user base, off-the-shelf software, 151


driving forces, 108109

established local, 162164

startup, 167169

business development, 66, 144145

buy-in, 108110

buying technology, 156157

capacity to love and be loved, 26

cards and thank you notes, business development, 145

check-ins, talent, 137

commission structure, 113

Common Underlying Proficiency, 7

communication, 35

effective, 56

iceberg effect of, 67, 127128

strategy, 74

company, belief, 112114

company culture

future leadership team, 5657

objection, 5960

pain of performance, 61

relentless, 5556

repetition, 5354

sales metrics, 5759

small vs. big company, 5153

visions of, 7072

control, technology, 149150

conversations, 7980

coworkers, belief, 114116

creativity, ingenuity, and originality, 26

culture. See company culture


language, checking, 118

and realizing the vision, 117118

strategic vision, 116117

Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), 131

customers belief, 116118

customer service, 95. See also vendors and customers

listening for change, 96

online research, 9799

opportunities, 9697

sales follow up, 99

data-driven, 145148

decision making

speed of, 4546

and strategy, 4245

Defy Ventures, 116117

deliberate thinking, 83

development kit, off-the-shelf software, 151

driving forces, 108109

effective communication, 56


attrition, 124

belief in coworkers, 114116

belief in customers, 116118

belief in the company, 112114

bench strength, 130

endorsements, business development, 144

energy levels, 8185

enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, 156157

established local business, 162164

fast decision making, 4345

feedback, 7275

review process, 7375

firm development, 88, 142, 161, 162


elements of, 158159

established local business, 162164

exercise, 2326

focus, 3334

franchise owners, 164166

individual strengths, 132

nonprofit organizations, 166167

optimal performance, 10

results/effort/time, 910, 2728

speed up by slowing down, 1719

startup businesses, 167169

strategy, board with, 2021

strengths, 22, 26

technology, 2829

think like you think they think, 1920

follow up, marketing and sales, 9395

franchise owners, 164166

Frontier Co-op, 133134

future, 48

Google Alert, researching, 97

Google, researching, 9798

human feedback, 7273. See also feedback

humor and playfulness, 26

iceberg effect, 67, 127128

implemention, technology, 157158

improvement, sales, 151154

in and out, technology, 150151

internal vs. external control, 7677

introductions, business development, 145

keep in touch, bench strength, 130131

key opinion leaders (KOL), 110

language, marketing and sales, 93

law firm marketing, 161

Law of Reciprocity, 102

leadership team

future, 5657

responsibility, 68

sales metrics, 5759

size of, 36

vision of, 35

LinkedIn, researching, 9899

listening for change, 96

luck, principles, 1314

managers, 6569

conversations, 7980

millennials and, 131134

strengths training, 78

marketing and sales, 9193. See also sales

branding, 93

follow up, 9395

language, 93

marketing qualified leads (MQL), 9193

market segment, driving force, 108

millennials and managers, 131134

mindset, principles, 1415

mining contacts, business development, 144

Most Valuable Players (MVPs) mindset, 1415

multiplier effect, 9

natural resources, driving force, 108

NBA coaches, 6869

networking events, business development, 144

newsletter list, 131

nonprofit organizations, 166167

non-sales, 84. See also sales

non-sales staff, 8587

effectiveness, perceive, 8990

fixing at once, 9091

focus, 88

planning two steps, 90

practice, 90

starting small, 8788

success stories, 89

objection, 5960

off the rack software, 151

off-the-shelf software, 151

one-to-many communication, 94

one-to-one communication, 94

online content, business development, 144

online research, customer service, 9799

opportunities, customer service, 9697

overcoming resistance, technology, 157

pain of performance, 61

passion, principles, 1112

past, 48

performance, 6869

personnel changes, recruiting process, 124126

pertinent information, talent, 136137


checkups, 47

meetings, 49

recruiting process, 122124

strategy and, 4650

planning team, 48

portable, off-the-shelf software, 151

potential prospects, talent, 136

present, 48


abundance, 1213

luck, 1314

mindset, 1415

passion, 1112

products and services, driving force, 108

profit, driving force, 109

project feedback, 73. See also feedback

receptionists and administrative staff, researching, 98

reciprocity, 102

recruiting process, 121122

bench strength, 127131

millennials and managers, 131134

personnel changes, 124126

planning, 122124

talent, 134138

reflexive thinking, 83

relentless, 5556

repetition, 5354

researching, customer service, 9799

review process, feedback, 7375

sales, 81. See also marketing and sales

activitiy, 8384

cognitive processes, 8283

commission structure, 113

energy levels, 8185

improvement, 151154

non-sales staff, 8587

technology (see technology)

sales channels, driving force, 109

sales follow up, 99

sales metrics, 5759

sales qualified leads (SQL), 9192

S curve of growth, 146147

service providers, business development, 145

sharing company content, business development, 144

size, driving force, 109

small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs)

company culture, visions of, 7072

conversations, 7980

feedback, 7275

FIT, 7576

managers, 6569

new manager vs. experienced coach, 6667

strengths training, 7579

Software as a Service (SaaS), 151

speed up by slowing down, 1719

staff resistance

belief (see belief system)

bench strength, 118119

buy-in, 108110

driving forces, 108109

strengths and soft skills, 111112

startup businesses, 167169

strategic planning, 3337

strategic vision, 35

bench strength, 129

distance, 4041

future to today, 40

gap, bridging, 4142

past/future, 3738

remembering the future, 3839

strategy, 46

decision making and, 4245

and planning, 4650

strategy, board with, 2021

strengths, 26

strengths tests, 22

strengths training, 7579

talent, recruiting process, 134138

technology, 2829. See also tools and technology

buying, 156157

control, 149150

current/upgrade, 154156

FIT, 158159

implemention, 157158

investing, 156158

off the rack software, 151

in and out, 150151

overcoming resistance, 157

text files, 150

text files, technology, 150

think like you think they think, 1920

tools and technology, 142145. See also technology

trade association leadership, business development, 144

trigger, vendors and customers, 102104

vendors and customers, 99100. See also customer service

bench strength, 129130

company name, 101102

individuals, 101

Law of Reciprocity, 102

trigger, 102104

vendors and customers, business development, 145

VIA Survey of Character Strengths, 25, 5859

VIA Test of Character Strengths, 75

vision, 35

visions of company culture, 7072

volunteering, business development, 144

weakest link mindset, 1415

webinar, business development, 145

work-life balance, 65

writing, business development, 144

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