
The more my professional knowledge grew, the more I wanted to put my experience into a book so that I could share my excitement for my work with others. I was equally excited about sharing the writing process with a community of fellow professionals, family members and valued friends. I feel so fortunate that such a rich array of backgrounds and talents have encouraged my determination and furthered the efforts that have resulted in this book.

A special thanks to Anne Dubuisson who was instrumental in helping me form the original concept and offering ideas that have provided substance and shape. Abigail Wilentz's herculean efforts and countless hours of reviewing chapters helped me refine my writing into a more polished manuscript. My appreciation to Regina Ryan, my agent, whose knowledge and persistence took me to the end zone. To the editorial staff at Career Press, please accept my genuine and deeply felt thanks for finalizing this effort with your meaningful and elegant touch. Thank you to Chris Molnar for coaching me through my fears and energizing me to move forward.

My career has been graced and upheld by so many invaluable and supportive colleagues. Gail Glicksman, my former supervisor and mentor from the University of Pennsylvania, deserves deep gratitude for giving wind to my creative energy and for nurturing my skills. Her wisdom and insight turned my job into a truly enriching career. Thanks to all my past colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania and Bryn Mawr College with special appreciation to Pat Rose, Sharon Hardy, and Debbie Becker. When I took on my first career counseling position at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Marilyn Fain Fenster was my champion and boosted my confidence. Great appreciation and a warm embrace to Diane Freedman, my former partner, and Beth Wilson who are both consummate professionals and exemplify the very best in career counseling.

No one gets far in a career in this day and age without a vital and carefully cultivated professional network. Thanks to my colleagues at the National Career Development Association (NCDA), Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association (MACCA), The Association of Career Professionals-Philadelphia, and to many of my LinkedIn connections.

Special thanks to the many clients I have worked with throughout my career. I have learned so much from them and continue to be inspired by their determination and courage.

I am especially grateful to my friends and great supporters Jill Sneider, Tobi Goldstein, and Debbie Fox who I have had the honor and extreme pleasure of knowing since childhood. And thanks to my expansive and wonderful community of friends and family.

And to my husband, John Michel, I owe a special note of love and gratitude for his enduring tolerance and support during the development and writing of the book.

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