accepting a job offer, 143

accomplishment descriptions, 39


examples of 3839

highlighting your signature, 109

identifying personal, 112

LinkedIn and listing, 61

listing three, 1517

professional, 18


identifying your, 1617

resumes and listing, 36, 3839

achievements exercise, 15

acknowledging others, 180

acronyms, understanding your company's, 169170

action, resilience and taking, 216


describing yourself in, 112

resumes and too many, 4546

administrative support staff,

building relationships with, 178179

adversity on the job, highlighting how

you handle, 109110

African cultures and introversion, 6

alumni networks, networking with, 101

American culture and introversion, 6

analysis skills, 31


overcoming natural, 8

public speaking, 205206

role–playing to overcome networking, 101102

understanding, 204205

applicant tracking systems, see ATS

appraising your own performance, 181186

approaches to resume summaries, 4345

approaches, the importance of bringing innovative, 208

artificial intelligence in the workplace, 7

Asian cultures and introversion, 6

aspirations, questions to help identify, 3233

assisting those in need, 215216

audience, blogs and establishing your, 73

automation in the workplace, 7

awards, resumes and listing, 48

balancing your emotions, 178

bargaining with an introvert, 164165

behavioral questions, practice, 127

behavioral questions during an interview, 122124

believing in yourself, the importance of, 148

benefits chart, 146147

benefits packages

and flextime, 151

and position title, 150

and professional development, 151

and time off, 150

benefits to blogging, 7476


investigating options for, 150151

negotiating on your current, 145

biomedical engineers, personal qualities of, 38

blogging, six benefits to, 7476

blogs, 7273

researching an employer's, 117

board of advisors, organizing your own, 201

body language and the mind, 134

boss, building a relationship with your, 175177

branding, resumes and, 4143

building a relationship with your manager, 175177

building rapport at a networking event, 87

building relationships with administrative support staff, 178179

building relationships with your coworkers, 177178

business casual, the definition of, 170171

business etiquette, proper, 170

calculated risks, the importance of taking, 208209

calm, introverts and the ability to remain, 13


background, questions about your, 120121

development, values and your, 19

interests, LinkedIn and indicating your, 64

values and daily tasks, 1718

CBT, networking and, 102103

challenges, self–appraisal and recognizing your, 182

change, adapting to, 207209

change in the workplace, 191

characteristics exercise, personal, 2425

characteristics of introverts, 3

charts on resumes, 50

Cognitive behavioral therapy, see CBT

colleagues, the role of, 172


nonverbal, 129133

watching your, 180181

communication skills, 2728

communicator, being an effective, 108109

community service, resumes and listing, 4849

company reviews, researching an employer's, 117

company website, researching an employer's, 117

compassion, introverts and, 13


packages, 151153

ranges, 149

competence, displaying your, 2633

competition, 19

researching an employer's, 116

computer-sourcing systems, 5152

concentration, introverts and intense, 13, 37

confident, the importance of being, 109

conflict, identifying how you handle, 113

connections, powering up your, 89

connections on Facebook, finding, 61

contact, public, 18

contacts, finding, 100101

contacts on LinkedIn, 6465

coworkers, building relationships with, 177178

creative skills, 28

creative visualization, 103104

creativity, 19

credibility, building, 88

cultivating relationships, 9


differences, introverts and, 67

fit, the importance of, 109

culture, researching an employer's, 116

curiosity, the advantages of, 84

curriculum vitae, 41

customizing your URL, 63

cyberspace, sending your resume into, 5152

daily tasks and career values, 1718

decisions, making, 18

degrees, resumes and listing your, 47

dependable, the importance of being, 109

differences, introverts and cultural, 67

difficult experiences, internalizing, 169

diplomatic interruption, 204

discomfort and accepting a job offer, 143

dress code, being aware of the office, 170171


LinkedIn and listing, 6162

resumes and, 4749

educational institutions, resumes and listing, 47

egotistical, fear of sounding, 14

emails, communication through, 181

emotions, balancing your, 178

empathy, your manager and showing, 175176


researching your future, 108

what you should know about an, 115

employer research, 114118

employers, demonstrating value to, 89

employers and your personality, 2326


an introvert's, 23

focusing positive, 134

entrepreneurial skills, importance of, 8

environment, preferred work, 18

environment and values, 17

establishing your audience on blogs, 73

etiquette, proper business, 170

evaluating results of networking, 90

evaluation, self–appraisal and recognizing your, 183

events, networking, 8390

excitement, 19


achievements, 15

the benefits of physical, 132

expectations, performance 171172

experience, breaking down your, 4344

experiences, internalizing difficult, 169

expert, questions to ask an, 200

experts, identifying and interviewing, 198199

extroversion versus introversion, 2

eye contact during an interview, 129130

Facebook, 6971

FaceTime, networking and, 99100

failures, internalizing, 169

failure of new hires, 174

family, reaching out to, 215

fear and accepting a job offer, 143

fear of self–promotion, 9


balancing your, 167168

overcoming, 132134

financial health, researching an employer's, 116117

financial skills, 28

five-minute conversation, engaging in the, 177178

flexible, the importance of being, 109

flextime, benefits packages and, 151

following up, networking and, 9697

fonts on your resume, 4950

formats, different interview, 139141

formatting issues on resumes, 5152

freezing up during meetings with a manager, 176


networking with, 100

reaching out to, 215

full-day interviews, preparing for, 139

gig economy,

identifying yourself in the, 41

the job market and the, 7

gig workers, 187189

percentage of, 7

giving back, 201

globalization, impact of, 7


identifying your future, 113

social media and setting, 7778

writing down your, 193195

Google, researching an employer on, 118

GPA, resumes and listing your, 47

graphs on resumes, 50

group dynamics, 171


highlighting how you work in, 109

LinkedIn and listing, 62

growth, researching an employer's, 116

hands-off manager, taking charge with a, 176177

Happenstance Learning Theory, 8081

happiness, values and your, 1718

hard skills, 108109

hashtags, Twitter and, 66


resume, 4142

writing a LinkedIn, 5657

headshot, LinkedIn and choosing a, 56

helping others, 18

high performance, demonstrating, 3132

hires, the failure of new, 174

hobbies, identifying your, 113

honors, resumes and listing, 48

hope, resilience and, 216

ideas, identifying your contributions to new, 113

identity, your LinkedIn, 65

in-person interview,

preparing for the, 136139

tips to land the, 135136

independence, 19

information, networking events and exchanging, 8889


demonstrating, 168169

employer research and taking the, 115

taking, 10

the importance of taking, 109

innovative approaches, the importance of, 208

insiders, researching an employer through, 118

insightful questions, the advantage of asking, 84

integrity, 19

intellectual status, 19


identifying your, 113

tapping into your, 195196


difficult experiences, 169

failures, 169

interruption, diplomatic, 204

interviewers, researching the names of your, 119

interviews, 107142

introducing yourself, strategies for, 8586

introspective, resilience and being, 216

introversion, the myth of, 3

jargon, understanding your company's, 169170

job, navigating your first days on the, 168169


descriptions on LinkedIn, 63

history, questions about your, 120121

offer, navigating a, 143166

offers and the issue of money, 144145

postings, LinkedIn and, 55

responsibilities, reviewing your current, 27

search strategy, values and your, 19

key players, meeting, 179180

keywords, resumes and, 36, 4647

keywords and ATS, 52

knowledge, 19

knowledge and networking, 82

leaders, identifying and interviewing, 198199

leadership skills, 29

LinkedIn, 5465

networking through, 101

LinkedIn profile,

freshening up your, 202

profile, reviewing your, 109111


reflective, 164

the advantages of, 910

loneliness, 172173

long-distance networking, 99100


meeting for, 8889

networking during, 200201

lunch interviews, preparing for, 139140

maintaining relationships, 9

majors, resumes and listing your, 47

management skills, 29


building a relationship with your, 175177

showing empathy to your, 175176

taking charge with a hands–off, 176177

the extroverted, 186187

meditation, the benefits of, 132133

meeting, requesting a, 9293


for coffee, 8889

for lunch, 8889

key players, 179180


communication in, 180181

personal, 199

meetings, up-front, 199

mentoring in the workplace, 9

mock video interview, 130131

money, job offers and the issue of, 144145


identifying your, 112

taking action and gaining, 105

multimedia, LinkedIn and listing, 62

Myers Briggs inventory, 2

Myers Briggs personality type definitions, 13

name, choosing a blog, 73

negative personality traits, 2425


for a higher salary, 145

process, preparing for the, 153155

scenarios, 161163

styles, 161163


plan, preparing a, 155156

style mistakes, 162163

negotiations, salary, 147161

neighbors, networking with, 100


advantage, the, 8283

questions, opening, 84

success, six steps to, 91101


acquiring jobs through, 79

evaluating the results of, 90

long-distance 99100

the benefits of, 8183

networking, 200202

and realistic expectations, 90

and volunteering, 90

events and exchanging information, 8889

events, 8390

performance anxiety, 101102

through LinkedIn, 101

with alumni networks, 101

with friends, 100

with neighbors, 100

with professional associations, 100

with relatives, 100

networks, LinkedIn and building, 5455

new hires, the failure of, 174

new initiatives, identifying contributions to, 113

nonverbal communication, assessing your, 129133

onboarding with finesse, 167189

one-to-one network meetings, 9091

online, revealing yourself, 11

opening an account on LinkedIn, 56

opinions, the importance of expressing your, 109

opportunity and networking, 8182

optimism, creating 132134

organization skills, 29


practice questions about the, 127

staying savvy about your, 209

understanding your, 169

pace of speaking during an interview, 137138

panicking at personal questions, 108


anxiety, 101102

expectations, 171172


appraising your own, 181186

demonstrating high, 3132


accomplishments, identifying, 112

branding, resumes and, 36

characteristics exercise, 2425

interests, questions to help identify, 3233

meetings, 199

questions, 108, 112113

style, relying on your, 80

personality, employers and your, 2326


patterns, 2

type definitions, Myers Briggs, 13

type quiz, 34


calls, networking and, 99

interview prep tips, 135

screening, preparing for a, 134135


environment and values, 17

exercise, the benefits of, 132

Pinterest, 7172

position title, benefits package and, 150


attitude, having a, 109

energy, focusing, 134

outlook, adopting a, 215

personality traits, 2425

post traumatic stress disorder, 196

posture during an interview, 129

power posing, 134

practice interview questions, 126129

practitioners, solo, 187189

preparation for interviews, 108109

preparing for the screening interview, 134136

presentations, resumes and listing, 48

pressure, working well under, 108

products, researching an employer's, 115


accomplishments, 18

affiliations, resumes and listing, 48

associations, networking with, 100

development, benefits packages and, 151

profile, creating your Twitter, 6669

promoting yourself, 5378

psychological type, Carl Jung and, 2

public contact, 18

public speaking, 204206

public speaking

anxiety, tips to manage, 205206

engagements, resumes and listing, 48

publications, resumes and listing, 49

purpose, defining your, 1719

qualities employers are looking for, 108109

question and answer sessions, 119120

question categories, interview, 120126


behavioral, 122124

career–value, 18

networking and asking, 9395

opening network, 84

practice interview, 126127

situational, 122124

the advantage of asking insightful, 84

the challenge of personal, 112113

viewpoint, 122124


that reveal your soft skills, 112113

to ask a key player, 179180

to ask an expert, 200

rapport, building, 87

realistic expectations and networking, 90

recharging, the importance of, 210

recommendations, LinkedIn and, 6062

reflective listening, 164

reflective skills, learning how to use, 9


with your manager, building a, 175177

with administrative support staff,178179

with your coworkers, building, 177178


cultivating and maintaining, 9

supportive, 18

relatives, networking with, 100

relaxation techniques, 134


employer, 114118

networking and, 9192

research skills, 31

researching your future employer, 108

resilience, how to build, 214216

resources, self-appraisal and recognizing your, 182


highlighting your current job, 109

reviewing your current job, 27

responsibilities and structure, 18


headline, components of a, 4142

summaries, different approaches to, 4345

summary, 4243

trends, 3637


cyberspace and your, 5152

freshening up your, 202

reviewing your, 109111

uploading your, 51


color on, 50

fonts on a, 4950

formatting issues on, 5152

graphs and charts on, 50

visual presentations of, 4951


and education, 4749

and keywords, 4647

and listing awards, 48

and listing community service, 4849

and listing honors, 48

and listing presentations, 48

and listing professional affiliations, 48

and listing public speaking engagements, 48

and listing publications, 49

and listing special training, 478

and listing technology skills, 478

and listing volunteering, 4849

and listing your GPA, 47

and short-and-sweet descriptions, 4546

and Word templates, 5051

as PDF files, 52

revealing yourself in person and online, 11

reviewing your LinkedIn profile, 109111

reviewing your resume, 109111

reviews, researching an employer's company, 117

rhythm of speaking during an interview, 137138

risks, the importance of taking calculated, 208209

role-play, practice interviews and, 128

role-playing to overcome anxiety, 101102


analysis, performing a, 148149

chart, 146147

negotiations, 145, 147161

ranges, researching, 148

sales, personal qualities and, 37

SAVVY formula, 9598

schedules, 171

SCO, 3941

scope-contribution-outcome, see SCO

screening interview, preparing for the, 134136

second interviews, preparing for, 140141

security, 19

self-appraisal, SCORE and, 182186

self-assessment, 1417

self-assessment information, 3233

self-image, body language and, 134

self-marketing, 207

self-motivated, the importance of being, 109

self-promotion, 10

fear of, 9

senior executives, personal qualities of, 37

services, researching an employer's, 115

short-and-sweet descriptions, resumes and, 36, 4546

short-term goals, writing down your, 193195

situation questions during an interview, 122124

size, researching an employer's, 116

skill set, LinkedIn and listing your, 60

skills employers are looking for, 108109

skills inventory, 2730


hard and soft, 108109

listing your, 1617

Skype, networking and, 99100

social concerns, 18

social interaction, following the rules of, 170174

social media,

promoting yourself on, 5378

researching an employer's, 118

soft skills, 108109

questions that reveal your, 112113

solitude, 18

solo practitioners, 187189

speaking too quickly during an interview, 137138

speaking up, three golden rules for, 203

special training, resumes and listing, 4748

story, how to tell your, 3552

strangers, talking to, 79105


shaping your social media, 7778

starting with a, 3751


identifying your, 113

self-appraisal and recognizing your, 182

stress, identifying how you handle, 112

structure of responsibilities, 18

success, six steps to network, 91101

summaries, LinkedIn, 5859

summary, resume, 4243

support skills, 29

supportive relationships, 18

taking care of yourself, the importance of, 210

taking initiative, the importance of, 109

talents, tapping into your, 195196

teachers, personal qualities of, 37

team-oriented, the importance of being, 109

teams, highlighting how you work in, 109

technical skills, 30

techniques for interviews, practice, 128132

technological advances, impact of, 7


keeping on top of, 209

practice interviews and, 128129

technology skills, resumes and listing, 4748

texts, communication through, 181

thank-you note, sending a, 141

time off, benefits packages and, 150

touch, the importance of keeping in, 201

trends, the importance of identifying, 208

Twitter, 6569

unplugging, the importance of, 210

up-front meetings, 199

up-to-date information, LinkedIn and, 55

value, making sure an employer knows your, 154


and your career development, 19

and your job search strategy, 19

exercise, 1819


listing your, 1617

your definition of, 1718

video interview, preparing for a, 130131, 140

video screening, preparing for a, 136

video, LinkedIn and listing, 6263

viewpoint questions during an interview, 125126

virtual workers, 187189


enhancing, 31

LinkedIn and increased, 54

the importance of, 206207

visual presentation, resumes and, 36

visual presentation of resumes, 4951


creating, 133134

creative, 103104

volatility in the workplace, 191


networking and, 90

resumes and listing, 4849

wardrobe expectations, being aware of, 170171

website, researching an employer's company, 117

Word templates, resumes and, 5051


accomplishments, resumes and listing, 3839

environment and daily tasks, 1718

ethic, having a strong, 108

work-life balance 19


gig, 187189

virtual, 187189

workplace harmony, discovering ways to create, 197


artificial intelligence in the, 7

automation in the, 7

change in the, 191

volatility in the, 191

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