• artists
    • Akers Douglas, Oliver, 103
    • Albala, Mitchell, 9, 12, 22, 41, 50, 51, 64, 68, 71, 82, 90, 106, 116, 118, 130, 131, 132, 133, 144, 158, 165, 167, 172
    • Allain, Tony, 35, 147
    • Balkwill, Ray, 113
    • Baron, Cindy, 67
    • Berry, Hester, 10, 122
    • Bierstadt, Albert, 95
    • Carver, Jill, 112
    • Castagnet, Alvaro, 72
    • Charles, Sue, 14, 34
    • Cone, Bill, 56, 69, 78
    • Cotton, Brent, 100, 119
    • Cramer, Bill, 23, 148
    • Curtis, David, 128, 176
    • English, Kim, 134, 135
    • Gellatly, Scott, 50, 107, 160
    • Gould, Mark, 109
    • Greeley, Dirk, 62
    • Grossmann, David, 18
    • Grossman, Lisa, 169
    • Hanson, Marc, 26, 75, 108
    • Hargreaves, Greg, 60
    • Hassard, Ray, 49
    • Heavner, Obadinah, 118
    • Hobbs, Frank, 13, 36–37
    • Hoffmann, Tom, 17
    • Hook, William, 27
    • Hunter, Charlie, 117
    • Jaenicke, Barbara, 142, 157
    • Laitinen, Dale, 152
    • Lidbetter, David, 1, 45, 66
    • Lord, Carolyn, 29, 104, 105
    • Margulis, Karen, 145
    • Mensing, David, 126
    • Muccillo, Renato, 129
    • Nagy, Tibor, 16, 38
    • Retz, Tad, 58
    • Sandor, Carol, 81
    • Sharpe, Charles, 53
    • Signori, Loriann, 125, 155
    • Simandle, Marilyn, 141
    • Snow Lady, Lisa, 15
    • Strock Wasson, Carol, 123
    • Van Dyck, Peter, 89
    • Vrscak, Bill, 61, 143, 161
    • Watkinson, Brent, 110
    • Wei, Chien Chung, 24
    • Wheaton, Kim Matthews, 46
    • Whisson, Colley, 52, 136


  • color
    • believable color, 108
    • color wheel, 114
    • complementary colors, 120, 162
    • compositional variations, 59
    • direct observation, 104–106
    • informed modification, 104, 107
    • neutral colors, 127–129, 162–163
    • neutralizing complements, 120
    • pigments vs. natural light, 102
    • plein air, 42, 105, 106, 151
    • radiant complements, 120
    • saturation, 124
    • temperatures, 130, 131, 133, 156, 157, 159, 160
    • Tonalism, 124, 129
  • color grouping
  • color palette
    • dry media, 155
    • limited palette, 154
    • mixing strength, 156
    • saturation, 156
    • split primary palette, 159–161
    • targeted palette, 155–158
    • temperatures, 156
    • three-primary palette, 154
    • ultra-limited palette, 154
    • value, 156
    • wet media, 155
  • color strategy
  • composition. See also notan studies.
    • active negative space, 70–73
    • angle and weight variations, 59, 61, 74
    • circular movement, 69
    • color and value variations, 59
    • diagonals, 65, 67
    • direct movement, 68, 74
    • focal point, 63
    • implied movement, 68, 74
    • intervals, 59
    • land, water and sky variations, 62, 74
    • length and height variations, 59
    • linear perspective, 66, 74
    • movement and, 63–69, 74
    • variation in, 58–62, 74


  • depth
    • linear perspective and, 66, 74
    • vertical format, 47–49, 52


  • exercises
    • color groups, 147–151
    • color strategy, 131–133, 134–135
    • format, 53–55
    • limited values, 30–33, 134–135
    • movement, 78–81
    • notan studies, 95–97, 98–99
    • shape, 30-33, 34–37
    • variation, 76–77


  • format
    • compositional elements and, 43, 52
    • containment, 50
    • depth enhancement, 48
    • exercise, 53–55
    • horizontal (landscape), 44–47, 52, 55
    • inward and upward movement, 47–49
    • movement and, 43–49, 52
    • photos and, 52, 53–55
    • square, 50, 51, 52, 55
    • vertical, 45, 47, 52, 54


  • hue interaction
    • analogous harmony, 100, 115, 118, 119, 131, 132
    • complementary colors, 115, 120, 125, 133, 162
    • difference-based interactions, 115
    • light and dark, 117
    • monochromatic, 116
    • neutralizing complements, 120
    • radiant complements, 120
    • similarity-based interactions, 115
    • temperature, 133


  • limited focus, 40–42
    • movement compared to, 63
    • photos and, 42
    • plein air, 42
    • studio, 42


  • movement
    • axes, 65
    • circular movement, 69
    • composition and, 63–69
    • diagonals, 65, 67
    • direct movement, 68, 74
    • exercise, 78–81
    • focal point compared to, 63
    • format and, 43
    • implied movement, 68, 74
    • linear perspective, 66, 74
    • pathways, 63, 68, 69, 74, 78–81


  • negative space
    • activating, 70–73, 75
    • natural setting, 73
    • skies, 71, 72, 75
    • urban setting, 73
  • notan studies. See also composition.
    • 2-value notan, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 96, 99
    • 3-value notan, 87, 88. 93, 97
    • apps for, 93, 94
    • clarity of, 94
    • definition of, 84
    • exercises, 95–97, 98–99
    • focus, 92
    • function of, 84
    • liberal notan, 88, 97
    • lines in, 91, 94
    • observed sources, 98–99
    • process of, 85
    • shapes, 94
    • simplicity of, 92, 94
    • size, 92
    • squinting, 84
    • strict notan, 88, 97
    • tools for, 91
    • value compared to, 86


  • picture window
    • compositional elements and, 43
    • containment with, 50
    • definition of, 40
    • depth enhancement, 48
    • focus, limited, 40–42
    • horizontal (landscape), 44, 45, 46, 47, 52
    • movement and, 43, 44
    • plein air, 42
    • square format, 50, 51, 52
    • studio, 42
    • vertical, 45, 47–49


  • saturated colors
  • shapes
    • 80/20 rule, 25–27
    • detail and, 13
    • exercise, 34–37
    • limited value, 20
    • reductionism, 12–13
    • simplification, 13, 14–17
    • squinting, 19, 28
    • value and, 19–22, 23–24


  • value
    • color strategy, 121–123, 130, 134
    • endpoints, 22
    • exercise, 30–33
    • limited value, 20
    • notan studies compared to, 86
    • relativity of, 19
    • scale, 21–22
    • shape and, 19–22, 23–24
    • squinting and, 19
    • value-priority color strategy, 121, 122, 134–135
    • value zones, 23–24
    • variation and, 59
  • variation
    • aspects of, 58, 59
    • exercise, 76–77
    • land/water-dominant, 62
    • sky dominant, 62
    • variation in, 58–62, 74


  • works
    • Ascension, North Cascades (Mitchell Albala), 41
    • Ascension, Winter (Mitchell Albala), 22
    • Augusta County, VA, Near Staunton, Winter (Frank Hobbs), 13
    • Autumn (Tony Allain), 147
    • Ballard Bridge to Shilshole, Winter (Mitchell Albala), 130
    • Ballard Bridge, Under a Golden Light (Mitchell Albala), 51
    • Bosley Mere (Hester Berry), 10
    • Bridge Over Calm Water, American River (Carolyn Lord), 29
    • Cadence (Lisa Grossman), 169
    • Canyon Fortress (Bill Cramer), 23
    • Cap’n Jim’s Place (Bill Vrscak), 161
    • Cascade Dusk (Mitchell Albala), 116
    • Cascadia (Mitchell Albala), 64
    • The Cottonwood Tree (Mitchell Albala), 106
    • Desert Flora (Scott Gellatly), 160
    • Eclipse Day #1 (Marc Hanson), 108
    • English Rooftops, Staithes, England (Colley Whisson), 136
    • Entering the Narrows (Kim English), 135
    • Evening Trees (Brent Watkinson), 110
    • Excessive Moderation (David Mensing), 126
    • Fading Light (Tibor Nagy), 38
    • Fields in Summer (Sue Charles), 34
    • First Easel (Mitchell Albala), 12
    • Five Five Eighteen (Charlie Hunter), 117
    • Flood of Light (Ray Hassard), 49
    • From Silence to Symphony (Loriann Signori), 155
    • Garnet Pond (Bill Cone), 69
    • Glen, Canyon, Stream: Arcadian (Mark Gould), 109
    • Going Up (William Hook), 27
    • Golden Light of Winter Day’s End (Barbara Jaenicke), 157
    • Iceberg Shore (Bill Cone), 78
    • Instow (Hester Berry), 122
    • Lake in the Sierra Nevada (Albert Bierstadt), 95
    • Landscape Variations (Karen Margulis), 145
    • Last Light (Carol Strock Wasson), 123
    • The Lazy Afternoon (Tibor Nagy), 16
    • Light Covering (Tad Retz), 58
    • Long Day (Tom Hoffmann), 17
    • Looking Up (Bill Cone), 56
    • Moment in the Sun (Bill Cramer), 148
    • Montegabbione, Umbria (Mitchell Albala), 71
    • Montevideo Urban Series (Alvaro Castagnet), 72
    • Monticchiello (Frank Hobbs), 36–37
    • Mormon Row (Marc Hanson), 26
    • Morning, Brewer Lake (David Lidbetter), 45
    • Mostly Sunny, High 76 (Bill Vrscak), 61
    • Mountain in Sunlight (Mitchell Albala), 90
    • New Day (Jill Carver), 112
    • Night Quarry (Dale Laitinen), 152
    • Old Harry Rocks (Oliver Akers Douglas), 103
    • Over the Bridge, Sandwich Kent (David Curtis), 176
    • Palm Garden (Lisa Snow Lady), 15
    • Parking Lot (Peter Van Dyck), 89
    • Pathway to the Canal (Mitchell Albala), 68
    • Peak Study, Orange (Mitchell Albala), 144
    • The Promise of Abundance (Kim Matthews Wheaton), 46
    • A Quiet Frost (Marc Hanson), 75
    • Rain Showers Approaching (Colley Whisson), 52
    • Remembering Spring (Barbara Jaenicke), 142
    • Rooftops 59th Street, After the Rain (Mitchell Albala), 158
    • September Light, Salmon Bay (Mitchell Albala), 167
    • Shantou in the Rain (Chien Chung Wei), 24
    • Shell Beach Opalescence (Carolyn Lord), 105
    • Smoldering (Sue Charles), 14
    • Snow Rivers in Half Light (Mitchell Albala), 172
    • Snowy Ridge, Early Light (Mitchell Albala), 118
    • Spring Light - Beck Hole, North Yorkshire (David Curtis), 128
    • Spring Passage (Cindy Baron), 67
    • Study, Camano Farm (Mitchell Albala), 144
    • Study, Copper Morning (Mitchell Albala), 144
    • Study, Grasser’s Lagoon in Gold (Mitchell Albala), 9
    • Subtle Grandeur (Loriann Signori), 125
    • Sunburst (Tony Allain), 35
    • Sunset Light Over the Grand Canyon (David Grossmann), 18
    • Swan Hotel, England (Marilyn Simandle), 141
    • Toward a Western Light (Mitchell Albala), 165
    • Trickle Down (David Lidbetter), 66
    • Upper Ridge in Snow (Mitchell Albala), 50
    • Valley Fires II (Renato Muccillo), 129
    • Venetian Reflections (Ray Balkwill), 113
    • Walk Through Granada (Kim English), 135
    • Waterside (Scott Gellatly), 107
    • The Way Home, Study in Azure and Orange (Mitchell Albala), 132
    • The Way Home, Study in Grays (Mitchell Albala), 132
    • The Way Home, Study in Orange and Violet (Mitchell Albala), 133
    • The Way Home, Study in Yellow and Phthalo (Mitchell Albala), 131
    • Wetland in Autumn (Scott Gellatly), 107
    • When Days Are Short (Brent Cotton), 119
    • Winter Fields (Greg Hargreaves), 60
    • Winter’s Calm (Brent Cotton), 100
    • Woodland Autumn (Bill Vrscak), 143

David Curtis, Over the Bridge, Sandwich, Kent, oil on panel, 12" × 12" | 30.5 × 30.5 cm

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