
ABC Banners, 240

account executives (advertising agencies), 24

action plans, 18, 273–274

administration (profit and loss matrix), 190

AdMob, Inc., 244

advertising, 258, 268–269

banner, 239–240

in market life cycle, 40

pay-per-click, 238–239

pop-up, 239–240

print, 253–254

research for, 252–253

see also promotion public relations

advertising agency(-ies), 275–283

compensation of, 276–278

evaluations of, 279

letter of agreement with, 279–280

selecting, 23–25, 281–283

termination of, 280

working with, 275–276

advertising plan, 117–138

for magazines, 127, 131

and media plan, 129–136

and media strategy, 126–129

for newspapers, 128, 136

for outdoor ads, 127, 131

for radio, 127–128, 131, 136

for television, 128, 136

AFLAC, 119

Amazon, 238

American Express, 142, 144–145

Anheuser-Busch, 35, 48

Apple, Inc., 12, 67, 93, 110, 163, 242

AT&T, 21, 67, 68

average market selling price (share of market matrix), 186

average number units repeat transaction (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

average number units trial transaction (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

average repeat purchase cycle (repeat purchases matrix), 180, 182

backward vertical integration, 92

banner advertising, 239–240

Barnes & Noble, 140–141

benchmark studies, 112, 250–251

Best Buy, 246

Bing, 10

Bloomingdale’s, 67, 70, 113, 144, 154

Boeing, 93, 119

brand development, 67–71, 219, 265–266

by Girl Scouts, 158

and Internet plan, 243

positioning statements in, 69–71

successful, 12–13, 67, 68

brand managers, 22–23

brand personality, 69–71

breakeven points, 168–169

British Airways, 73, 95

brochures, 144–145


marketing communications, see marketing communications budget

objectives for, 272

Budweiser, 48, 67, 73–75

Burger King, 144

Busch, August, III, 49

business plans, 13–17

Buss, Dale, on Girls Scouts’ branding, 158

buy-back coupons, 141

buying decisions, 58

capital-intensive markets, 44

catalogs, 145

cell phones, 241–244

charity, 157–158

Chrysler, 142

Chubb Insurance, 120, 123

Cisco, 10, 35, 67, 111

Clear Channel Communications, 241

“closure rate,” 146, 148

Coach, 110

Coca-Cola Company, 94, 110

community relations, 160

company development, 219

compensation, of advertising agencies, 276–278

competitive analysis, 109–115

of distribution/customer service, 113

of manufacturing, 110–111

of promotion, 111–112

of quality, 110

of research and development, 115

of retailing, 112–113

of sales force, 114–115

competitive strength, 35–38

content-based websites, 237

contests, 143

Coolidge, Calvin, on sin, 68

Corel, 240

corporate sponsorship, 160


of design engineering, 28, 46

fixed, 49, 163–165, 169, 171

of manufacturing, 28, 46

of marketing, 28, 46

of operations, 28, 46

of research and development, 28, 46

variable, 164–166

Council of American Survey Research Organization, 250

coupons, 140–141

Crayola, 12

creative departments (advertising agencies), 24

creative plan (advertising), 136–137, 252

creative strategy (advertising), 118–126, 258

Cross pens, 69

cumulative aware (trial transactions matrix), 179

cumulative second repeat (repeat purchases matrix), 182

cumulative trial (trial transactions matrix), 180

customer, net profit by, 208–213

customer analysis, 55–66, 257

and advertising, 118

benchmark studies for, 251

and delivery of benefits, 63–65

market segmentation in, 55–59

research and examination in, 61–63

customer perceptions, 159

customer service, 259

competitive analysis of, 113

plans for, 270–271

strategy for, 95

customer service plan, 197–200

and customer service policies, 197–198

internal monitoring in, 198–199

customer service websites, 237

cyclical markets, 49, 50

Days Inn, 74

DCF, see discounted cash flow

Dell, 33, 163

Delta Airlines, 159

depth of line, 110

design engineering, 28, 46

differentiation, 110

direct mail, 145

discounted cash flow (DCF)

calculation of, 79, 84–87, 97–98

and pricing, 88, 91, 169–170, 172, 173

Disney, 95, 197


competitive analysis of, 113

expansion in, 267

strategy for, 95, 265

distribution (trial transactions matrix), 179

DM2PRO, 242

dollar repeat (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

dollar share of market (share of market matrix), 187

dollars total (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

dollars trial (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

DoubleClick, 239, 254

Dow, Roger, on goals for trade shows, 151

DuPont, 11, 69, 92

economies of scale, 36

electronic coupons, 141

eMarketer, 254


costs of, 28, 46

strategy for, 95–96

estimated sales, 219

experience curve, 75–76

calculating, 76–83

savings related to, 97, 98

strategy models for, 87

taking advantage of, 35–36

Facebook, 242, 245

fact book, 2, 3, 17, 260, 264

Family Dollar, 143

FedEx, 68, 95

first repeat (repeat purchases matrix), 182

fixed costs

control of, 49

and pricing, 163–165, 169, 171

Flemming Zulack Williamson Zauderer LLP, 14

Flipboard, 242

focus groups, 250

Ford, 124

forecasting, 203–235

by maximizing high-potential accounts, 215–235

by net profit by customer, 208–213

by net profit by product/service, 213–215

by sales volume by customer, 204–208

forward vertical integration, 92

Foursquare, 242

frequency (advertising), 129

Fresca, 94, 154

Fuller, Steve, on paper catalogs, 145

future sales, 175–196

of new products and services, 192–195

range profit in, 188–190

repeat purchases in, 180–183

share of market in, 186–188

trial transactions in, 176–180, 193

unit and dollar volume in, 183–186

Geico, 136

general and administrative (G&A) expenses, 46

General Motors (GM), 38, 141, 257–258

Geomentum, 125–126

Girl Scouts, 158

GM, see General Motors

Godiva chocolates, 69

Google, 10, 242, 244, 255

Google AdWords, 241

gross margin (profit and loss matrix), 189

Haagen Dazs, 69

Hamm’s Beer, 143

Hanson, Bjorn, on Marriott’s brand, 74

Harris Interactive, 241

Hasselblad cameras, 74

Hawaiian Punch, 68–69

Hewlett-Packard, 33, 163

high marginal income, 167–169

high-potential accounts, maximizing, see maximizing high-potential accounts

Holiday Inn, 144

Hopper, Dennis, 16

Iacocca, Lee, 141–142

Iagnoco, Paul, on eMarketer, 254

IBM, 21, 35, 39, 95, 216, 246


marginal, 166–169

net, 168, 169

in-house activities, 250

Intel, 67

internal marketing, 159–160

Internet plan, 237–247, 259

banner ads in, 239–240

for cell phones and smartphones, 241–244

pay-per-click programs in, 238–239

pop-up advertising in, 239–240

search engine optimization in, 240–241

social media in, 244–247

and types of websites, 237–238

Internet research, 254–255

Internet surveys, 251

Intuit, 120, 122

Ipsos ASI Research, 250, 251, 253

J.C. Penney, 34

Johnson & Johnson, 68

Jones, David, on advertising, 243

Kern, Laura S., 246

Kmart, 34, 160

Kumar, V., 198

Lampert, Edward, 34

learning curve, 36

letters of agreement, with advertising agencies, 279–280

Liu, Ellen, on social media, 246

low marginal income, 167–169

Macy’s, 55

Madison Square Garden, 127

magazine advertising, 127, 131

Magazines Publishers of America, 246

Major League Baseball, 251

Make Your Banners, 240

Mandarin Oriental, The Hotel Group, 15–16


competitive analysis of, 110–111

costs of, 28, 46

and services, 199

strategy for, 95–96

marginal income, 166–169

market analysis, 27–53

of competitive strength, 35–38

market cost structure in, 43–46

of market growth, 33–35

and market life cycle, 28, 38–41

market physical structure in, 47–51

of market size, 31–33

and price sensitivity, 42–43

profit potential in, 27–30


costs of, 28, 46

internal, 159–160

objectives for, 264–265

personnel working in, 21, 264

sales as part of, 192

vice president of, 22

see also specific headings

marketing (profit and loss matrix), 189

marketing communication plans, 267–269

marketing communications budget, 101–108

depth of line worksheet for, 107

importance to customer worksheet for, 105

market growth worksheet for, 104

market share objective worksheet for, 103

new products/services worksheet for, 103

participant market factor worksheet for, 102

plant utilization worksheet for, 104

premium or discounted pricing worksheet for, 106

recap worksheet for, 108

relative quality worksheet for, 106

standard vs. custom products/services worksheet for, 107–108

typical sales transaction amount worksheet for, 105

marketing management, 21–25

and choice of advertising agency, 23–25

departmental coordination in, 21

organizational setup for, 22–23

marketing plan

components of, 3–6, see also specific components

size of, 2, 18

summary of, 263–274

marketing units (MUs), 219–220, 223

market life cycle

and profit potential, 28

stages of, 38–41

market pricing and value matrix, 190–192

market profit potential, 27–30, 51–53, 56


cost structure of, 43–46

cyclical, 49, 50

determining your, 10

discovering new, 10

growth of, 33–35

physical structure of, 47–51

seasonal, 48–50

service, 45

share of, 186–188, 205

size of, 31–33, 251

market segmentation

in customer analysis, 55–59

as factor in market physical structure, 48, 50

market share, 102, 251

Marriott Hotels, 73, 74, 95, 110

Mars, Incorporated, 143

maximizing high-potential accounts, 203, 204, 215–235

by determining number of share points and cost per marketing unit, 220–223

by estimating sales potential and company development, 217–220

examples of, 224–233

McDonald’s, 67, 110, 142, 157, 245

McKinney (advertising agency), 136, 137

Mediabrands, 125

media departments (advertising agencies), 24–25

media plan (advertising), 129–136

media strategy (advertising), 126–129

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 120, 121

Merck, 35

Microsoft, 10, 109, 242

Midwest Express, 197

milestone calendars, 273

Miller Brewing, 48

MillerCoors LLC, 11

Mininni, Ted, on resonant brands, 12–13

mobile phones, 241–244

Montessori schools, 74

MUs (marketing units), 219–220, 223, 247

National Basketball Association, 251

National Football League (NFL), 157

National Hockey League, 251

Neiman Marcus, 67

net income, 168, 169

net present value, 170

net profit

by customer, forecasting by, 208–213

by product/service, forecasting by, 213–215

New Jersey Nets, 127

newly aware (trial transactions matrix), 179

newspaper advertising, 128, 136

news releases, 155

new trial (trial transactions matrix), 179

new triers (repeat purchases matrix), 182

New York Times, 154

NFL (National Football League), 157

Nielsen Company, 241, 245

Nordstrom’s, 197

objectives, 17–19

OfficeMax, 140

Ogilvy North America, 246

Omniture, 254–255

operating profit, 46–47

operations, 28, 46

Oracle Corporation, 11, 93

other costs (profit and loss matrix), 190

outdoor advertising, 127, 131

OXO, 12

P.A. Semi, 93

Panera Bread, 74

participant market factor, 101

pay-per-click (PPC) programs, 238–239

PepsiCo, 11, 93, 244

percent triers repeat continuously (repeat purchases matrix), 182

percent triers repeat once (repeat purchases matrix), 180, 182

percent triers repeat twice (repeat purchases matrix), 182

perk charts, 273

Petersen, J. Andrew, 198

Philip Morris, 48

Pizza Hut, 245

planning process, 9–19

business plan in, 13–17

strategic plan in, 10–13

use of fact book in, 17–18

point of purchase (POP) displays, 142–143

Poise, 16

pop-up advertising, 239–240

positioning statements, 69–71, 265

potential buyers aware (trial transactions matrix), 179

potential buyers trying (trial transactions matrix), 180

PPC (pay-per-click) programs, 238–239

price deals, 139–140

price per unit (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

price sensitivity, 42–43

price/volume relationship, 167–168

pricing, 163–173, 258–259

determining breakeven points for, 168–169

and discounted cash flow, 88, 91, 169–170, 172, 173

and fixed costs, 163–165, 169, 171

as part of sales plan, 190–192

and price/volume relationship, 167–168

strategy for, 87–91, 266

and total marginal income, 166–167

print advertising, 253–254, see also magazine advertising

newspaper advertising

Procter & Gamble, 22–24, 35, 94, 141


forecasting by net profit by, 213–215

new, 192–195

objectives for, 266

perceived value of, 42

plans for, 267

and public relations, 153–157

quality of, 110

strategies for, 266–267

product/service plan, 73–99

customer service and distribution strategy in, 95

and discounted cash flow, 79, 84–87, 97–98

experience curve in, 75–83, 87, 97

manufacturing and engineering strategy in, 95–96

pricing strategy in, 87–91

promotion strategy in, 94–95

sales strategy in, 95

and value added, 92–93


net, 208–215

operating, 46–47

range, 188–190

profit and loss matrix (sales plan), 188–190

profit before taxes (profit and loss matrix), 190

profit potential, market, 27–30, 51–53, 56

projectability, 65

promotion, 269

advantages of, 258

competitive analysis of, 111–112

strategy for, 94–95

with videos, 245

see also advertising sales promotion plan

promotional websites, 237

public relations, 258, 269

public relations plan, 153–161

charity in, 157–158

community relations in, 160

and customer perception, 159

and internal marketing, 159–160

product/service publicity in, 153–157

purchase process, 60–63

purchase rate, 110

Quantcast, 255

Quattro Wireless, 242

radio advertising, 127–128, 131, 136

R&D, see research and development

reach (advertising), 129

Reeves, Rosser, on changing campaigns, 69

regulatory exposure, 49–50

reliability, 65

repeat continuously (repeat purchases matrix), 182

repeat percent of total dollars (unit and dollar volume matrix), 186

repeat purchases matrix (sales plan), 180–183

repeat % total transactions (repeat purchases matrix), 183

research and development (R&D)

competitive analysis of, 115

costs of, 28, 46

and market life cycle, 39–40

markets requiring high levels of, 43–44

research plan, 249–255, 269–270

advertising research in, 252–253

benchmark studies in, 250–251

in-house data for, 250

for Internet campaigns, 254–255

for print campaigns, 249–250, 253–254

retailing, 112–113

return on investment (ROI)

and discounted cash flow, 79

and market cost structure, 44

and market share, 32

Reynolds Metals, 92

Rite Aid, 143

ROI, see return on investment

Roper, 251

Roper Canada, 253

Ross, Eddie, 144


estimated, 219

forecasting by volume of, 204–208

future, see future sales

strategy for, 95

see also pricing

sales (profit and loss matrix), 189

sales closure rate (trial transactions matrix), 179

sales development, common mistakes in, 203

sales force, 114–115, 266

sales management, 271–272

sales plan(s), 163–173, 175–196

determining breakeven points in, 168–169

discounted cash flow in, 169–170, 172, 173

fixed costs in, 163–165, 169, 171

forecasting by maximizing high-potential accounts, 215–233

forecasting by net profit by customer, 208–213

forecasting by net profit by product/service, 213–215

forecasting by sales volume by customer, 204–208

for new products and services, 192–195

price/volume relationship in, 167–168

range profit in, 188–190

repeat purchases in, 180–183

share of market in, 186–188

total marginal income in, 166–167

trial transactions in, 176–180, 193

unit and dollar volume in, 183–186

see also pricing

sales presentations, 148–149

sales promotion plan, 139–152

brochures in, 144–145

coupons in, 140–141

direct mail in, 145

point of purchase displays in, 142–143

price deals in, 139–140

samples in, 141–142

sweepstakes and contests in, 143

trade shows in, 146–151

see also promotion

sales volume by customer, forecasting by, 204–208

samples (promotional), 141–142

Sandburg, Sheryl, on social media, 244

San Francisco Examiner, 11

Santana, Ralph, on social media, 244–245

search engine optimization (SEO), 237, 240–241

search engine results page (SERP), 239

search engines, 10

Sears, 34, 67, 160

seasonal markets, 48–50

second repeat (repeat purchases matrix), 182

segmentation, see market segmentation

selling price, 164–166

SEO (search engine optimization), 237, 240–241

SEOCentro, 241

SERP (search engine results page), 239

service markets, 45


development of, 219

forecasting by net profit by, 213–215

and manufacturing, 199

new, 192–195

objectives for, 266

perceived value of, 42

plans for, 267

and public relations, 153–157

quality of, 110

strategies for, 266–267

share objective, 222

share of market matrix (sales plan), 186–188, 205

share points, 220–223

Simon, Bryant, on success of Starbucks, 62, 63

Six Sigma, 10–11

smartphones, 241–244

social media, 244–247, 247

Staples, 13

Starbucks, 62, 63, 74

Starch Research, 127, 250, 251, 253

Strategic Planning Institute, 32

strategic plans, 10–13

strategic position, 263–264

strategies, 17–18

Sun Microsystems, 11, 93

surveys, 250–251

sweepstakes, 143

Target, 34, 74

target audience, 125

taxes, 170, 171

technology, 267

Ted Bates (advertising agency), 69

television advertising, 128, 136

Texas Instruments, 94

3M, 43–44

timing, 272–273

total marginal income, 166–167

total market in dollars (share of market matrix), 186

total market in units (share of market matrix), 186

total number of potential buyers (trial transactions matrix), 177, 178

total repeats (repeat purchases matrix), 182

total transactions (repeat purchases matrix), 183

total units (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

Toyota, 67, 190

trade associations, 250

trade journals, 250

trade shows, 146–151

transactional websites, 237

trial rate, 110

trial transactions matrix (sales plan), 176–180, 193

Twitter, 242, 246, 247

Unilever, 12

unit and dollar volume matrix (sales plan), 183–186

United Airlines, 120, 124–125

United Technologies, 119

unit share of market (share of market matrix), 187

units repeat (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

units trial (unit and dollar volume matrix), 185

value added, 92–93, 110, 111

variable costs (VCs), 164–166

Verizon Wireless, 237–238

vertical integration, 92

vice president of marketing, 22

video promotions, 245


forecasting by sales, 204–208

and price, 167–168

selling for, 203

Vought Aircraft Industries, 93

Walgreens, 143

Wal-Mart, 34, 74, 75, 95, 113, 157, 159

Web 2.0, 243

websites, 237–238, see also specific sites

WeReward, 243

Wordtracker, 241

Yahoo!, 10, 245

YouTube, 245, 246

Zucker, Sara, on Pepsi’s social media strategy, 244

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