

accessories, 182, 183

Adams, Eddie, 204

Agca, Ali, 234

airplanes, 26–27, 216–217

Allard, Bill, 128

Animal Kingdom, 192–193

animal rentals, 74

aperture priority, 241

Apple, Fiona, 40–41

asking questions, 20

assistants, 222

astronauts, 100–101, 216–217

athletes, 155

attitude, 220

Augusta, Georgia, 6, 16, 31

autofocus, 158, 163

available light, 88, 178


babies, 28–29, 92–93, 198–199, 219

See also children

backlight, 132

bad days, 188

bagging it, 238

ballerinas, 8–9, 42–43

baptism march, 4–5

baseball players, 174–175, 200–201, 222–223

basketball players, 154–155

Beauty and the Beast, 202–203

bed sheets, 80–81

Bennett, Tony, 84–85

Bernstein, Leonard, 164–165

biddybastards, 238

Biggs, Tyrell, 161

bites, 238

black flocking paper, 181

blind girl with horse, 166–167

boat captain/crew, 146–147

body builders, 38–39

Bogen Magic Arm, 238

Bogen Super Clamp, 238

“Bolshoi Ballet” series, x

bounce card, 156

Brown, James, 6–7

bulldog, 74–75

bunny head, 232–233

Bunte magazine, 226


camera bags, 182, 183

camera bodies, 182, 183

camera equipment, 182–183


holding steady, 53

LCD monitor, 68, 98

meters for, 118, 142

remote, 188, 224

candlelight, 108–109

Cape Kennedy, 188–189

Carter, Jimmy, 204–205

Carter, Lillian, 206–207

catching light, 152

centrifuge, 100–101

checking photos, 68

cheerleaders, 60–61


ballerina, 42–43

blind girl with horse, 166–167

McNally girls, 210, 211, 218, 219, 228–229

praying girl, 80–81

schoolgirl, 68–69

See also babies

circus performer, 102–103

clamps, 238, 239

Clarkson, Rich, 234

close-to-home moments, 229

cloudy days, 163

Cloudy white balance, 82, 241

color and light, 166

color gels, 144–145

Colton, Jimmy, 132

comic books, 125

computer accessories, 182, 183

Continuous High option, 163

cosmonaut training center, 100–101, 216–217

crime scenes, 196–197

C-stand, 4, 238

CTO gels, 54, 79, 83, 144, 150

Culpepper, Daunte, 58–59


Daily News, 187, 195, 196, 200, 206, 214

Dalrymple, Bruce, 66–67

Davis, Eric, 222–223

Day in the Life of Hollywood, A, 203

Day in the Life of Ireland, A, 90

daylight, 118

dead people, 196–197

Demczur, Jan, 70–71

Democratic National Convention, 204–205

DeSantis, Larry, 178, 200

diamonds, 76–77

dinosaur head, 136–137

Director of Photography (DOP), 8, 132

Discover magazine, 136, 188

Disney’s Animal Kingdom, 192–193

dispassion, 164

Dodger Stadium, 74

Dominis, John, 141

Donohue, Linda, 126–127

doorway light, 48

double exposures, 104–105

double truck, 2, 20, 203

dragging the shutter, 6, 16

dressing the part, 47

dry ice vapor, 169


early arrival, 138

Eisenstaedt, Alfred, 34, 126

Eisner, Michael, 192

Elinchrom Octabank, 10, 16

Empire State Building, 2–3, 22–23, 236–237


camera, 182–183

lighting, 184–185

Excell, Laurie, iv

extension cords, 239


F-22 Raptor test plane, 26–27

“Faces of Ground Zero” series, x

fashion models, 118–119, 134–135, 195

fatherhood, 218

feathering, 149

Festival of Lights, 88

field of frame, 238–239

fill flash, 8, 172

filters, 67

Fine, Steve, 132

firehouse, 98–99

flag cloth, 42


fill, 8, 172

hot shoe, 31, 40

on-camera, 8

rear curtain, 90

straight, 160

See also light

flash accessories, 182, 183

flash units, 182, 183

flash-and-blur effect, 90–91

floor light, 110–111

fluorescent conversion filters, 67

Fluorescent white balance, 67

flux capacitor, 239

focus cursors, 104

football players, 58–59, 122–123

Forbes magazine, 156

forgiveness, 74

Forman, Milos, 153

freelancing, 190

friends, 94, 118

front curtain, 90

f-stops, 240

full boat, 239

full-power strobe, 36

“Future of Flying” series, x


Garcés, Rich, 10–11

gatefold, 27


color, 144–145

CTO, 54, 79, 83, 144, 150

warming, 150, 179

giant Polaroid camera, 70

glamour light, 56–57

Glenn, John, 224–225

glossary, 238–241

GOBO, 239

golf caddies, 16–17

Golf Championship, 230–231

Golf Digest, 31

gradating light, 12–13

gray card, 60

green flash filters, 67

Grier, Pastor, 30–31

grip equipment, 184, 185

guerilla filmmaking, 62

Gutierrez, Jenny, 12–13


hands, 96–97

happy accidents, 48

Heisler, Greg, 240

helicopters, 24–25, 52–53

Henson, Jim, 18

Herrera, Paloma, 8–9

Hershiser, Orel, 74–75

highlighting the subject, 100

Hines, Gregory, 238

holding steady, 53

Hollywood sign, 24–25

homework, 104

honeycomb spot grid, 22, 28, 102, 132, 136, 144, 174

horse with blind girl, 166–167

hot shoe flash, 31, 40

human interaction, 36

humor, 10


imagination, 180

internal slave eye, 79

involving your subjects, 38–39

Iooss, Walter, 230

Irish wedding, 90–91

Ironman Triathlon, 208–209

ISO number, 241


Jaipur, India, 88

Jennings, Peter, 226

Jim Rose Circus, 102

Joe’s camera bag, 182–183

Joe’s grip and lighting gear, 184–185

Joe’s lighting tips, 177–181

Justin Clamp, 239


Kelby, Scott, iv–v

Kennedy, Tom, 8, 146

Kermit the Frog, 18–19

Kesey, Ken, 120–121

King, Don, 161

Klimuk, Pyotr, 100

Klinger, Georgette, 156–157

Kodak Tri-X film, 196


Las Vegas, Nevada, 126

laser beams, 168–169

laser chamber, 20–21

Lasorda, Tommy, 74

Lastolite panel, 42, 48, 110

Lawrence, Wendy, 100

LCD monitor, 68, 98

learning from others, 230

Leifer, Neil, 163

lenses, 182, 183

shades for, 239–240

wide-angle, 146–147

Life magazine, x, 18, 22, 36, 40, 104, 150, 198, 216


available, 88, 178

bouncing, 156–157

candlelight, 108–109

catching, 152

color and, 166

doorway, 48

floor, 110–111

glamour, 56–57

gradating, 12–13

logic of, 116

partial, 84–85

redirecting, 106–107

ring, 102, 134–135

skirting, 239

soft, 34

strip, 50

warm, 82–83

water, 72–73, 128–129

window, 70–71, 158–159, 164

See also flash

lighting equipment, 184, 185

lighting tips, 177–181

limos, 64–65, 94–95

listening to people, 114

location assessment, 98, 179

locker rooms, 178, 180

Loengard, John, 84, 97, 198

London Observer, 120

Lopez family, 140–141

Lopez-Allegria, Mike, 216

Loren, Sophia, 34–35

Luciano, Ron, 201

Lumiquest 80/20, 40


Macy, William H., 58

Magic Arm, 238

Maisel, Jay, 26, 36, 118

marching band, 114–115

Marsalis, Wynton, 46–47

Martin, Steve, 104–105, 170–171

Martinez, Pedro, 10–11

Maury, Chip, 58

McCourt, Frank, 158–159

McGrady, Tracy, 154–155

McNally, Caitlin, 210, 211, 218, 219, 232

McNally, Claire, 211, 228–229

McNally, Joe, x

Menken, Alan, 202–203

meters, 118, 142

middle gray, 118

mimes, 78–79

mirrors, 156–157, 174–175

models, 118–119, 134–135, 195

Moore, Brad, 191

Morial, Dutch, 47

Moser, Dave, iv

movie grip gear, 239

movie light, 118

moving around, 180

Mr. Lifto, 102–103

Munchkins, 150–151

muppeteers, 18

Murphy’s Law, 238


nannies, 198–199

Napalm Girl, 212–213

NASA, 100–101, 188

Nathans, Jeremy, 144–145

National Gem Collection, 76

National Geographic, 2, 8, 20, 24, 27, 146, 169, 209, 239

National Ignition Facility, 20

Navy SEALS, 172–173

New York Daily News, 187, 195, 196, 200, 206, 214

New York subway, 40–41, 66–67, 196–197

Newman, Arnold, 102

Newsweek magazine, 160, 220, 226

Nicklaus, Jack, 230–231

Nikon cameras, 136, 182, 183

Nikon flashes, 79, 182, 183

north-light studio, 58


Octabank, 10, 16, 42, 84

Olympic athletes, x, 22–23

“Olympic Nude” series, x

on-camera flash, 8

overt ogling, 239

over-under lighting, 56

Oz, Mehmet, 36–37


packing up, 14

Parade magazine, 84

parenting, 218

partial lighting, 84–85

Pauling, Linus, 14–15

People magazine, 141

permits, 54

perseverance, 6

Peterson, Moose, iv

Pfeiffer, Michelle, 76–77

photo editors, 164

Phuc, Kim, 212–213

Piazza, Mike, 112–113

Piniella, Lou, 201

Plaza Hotel, 148–149

pocket wizard, 70

Polaroid camera, 70, 98

Poppo and the GoGo Boys, 54–55

poster signing, 118

power packs, 34

praying child, 80–81

Prospect Park Lake, 78–79

pucker factor, 214

Pulitzer Prize, 212

puppet theater, 142–143


Queensborough Bridge, 94

Questura, 234


rainy days, 162–163

Ramirez, Manny, 10–11

Ranger unit, 16

RAW quality, 241

rear curtain, 90

redirecting light, 106–107

remote cameras, 188, 224

Reynolds, Frank, 226

Richardson, Jim, 150

ring light, 102, 134–135

ripping film, 2, 40

Robards, Jason, 138–139

Robinson, Max, 226

Roca, Johnny, 226

romantic moments, 202–203

Rome, Italy, 226–227, 234–235

Ronnie Coleman, 96–97

rule of thirds, 31

Russian space program, 100–101, 216–217

Ruth, Mike, 122–123

Ryder, Winona, 50–51


safari ride, 192–193

Sand Hill Grill, 16–17

sandbags, 238

Savannah River, 4

Schneider, Al, 188

Scott, Mel, 198

seamless paper, 42

Seinfeld, Jerry, 160

self-involvement, 168–169

self-portrait, 236–237

“Sense of Sight” story, 168

seriousness, 140–141

Shanghai model, 110–111

shiny surfaces, 149

showgirl, 126–127

Sicilian puppet theater, 142–143

Sid Vicious, 138

sight tray, 169

silk cloth, 141, 238

Simmons, Howard, 222

skin tones, 82

skirting the light, 239

small pictures, 8

Smith, Ozzie, 174–175

Smith, W. Eugene, 88

Smithsonian Institute, 76–77

snoots, 28, 169

soft lighting, 34, 158

space shuttle launch, 188–189

Spielberg, Steven, 116

sports figures

baseball players, 174–175, 200–201, 222–223

basketball players, 154–155

football players, 58–59, 122–123

Sports Illustrated, 47, 97, 113, 123, 132, 222

Stanfield, Jim, 156

Stanziola, Phil, 206

Star City, 100–101, 216

stingers, 239

stitches, 239–240

straight flash, 160

striking a balance, 210

strip light, 50

strobe projector, 76

stroboscopic effect, 28

strong eight, 240

stunt actress, 24–25

submarine, 116–117

subway, 40–41, 66–67, 196–197

sunset, 72–73, 128–129

Super Clamp, 238

swimmers, 208–209

synchro sun, 178

Syracuse University, 88, 114


tae kwon do, 140–141

taking chances, 226

tasting the light, 58

terror, 208–209

tic up, 240

Time magazine, 192, 220

Tisch, Larry, 64–65

torpedo room, 116–117

Torre, Frank, 36–37

Torre, Joe, 36–37

Torrie, Keith, 53

touching your subjects, 34

tough questions, 212

trailing motion effect, 28

trash can fire, 62–63

Triathlon, 208–209

TriGrip reflector, 152

tripod alternatives, 128

Tri-X film, 196

Trump, Donald, 94–95, 161

Trump, Ivana, 148–149

Tungsten white balance, 79

turning around, 4

Tyrannosaurus head, 136–137

Tyson, Mike, 161


umbrella approach, 28

underwater shots, 208–209

University of Alabama, 60

unpredictable lighting, 48

U.S. Open Golf Championship, 230–231

USA Today, 123

Ut, Nick, 212


Valley of the Gels, 240

Van der Graaf generator, 124–125

Vatican, 234


Walt Disney World, 229

warm lighting, 82–83, 179

warming gel, 150, 179

water, 72–73, 128–129

weather, 162–163

weddings, 90–91

weightlessness, 216–217

Weinbrecht, Donna, 23

Welbourn, John, 106–107

white balance settings, 67, 79, 83

white light bleed, 125, 240

white silk, 141

white walls, 181

wide-angle lens, 146–147

window light, 70–71, 158–159, 164

wing lights, 97

winging it, 132–133

Wizard of Oz, The, 150

Wojnarowicz, David, 62–63

Wright, Brandan, 132–133


Yeoh, Michelle, 24–25


zero-G plane, 216–217

zeroing out, 241

zoom technique, 32–33

zoos, 192–193

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