Section II: Designing with Text

Graphic design is about text. If there is no text on the page, it’s not graphic design—it’s art. The secret to professional-looking graphic design is knowing how to format that text. Not just choosing a font and making it bold or italic, but knowing how to space the text properly, use tabs and indents, organize information with tables, etc.

And part of working professionally is working efficiently, so in this section you’ll learn how to use style sheets and how to take advantage of the defaults so you don’t waste time changing your formatting constantly.

So although this isn’t the sexiest section, knowing all these things will make the difference between mediocre graphic design and masterful graphic design.

The modern typographer must have the capacity for taking great pains with seemingly unimportant detail. To her, one typographic point must be as important as one inch, and she must harden her heart against the accusation of being too fussy.

Hans Schmoller, typographer, 1916–1985

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